Posts: 10
Joined: 06-02-17
Last post: 1681 days
Last view: 1070 days
i mean to start at the end of your post first, im basically open to all compromises/ideas, this is just a rough idea as a whole.
for the first concern, i feel a 5 minute timer from time the dungeon is discovered to the end would b decent enough, if you plan on doing it with a party, everyone in the party would probably be in the same region so moving to one wouldnt take too long, the other people on the server i mean you could announce it if you wanted to but if you dont then honestly its not like it will matter to people who arnt looking for them, ya know?
as to the difficulty, if you would implement it like a normal dungeon does where theres passes then u could easily pick the difficulty, make the passes buyable from npc like alexina, etc. you could even recieve "elite" or special dungeon passes with different loot etc like theres in the game now by doing cor exploration or something, almost everyone i know does there exploration levels with cor so you could recieve them from voight or however u spell is name.
and i like your idea of different regions dungeons having different mobs in them, but i wasnt intending to have mobs with immunity in the dungeons, the thought crossed my mind but i feel like it would be slightly shitty just as you feel it would be. Im not against using mobs with ping that way u have a chance to be screwed over a tad, but id personally perfer to make it difficult in a different way. use 2 or 3 depending on difficulty different mobs per spawn so each has an option of aggroing on you but not like the jackals in fiodh. xD
i appreciate you talking to me about this in detail. another thing i just thought of because i mentioned the grind of the exploration levels in cor, the exploration for find them and for clearing them could be adjusted so it gives another reason to do them, not making it extremely overpowered but make them like 800-1000 explore exp or something when you clear it, its like turning in one or two relics in cor. just a thought that popped in my head, all the other dungeons in iria give you alittle explore exp aswell