Posted at 06-18-17, 02:49 am Link | #

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After I've found the lost earing and delivered it to Duncan, Instead of getting the next quest I was told I needed to level 10 first. I completed the quest anyway and grinded to LVL 10, but no quest was given. After that I've managed to get mana herbs on my own, got the bear to write "Tarlach" on the ground, got Duncan to tell me about the "Three Missing Warriors", and I've even got Stewart to give me Tarlach's Locket, yet my "Advent of The Goddess" quest tab is still empty.

Is this how it's supposed to be? I can't remember if there was or not an active quest on this part of the original G1. I don't wanna risk spending more time on a bugged quest, and may as well start over on another character since I still haven't spent more than 5hrs or so in this character.

Thank you.
Posted at 06-18-17, 02:54 am Link | #

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While not exactly FPS limiting per se, You could try to enable vsync; In most games it usually limits the FPS to you monitor refresh rate; 60 FPS for 60Hrz, 120 FPS for 120Hrz, etc.
Posted at 06-18-17, 02:58 am Link | #

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To be honest there's only one: The Shamaness Outfit.

This. So much this.
Posted at 06-24-17, 06:35 pm Link | #

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Well, I've read that.

It says I should gather mana herbs, which anyone who ever did G1 on live knows. In fact, the FAQ is so outdated it talks about Japanese text, but this part of the quest was translated since then.

What I'm asking is whether I should have received a owl somewhere in between the herbs and the locket; The wiki (from 2011) suggests yes, but so far I have none.


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