Thanks for the interest, these types of posts do help a bit at this point. Me especially but also probably most of us on the team, don't feel motivated by players who focus on bickering and tear at us and each other. It's just stressful, and there is not nearly enough support internally to keep up a productive momentum on a tough project like A2.
A1 had people offering public runs of content, it had youtube videos, more sharing of info and theorizing and excitement that did not purely revolve around "utilitarian" meta/balance etc, and overall things seemed warmer even when there were bugs and and tweaks needed. Unfortunately, at this point the team itself is also very short staffed in terms of people who have the technical ability, the willingness to use it, and the time in which to do so.
The best thing to do now is to try to use this as a turning point in favor of more healthy conversation overall, and maybe someday I can go find out where Khiara landed and open that place up to all of you. It probably seems like an uphill battle but every little bit counts. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. Sorry about the grinch freezes.

I'd fix it if I had any clue what causes it, and that also goes for many other things.