Posted at 03-13-18, 11:11 pm Link | #

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Hi RimCaster, please feel free to apply at our guild stone, just north of Dunbarton, or if you see one of us around (Prehnite is usually stood in Dunbarton for the PTJs) give us a nudge
Posted at 03-15-18, 10:25 am Link | #

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I don't know, Elves are getting screwed anyway, so make their training the same as humans sure.
But Giants have to also master Stomp as quickly as possible really too, and they only really have melee, whereas humans and elves can both utilize ranged properly too.
But the training for Windmill is fine on humans, the skill is brilliant at rank 1, so the training needs to reflect that.
Posted at 03-28-18, 06:05 pm Link | #

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Once upon a time we had a PvP channel. It put you at Ceo Island when you logged into it.

Ch1 went down once and I logged into it, was typing something about the channel dying and was murdered 3 or 4 times before I could send it.

Never logged into it again.
Posted at 04-14-18, 07:51 am Link | #

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Why do elves need a magic buff though? They already have the best archery in the game, with the highest DPS skill in the game.
They also have the highest MP buff while transformed (700mp, whereas DK is the next closest at 600 on a max roll).
They have the fastest movement speed.
They have lower MP costs for certain spells.

Also, if you where to buff elfy-magic, you'd need to buff something for giants as then they'd be falling behind and vastly inferior by the time you're at end-game.

The only thing that needs doing to magic, imo, is removing mana evaporation. It's the only thing that stopped me hybriding magic, and going for archery instead. Some cheap "Beginner" wands might be a nice touch for new players, too.
Posted at 04-15-18, 05:16 pm Link | #

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Stilva I will always vouch for elf melee. Why the hell do they only do 200% damage at rank 1 Windmill? And it's a longer grind than humans? They're already leagues behind since they can't dual-wield or use a two-handed. So it wouldn't make that much of a difference if they had a full 250% Windmill.

Source: Used a melee-only elf on Mari for about 1500 levels before switching to a giant and out-damaging her in a couple hundred levels... It was fun though...

But Max MP is an advantage even for ranged, since Mana Shield is pretty OP atm. Using mana shield on my human here can reduce Elite mobs to only hitting 30-40 damage.
Posted at 04-23-18, 10:50 pm Link | #

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"Those of Tuatha protect themselves with falsity."

Posted at 05-09-18, 08:24 am Link | #

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Unlock Charge 5,4,3,2,1 ranks (because other skills are also getting unlocked).

Yes please, I need that Charge range.

Also Mana Shield, cause that won't be completely OP honestly..
Posted at 05-11-18, 01:55 pm Link | #

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To reduce competition and let more people get the Iria dungeon titles:

- Dungeons respawn every day at a set time
- Reduce the exploration exp rewarded from discovering a dungeon to 7000 (+1400 nighttime)
- Enchant drops once a week on Thursday

The time the dungeons respawn should be at a time that is fair for both east and west coast players, I suggest 5PM PST / 8PM EST.

I disagree.
Firstly I don't want to have to find dungeons every time I feel like running Karu for a book or Maiz for a gargoyle statue.
Second, eventually people are going to stop looking for the dungeons, since they already have the titles; meaning that every time you go to Iria the dungeons are going to need to be found before you can do anything in them.
But also, that time is like 1am in GMT (PST +8), and 2am for most of Europe; so we'd still have very little chance of getting the title before someone else finds it.
Posted at 05-11-18, 02:00 pm Link | #

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Allow direct bank transactions on personal shop licenses at all locations instead of just Dunbarton.

I don't like this one because it creates less incentive to use Dunby square for personal shops. Our playerbase is already small and we don't have issues with space in the square or anything. It's best to have a "one stop shop" area for people wanting to look at personal shops.

I don't think people would stop using Dunbarton since it's the Continent Warp location anyway, so it's way more convenient than anywhere else.
Posted at 05-11-18, 11:30 pm Link | #

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Maybe something like every Wednesday (or Thursday) and Sunday could work for that, to account for people at work and those of us with no life.
As for the enchants, are they good enough to warrant being nerfed in terms of "drop rate"?
Posted at 05-15-18, 05:04 pm Link | #

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I've got a better idea: award the title from Maiz Glowing Gargoyle Dungeon. It's challenging enough without disrupting the current system for people wanting to just run the dungeon normally.

Also I'd just like to point out that it might not seem important to you, but when people need to get up early for weeks and still not get it, there's an issue.

Actually a good idea, since it'd give those seeking Elf/Giant trans more chances of running the dungeon also.
Posted at 05-19-18, 03:58 pm Link | #

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Not sure where to post this, but I encountered an issue with Fusion Bolt the other day which makes you unable to move (as if your clicks are disabled). You can load skills, and even play dead, but you cannot move, attack or mount pets etc. . Does not get corrected on knockdown or death. It is fixed by relogging/changing channel.

It happens when you load, for example, Lightning Ice, then (accidentally) try to load Lightning Fire and cancel during the casting.

Please let me know if more info would be required.
post rev. 1 by Kakusha on 05-27-18, 08:54 pm
Posted at 05-27-18, 08:51 pm Link | #

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Its a common issue with all skills, whenever you de-sync with the server, mind you, if you are hit when you are stuck it will clear the skill load that the server thinks you got(and on your client you don't) and you will be able to move again.

Either that or log off and login or CC to the same channel like you said, there's no other current fix atm.

That's part of the issue. Getting hit does not fix the problem. Hell even getting killed doesn't fix it. You have to CC or log out.

Edit: You can also play dead, which should count as a skill, but even after cancelling that the problem persists.
Posted at 06-16-18, 06:11 pm Link | #

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Before the armor masteries, you could only wear 1 accessory with light armor, and none with heavy armor.
Posted at 06-19-18, 03:30 pm Link | #

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Hadn't thought of Ice Spear locking your opponents. You could kill all 3 relatively easily that way.
Also, if you were the "Boss" you could just use Thunder or Crash Shot while immobile, since that is allowed in the rules stated. That would likely deal with your enemies fairly quickly too. Or since Alchemy is allowed, Golems.

I do like the idea though; but it would need some heavy restrictions to prevent cheesy wins.
post rev. 1 by Kakusha on 06-26-18, 07:15 am
Posted at 06-26-18, 07:15 am Link | #

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Linux can't run .exe files natively (they're a Microsoft thing); you can try running it through WINE. It's been years since I've used Linux so I'm not 100% sure on how you'd do that, but here's the page on their website for downloading it:

I believe you enter those code-looking strings into Terminal to get going.

Like I said, haven't even looked at a Linux distro in... must be like 8/9 years so I'm probably not going to be much help beyond this; but it's a start!
Posted at 07-22-21, 04:35 am Link | #

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Well yes and no.
No there is no way to swap the F1-12 hotkeys.
However, if you open the Skills menu, you will notice that the first 9 skills are numbered 1-9. Pressing the corresponding number key will use the skill in that slot by default (these hotkeys can even be rebound in options). And you can set different skills into these slots using the different sections of the skills window.
Using Ctrl+ a number key, you can quickly swap which skill-set you have selected in the skills window also.

Hard-ish to explain clearly, but just try putting Defend at the top of your skill window, then press 1 and your character should load Defend.
I should stress it is specifically the number ROW, and not the number PAD on the right-side of your keyboard.
I have a laptop I use sometimes with the same issue as yours, and it is very annoying indeed.

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