Posted at 12-31-17, 05:18 am Link | #
Red Lion

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Joined: 03-22-17
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Adding my two cents in; my thoughts regarding rampant "toxicity".
You can report as many people as you want over everything that offends you, anything you consider Toxic or offensive. What's offensive to one person is different to what's offensive to another, so when given enough people, you're bound to find someone toxic, at least through the eyes of another.
Report them all you want, if it's a legitimate issue, and the GMs are usually quick to respond. Maybe that person gets dealt with quickly, and they can Reform and learn from their mistakes.

How long is it though, until someone else comes around and offends you, or is toxic? When eventually they quit, over whatever reason they have, how long until someone else comes around to get offended by the same things left behind, or new things that haven't been cracked down upon?
The Internet is a very fast form of connection that allows people from all around the world, with all sorts of differing viewpoints, opinions, lifestyles, etc., to connect together. You can't stop someone from getting offended.
Report as many people as you want, for what you consider toxic, to make room for the next little thing to offend you. The first and easiest way to stop being offended, is with yourself.
Use your blacklist, understand that sarcasm is difficult to convey through text and that people don't always mean what they say, and if it really is an issue, talk to the person first and then report them if it doesn't go well.

I don't want to be dropping the forbidden B word on people, or to insult anyone with my post, but it's extremely hard to differentiate between legitimate cases of abuse, and people who are unfortunately a little oversensitive on a video game. There are plenty of practices already in place to handle harassment, and plenty of people who properly use them. Making a scene over every little thing that goes wrong is a pretty big waste of time that only serves to cause drama, increase hostility between groups of players, and wastes GMs' time with tickets that could easily be resolved with a simple blacklist.
Posted at 01-19-18, 01:35 am Link | #
Red Lion

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Don't forget the power of Mana Shield, which in this version does stack with defense and protection. You can potentially reduce incoming damage by 60% or more, redirect it into a much larger pool of MP which can't take injury, and watch the damage get reduced to laughable amounts with your existing defense and protection. Only 140 AP and enough to get 300 int (ez pz), and you can have the strongest tanking tool in the game. Not that tanking is more viable than just killing the enemies before they hit you.
Posted at 01-19-18, 01:59 am Link | #
Red Lion

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Joined: 03-22-17
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For as long as I had used it on Live Mabi up until Enlightenment, it took defense and protection into account. They removed that capability once they tied defense into strength, and buffed light & heavy armour + shields, to prevent mad defensive power creep when stacked with how blatantly OP mana shield was already.

"Mana Shield efficiency formula has been revised and now no longer takes the player's Defense, Magic Defense, Protection, and Magic Protection into account during damage calculation." - Mabinogi Wiki on The Enlightenment

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