Posted at 05-14-17, 02:38 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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I agree, this it way harder than you could think. Plus, my main character was mage-oriented back then (but had a Claymore, huehuehue) and mana was never such a down-side to being a mage. Yes, you'll lots of pots and the like, but it's not that much of a down-side either. Well, I'm new to Mabi-Pro so I haven't checked how it is in game yet, I'm creating my character atm but mana shouldn't have changed much right ?
Posted at 05-14-17, 05:06 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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Ahah, these illustrations are too much :') Nicely done, the idea's a good workaround, not fail-safe but at least it can help you get an idea of what's being said.
Good to hear people are working hard on it Drahan ! Thanks to y'all !
post rev. 1 by Shin Taillelaine on 05-14-17, 05:23 pm
Posted at 05-14-17, 05:23 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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I agree with auburn. Desired items are a nice reason to invest yourself into a skill or to require the help of someone who has the required skill. You can get the pattern yourself or buy it etc.
Posted at 05-14-17, 05:41 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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Sorry for bumping this 2-months old topic but are these translations done on the server atm ?
Didn't pay attention to it I guess.
Posted at 05-14-17, 06:06 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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Electric Gray is simply the easiest on my eyes without making things hard to spot in the inventory.
I remember a dark purple theme as well I liked so I guess it existed, be it a mod a something added later. But Electric Gray is my all time favorite for long sessions of playing.
Posted at 05-14-17, 06:13 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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And there are things that are way more important on the priority list ahah.
But yeah, back to OP, thank you for bringing back this Mabinogi we all loved, we've longed for it way too long now and it's trully a bliss to see it back again. I agree with the addition of fashionogis with 1 dura and low stats and also agree with the idea of adding the pets that add a summon effect, without the summon effect, no idea if it's possible to do it easily in this case tho, again not something that should be on the priority list but maybe a note back there
Posted at 05-14-17, 09:39 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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Bumping this as I'm curious to know about it too.
Posted at 06-02-17, 10:11 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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I also agree on the usefulness on having a Fishing-related NPC, however, if making Fishing an interesting skill the thing you want, it'd need to do a rework of the fishing skill that's utterly the bottom of the barrel nicknamed "fun". Fishing's never a goddamn lot of fun on games (tho I enjoyed Vindictus' one ahah, harponning the fish... eh !) so it seems hard to do and the devs can't really touch things that far for now I guess (many other priorities anyway).

All in all I'd love to see something Fishing-related, but not as a priority-content.
post rev. 2 by Shin Taillelaine on 06-02-17, 10:23 pm
Posted at 06-02-17, 10:20 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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I also love everything I could see here. However I also could see instantly what can be done or what won't be able to make it. Some are really nice ideas (Magical music ? Damn that's nice ! Adding/editing skills, urg...) but the most easily accessible ones are things I'm really looking forward to ! Expansion of music which is a very core part of Mabinogi is something I'd love to see. I even have a friend who recently joined, the first thing he asked when he saw we could play music was "can we do damn epic songs and boost the shit out of you in battles ?", as of now I'm not sure of what to answer (is there anything bard related ? I'm pretty sure bard skills got implemented later than G13 but I also remember some stats boosts from way before, so, what's what ?).

By the way, as players and maybe archives delvers etc, without any very specific skills, is it possible for us to help in any away aside of tipping the jar ?
Posted at 06-02-17, 10:51 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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As magic is a really difficult set to start with, while trying to remember some things from pre-Gen things earlier I stumbled upon these :

Never knew they were a thing back then either or I don't remember seeing one at least. I'd like to know if that'd be worth including, as wands are expansive things to start with (for new players, since for us, the Tara event and the x2 to gold make them easily accessible). Even only for logic purposes, it always bothered me that no matter how strong a mage you were, you'd still be using the same wand after such a long time. It'd make a transition from being an apprentice mage to being a full-fledged mage (or a mage with enough money !).

I'm cutting it a bit short, sorry, but I don't really know what I could say in addition to that, plus I'm quite busy and tired atm, I'm not sure if these items are already on MabiPro or not as it seems they were out way before G13. Let me know please !

Have a good time dear Milletians !
post rev. 1 by Shin Taillelaine on 06-04-17, 07:25 pm
Posted at 06-04-17, 07:24 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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I see they were only gacha, but it could "feel" right to include them as an accessible item for beginner mages, couldn't it ?
You don't "have to" use a wand as a mage before using int magic, that's right but it's also not their only use. They allow you to use meditation while moving, they also can be upgraded to reduce mana consumption/cast speed, to slightly increase damage and to use chaincasting.
I understand upgrades such as these wouldn't be worth doing on a beginner wand but being able to use meditation while moving is already nice. It could also become not upgradable but as a counterpart, have other buffs, like a slight decrease to casting time/mana consumption, a very slight buff to mana and int, for example. Nothing great enough to justify using them over normal wands and their upgraded versions. Just something to help making you more of a mage at the beginning, as beginners, mages are better off using melee skills than spells which quite a sad thing to watch. With a simple Gladius and Smash (don't take things too deeply, other topics are here to debate about that) early on you can already oneshot many early mobs, while Icebolt that you get for free on this server (I don't really like "earning" all these skills right off the bat tho...) can't even compare for a very, very long time. At that time, you won't be a beginner anymore.

I'm not saying these wands should correct this difference tho ! They'd be way too broken if it did. The problem's elsewhere, I strayed from my point please don't pay too much attention to all this.
These wands could help beginner mages feel like they're really training in magic and get something of doing it. They could "help" a bit by giving the buffs I talked about earlier, slight buffs justifying a low cost so they can stay affordable for early mages (it could even be given as reward for completing Lassar's training ? No idea if this can be easily implemented, maybe a new quest related to the training completion then ?) but not strong enough to overlook the investment in a true wand.
Maybe something like Mana Consumption -4%, Max Mana +5, Int +2 ? As I can't seem to add a reduction to cast speed without it being too controversial (since a low buff won't matter and a high buff isn't desirable for this beg wand).
Posted at 06-04-17, 07:32 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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Could you update us on it once you know Drahan ?
Just another thing to add to the "To-Do" list but it may be useful to look into it whenever you'll do batches of clothes/armors addition/modifications, etc.
But not for this armor only, for all other applicable armors that may be in the same case.
Again, nothing here's a priority, but whenever you'll look into armors for some reason, it could be a nice thing to think of.
Posted at 06-04-17, 07:47 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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I'll avoid creating another topic so I'll say it here as well.
But I'm also very thankful for all the work you've done so far and for the work you're doing right now ! Mabinogi's been the game I looked up the most when I started playing it, the community around it and especially the guild I was part of made me love this game, this game's a pearl and Nexon's way of doing things spoiled it for me, since then I had been hoping of such a thing happening and knew it'd be a matter of time, I'd wait all the time it would take for this to happen and here we are, even if it takes another couple years to bring this server to a more complete state, I'm already happy to even be able to see it in this early-stage. I hold no particular skills I could deem useful to help in its development but if there's anything I can do I'd be glad to help.
I've been fond of this game for so long, I'm almost dropping tears of joy seeing it back, it's been part of my late childhood and the people that I encountered on it really made it an incredible trip for me, it really holds a very special place in my heart as no other game do, it has so many things I've never seen outside of it or that simply don't synergize as well as in this one that I can't ever think of stopping loving it. Thank you so much for making this possible
Posted at 06-05-17, 09:52 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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By removing all restrictions on regular passes the Unrestricted pass would become sort of useless except for saving time. But it's true that its hard to find a party with the right amount of people to use the regular passes. So maybe just renove the minimum party restriction (i.e. Int for 4 can be used by 1-4 people) but leave the maximum ( 5-8 people cant use an Int for 4 pass). That way the Unrestricted pass still has a proper function but the regular passes do get a bit more user friendly.

It seems very fair to me, instead of being forced to be 4, it'd be meant for 4 people, doesn't mean you couldn't do it with less.
Posted at 04-13-18, 11:26 am Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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Wow, that's some insane addition !
I wasn't able to play much these past months (any game) because life kept me busy.
But I've got the drive to come back now and I see such things.
You guys are awesome
Posted at 04-13-18, 01:01 pm Link | #
Shin Taillelaine

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My (late) answers, please note I was away and haven't followed on what made it or didn't. I don't know if this poll was subject of any update so far.
#1 : Yes, not mandatory but a nice quality of life patch.
#2 : I don't remember what's the actual limit, 50 may sound a bit much but I never really went into ores so maybe it's justified ? I'll stay neutral, but for the same reasons as wheat/barley, I'm sure it'd be nice.
#3 : Yes.
#4 : No idea, if alchemists really need it.
#5 : Fashionogi all over the place ! Why not.
#6 : I don't mind, either is fine with me.
#7 : Sure, I remember Refining taking so freaking long...
#8 : Yes ! Composing !
#9 : Yes, that'd be helpful for other races.
#10 : This could be useful.
#11 : I don't remember what they're used for, up to others.
#12 : Yes. Either that, or lower rank F and E's CP of Blaze if it's easier. Otherwise, either method is fine.
#13 : I'm not a fan of "Donators" title even when I donate. However, I understand this could be at least a little motivation to do so and reward those who do. You can count on me to help with regular donations (as little as I can, still, it'll be something better than nothing !) now (title or not).
#14 : That sounds interesting ! Yes !
#15 : I don't use it but if for balance purposes Alchemists feels the need, why not.
#16 : Why not, maybe have a cap of just "higher" the CP could be ?
#17 : Seems fair.
#18 : I don't remember what's that. Neutral.
#19 : I understand it must be annoying for alchemists, but for the lore and also the necessity of visiting some specialized themed towns, I feel like this should not be a thing. But I understand that'd be frustrating. I'm neutral but lore-wise, I'd be a bit sad if that happened.
#20 : This'd be nice.
#21 : Why not !
#22 : I didn't even remember this being a thing ahah, I'd keep it since it's fun.
#23 : Fashionogi again ! Yes.

Thanks for what you all do

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