post rev. 1 by Mihoshika on 05-03-17, 01:28 pm
Posted at 05-03-17, 08:06 am Link | #

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Are the last few composing books available in-game, and if not, will they be added anytime in the future? While I won't be close to getting them anytime soon, I'm quite fond of Mabi's music system, and more characters on scores would be nice.

Addendum: Will the instruments that came w/ commerce be added either?
Posted at 05-04-17, 12:38 pm Link | #

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If you're using windows 10, skipping cutscenes can freeze your game for a bit. There's a fix in the FAQ (
post rev. 1 by Mihoshika on 05-04-17, 12:45 pm
Posted at 05-04-17, 12:42 pm Link | #

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... Hullo. I am me. No more introductions needed... Let's see... I likez musix, which means I likez Mabinogi. Only game that that has a (really) good music system. A bit sad there's none of the instruments from commerce in here... Yet... (Here's to hoping, eh?)

Trying to break my habit of being anti-social... Not really helping that the server is (relatively) empty. Still, met some beautiful peoplez in-game. Yay for the power of internet~ Luna is best pony\

Oh, and I came to this server because the other one is too pay-to-win, and ain't nobody got time for that. The idea of being able to get pets from simply playing... Granted, the selection is a bit sparse at the moment... However, not really any room to complain. Server has a lovely community, from what I've seen so far, and an even better staff.
Posted at 05-05-17, 01:36 pm Link | #

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Out of curiosity, where does this voting take place...?
Posted at 05-06-17, 12:18 am Link | #

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This may just be me... But free style tab would be nice.
Posted at 05-06-17, 01:43 am Link | #

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Where there is a will, there is a way.
Posted at 05-06-17, 12:43 pm Link | #

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A person can still hope T_T
post rev. 1 by Mihoshika on 05-11-17, 12:05 am
Posted at 05-10-17, 04:36 pm Link | #

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Production Failure Potion x3
Tailoring Manual - Licori's Owl Robe
Tailoring Manual - Nakulu's Dragon Design Mage Robe (F)
Tailoring Manual - Nakulu's Dragon Design Mage Robe (M)
Posted at 05-15-17, 07:29 pm Link | #

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Until this sorta thing is done, could you lower/remove the dropchance? They are absolutely useless as of now.
Posted at 05-15-17, 09:50 pm Link | #

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I agree with everything here. Also would be nice to have bard skills, but I doubt those will be added anytime soon (if at all).
Posted at 05-15-17, 10:02 pm Link | #

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I'm rather unfond of having a weapon with durability so low, I can't run a dungeon with it, that I have raised to artisan, as well as upgrades and such. Either a way to prevent failures from being an issue, or a way to raise max durability would be nice. They shouldn't upset the economy too much, I think, if you have them at an appropriate price

Though, I'm not entirely sure how the potions work. Do they disappear after a successful repair? How long does the effect last if a failed repair doesn't happen? Do they last indefinitely until a repair fails...? The NA wiki is rather unclear on this... Probably because they are a one-time event item in live mabi.

Anyways, thoughts? Ideas?
Posted at 05-23-17, 12:28 am Link | #

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So... I was directly by a lovely staff member to create a forum post regarding what outfits I want to be imported from Live Mabi... To be honest there's only one: The Shamaness Outfit.

However, since that seems a bit pathetic for the content of a whole post, let me pose this question to the community: What clothing would YOU like to be imported into MabiPro. Leave a reply with your preferences~
Posted at 05-24-17, 12:19 am Link | #

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Bump. Get more translators!
Posted at 05-27-17, 04:42 pm Link | #

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Rats are a delicacy. It's quite difficult to obtain the flesh, since they disappear into a puff of smoke when you kill them.
Posted at 05-28-17, 12:49 am Link | #

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Well, Gnus are bovines...
Posted at 05-29-17, 07:17 pm Link | #

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I think you'll find it rare that people complain about WM.
Posted at 06-04-17, 12:53 pm Link | #

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... If you need item images, just use
Posted at 06-04-17, 12:58 pm Link | #

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I was under the impression that those types of passes are used to enter a specific type of dungeon, that is different from the ones without restrictions.
Posted at 08-06-17, 11:45 am Link | #

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Erm... If you look at the second thread in the Help and Suggestions topic...
Posted at 01-20-18, 02:18 pm Link | #

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As said by others, 10 cells of inventory isn't a particularly big deal. I usually have a bag filled with scores that I hardly ever use, and I don't have issues w/ inv space. Of course, I've got a bunch of mimics x_X

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