Posted at 05-12-17, 09:16 am Link | #
Dani Shyland

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I was thinking on ways to restore mana as it's the hardest to restore in the game, then a thought came to my mind. How about having mana restored either by a small fixed-rate when hitting an enemy with a wand or a small percentage of the damage dealt when using close combat with said wand? It would help blazers who need to get up, close, and personal, anyway, and help regular mages who need some mana but either don't have the pots to waste or forgot to bring some. As it would probably only restore a very small amount of mp, advance magics would be unaffected and would still require their fair amount of pot usage to use consistently. Thinking more on it, the amount of stamina during close combat with a wand could transfer into mp. If you want a limiting factor, the mp restoration effect could also only be applicable during Eweca. Anyway, what do you guys think of this idea?
Posted at 06-04-17, 07:49 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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Can we have it so wands do some damage with magic missile instead of 1-10? I find it hilarious that they never did touch up on it XD.
post rev. 1 by Dani Shyland on 06-05-17, 03:52 am
Posted at 06-05-17, 03:44 am Link | #
Dani Shyland

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Bolt combo cards can transform the respected elemental dial's damage. Example icebolt combo card will affect ice dial's damage, as it'll consider it apart of the chain. I'm not sure if that helps, but it's something that can affect Elven Magic Missile's damage.
post rev. 1 by Dani Shyland on 04-12-18, 09:58 pm
Posted at 04-12-18, 09:57 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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It is said magic is an advantage for elves and I do not consider slightly less mana consumption for SOME skills and an increase in SOME skills [lightning bolt for one] as something that makes magic an "advantage". So I reckon some options in this thread that aren't too OP. This suggestion is open to suggestions for change C:.

All spells
-All spells removed and replaced with a different variant for elves, as with human range and elf range being different.
-All these new variants get 100-300 more range. [range added is based on how close to spell was originally, for example Blaze would be 100 range added and Thunder would be 300 added]
-Elves cast these new variants 1.1x faster

Ice Magic
-Icebolt has a 50% of chance of not consuming the bolt upon execution
-The new variant of Icespear gives more int than the regular.

Fire Magic
-Firebolt is given 140 max at r1
-The new variant of Fireball gives more int than the regular and the str portion is removed.

Lightning Magic
-Lightning bolt will knockback all enemies fully charged, splash radius increased to 700
-The new variant of Thunder gives more int than the regular.

Other Magic
-Healing and Party Healing doubled in terms of healing.

post rev. 11 by Dani Shyland on 04-13-18, 11:17 am
Posted at 04-13-18, 10:43 am Link | #
Dani Shyland

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It's not really a huge buff it's just range to spells based on proximity and some elements which should have been a thing from the get go...? The mana cost being cheaper is actually only for ice bolt being 1 and ice spear, regardless elf bolts cost more than the other two races, also humans get a discount in mana for lightningbolt(?). Movement speed is a laughable argument considering mounts and even so it renders everything being `advantageous` not necessarily magic . Alchemy is similar across the boards so idk where you're getting that logic.

P.S a magic buff to the elves has been talked about since the dawn of time so this is not relatively new news.
P.S.S I'm not saying add DMG to every but bring out what makes that skill a thing. The only DMG one would be firebolt, bc DMG is basically what makes that skill a thing.
P.S.S.S Movement speed is not a skill tree benefit but rather a racial benefit and should not be brought up in this thread, kthx.
[Posted by Dani Shyland on 04-13-18, 10:44 am, deleted by Dani Shyland]
  • #9095
post rev. 1 by Dani Shyland on 04-13-18, 08:11 pm
Posted at 04-13-18, 08:09 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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Excelsian, what you don't understand is that it is 'said' that elves are the best at MAGIC and ARCHERY, which in case is not the truth. Archery is arguable but magic not so much, that's even across the board. So it's something that should have been addressed a long time ago. And as for the movement aspect, that's like saying, let's take away the giant's ability to wield a shield and a 2hs together, reduce their speed to humans, and not allow them the ability to carry's a racial aspect so it shouldn't be factored.
post rev. 6 by Dani Shyland on 04-13-18, 11:20 pm
Posted at 04-13-18, 10:56 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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No one ever suggested to take away elves their movement aspect? That is crucial for the strength of elves.

My argument exactly, stop bringing movement up as a case for a skill advantage it doesn't make sense, cause that's the race in general. Lelele

and one of the reasons why their archery is the best.
Wouldn't say this bit though... most elves will be using their mounts.

Regardless this thread isn't about archery, if you're here for that, go to another thread. This thread is for magic. Can you give a reason why the bolts cost more than humans/ giants if elves are supposed to be naturally gifted? And don't say movement speed as that's a race benefit. Also to add onto this, our combat is weakest, as it should be. But it's done in percents so let that be noted somewhere as reason for then against.
post rev. 1 by Dani Shyland on 04-13-18, 11:36 pm
Posted at 04-13-18, 11:34 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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I do agree with the basic giant weapons having a buff: great sword, hammers, etc. I also think they should have better upgrade paths. Maybe add custom enchants only for those weapons?

In terms of combat:
Smash needs to be brought to 600%, if it isn't already naturally 600 for them.
The rest of the combat could be reworked for slight bonuses across the skill set.

I'm also all for giving giants play dead and rock throw, as well as, a slight debuffed form of archery with their atlatls.
post rev. 6 by Dani Shyland on 04-13-18, 11:50 pm
Posted at 04-13-18, 11:37 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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Elves start out with more base mana from character creation then other races.
Elves get more potential mana from skills in total then giants.
According to 2011 wiki history:
Current Human/Elf Total: 704 Mana (Potential 808 Mana)
Current Giant Total: 664 Mana (Potential 768 Mana)

Not by much, regardless pots mitigate the need to worry about mana.

Elves get more potential int from skills in total then other races.

According to 2011 wiki history:
Current Human: 734 Int (Potential 801 Int)
Current Elf Total: 748 Int (Potential 815 Int)
Current Giant Total: 726 Int (Potential 793 Int)

There's barely any difference.

Elves have Mirage Missile, wich is a ranged/magic hybrid attack since the poison damage scales of your int.
Elves have Elven Magic Missile while in transformation wich is also a ranged/magic hybrid attack exclusive to them.
These are range skills, which shouldn't be talked about tbh bc magnum makes them look like trash regardless.

As for why certain magic spells cost more for elves then for the other races the only thing that springs to my mind is for "balance" purposes. Mainly because the advantage from their movement speed allows elves to kite enemies with magic without the use of pets. Something that is way more difficult to do with the other races.
This isn't true, I've kitted easily with my human, that depends on your connection
post rev. 1 by Dani Shyland on 04-14-18, 12:00 am
Posted at 04-13-18, 11:59 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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I always thought it was strange for these big areas to only have like two NPCs, we need more life brought to them C:
Posted at 06-24-18, 03:43 am Link | #
Dani Shyland

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There isn't an ability to withdraw a check from your house, and it costs a fee to transfer funds to bank anyhow, so can we have the ability to just withdraw a check from our house?
Posted at 07-03-18, 02:11 am Link | #
Dani Shyland

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Separate the range skills into their own category, away from the combat.

Implement the family party bonuses.

Allow Dark Rat Men from Ciar Adv. to train the Rat Man PQ not unlike the Laghodessa PQ.

When eating, remove weight gain if hunger is less than or equal to 60%.

Allow the effects of poisoned weapons to last twice as long.

Bot bombs added in.
post rev. 1 by Dani Shyland on 07-23-18, 01:25 pm
Posted at 07-23-18, 01:12 pm Link | #
Dani Shyland

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