Posted at 06-21-17, 04:41 pm Link | #

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I think with the number of titles currently not even in the game, you could get creative and fill in alot of random titles without telling the communitie about them and just let them discover alot of them^^
Posted at 06-21-17, 06:07 pm Link | #

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Post here your titles, Remember to balance your title acordingly. (so no insane stat boosts for a trivial title).

Here are a few examples:

The Unlucky -20 luck +3 def
Obtained by getting knocked unconcious by a critical hit while using defence.

The AFK hunger % drops faster
Obtained by staying idle for a full ingame day (36 irl minutes).

The Starving hunger % stops dropping at all
Obtained by having hunger at 50% or less for a full ingame day (36 irl minutes).

The Doorstroyer +10% more exp/gold in dungeons
Unlock 1000 doors in dungeons.

The Athlete Moving speed +5%
Travel 10000 meters without a mount outside of dungeons/shadow missions/theatre missions.

Struck by the heavens Lightning magic damage increased by 5%
Get hit by a lighing during a lighingstorm (the one from raincast doesnt count).

Supercharged Increase the damage done by shock by 10%
Cast thunder while being under the effects of shock. (other people casting shock on you does count)

Loves to paint +10 luck +10 will
Use 100 dyes on items.

Waterproof +0/3/6/9 str/int/dex/will/luck/hp/mp/stam depending on the weather in the area (no rain+cloudy/small rain/big rain/thunderstorm)
Wear a robe during all types of weather.

The Bully +10% damage against weakest level monsters
Defeat 1000 weakest level monsters.

The Underdog +10% damage against boss level monsters
Defeat 1000 boss level monsters.

I will add more later, but this is a general idea of what you can come up with.

Have fun everyone^^
Posted at 06-22-17, 08:32 am Link | #

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Interesting suggestions!

I'd like to point out that we can't really track stuff as detailed as you are going on about in your suggestions.

This thread is more about just thinking of fun ideas and for people to post them.

That said, I always found it a little disapointing that ingame you see so much empty space in the title screen. Woudn't it be fun to just implement alot of silly titles without telling the communitie how to obtain them. You can even make it into a semi update/event. Just dont make the titles give excessive higher bonusses then the ones that already exist in the game.
Posted at 06-26-17, 11:41 am Link | #

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Got another batch of title suggestions

The Wise Strong and Skillfull +20str +20int +20dex -20hp -20mp -20stam
You will need to have 200str/int/dex at the same time (transformation doesn't count towards this).

The Focused +50% mana recovery rate during meditation
Have rank 9 rest and meditation and use them both at the same time.

Is a friend of Golems Gives you the ability to mount summoned and tamed golems (but you cannot use skills or attack with the golem while mounted)
Tame a golem while having a summoned golem under your control.

Has a taste for food +300% duration for food bonus stats
Consume 20 different cooked 5 star foods. (must be prepared by any player and not store bought).

The Medic +20% wound recovery on heal +20% healing effects +20int +20mana
Reach rank 1 healing/party healing, rank 6 first aid and rank 7 rest.

is Cold +11% ice element damage (works the same as reforge ice1 effect, so it will only do 11% extra dmg if you also use the ice elemental on equiped weapons)
Have 9 items equiped that are infused with ice elementals.

is Hot +11% fire element damage (works the same as reforge fire1 effect, so it will only do 11% extra dmg if you also use the fire elemental on equiped weapons)
Have 9 items equiped that are infused with fire elementals.

is Static +11% lightning element damage (works the same as reforge lightning1 effect, so it will only do 11% extra dmg if you also use the lightning elemental on equiped weapons)
Have 9 items equiped that are infused with lightning elementals.

Dismounted a Guard +100hp -100mp -100stam
Make a npc guard dismount its horse (I let you figure out how to do this yourselves, haha).

Collector of Wood +5% carpentry and wood cutting succes rate
Have atleast 10 pieces of each kind of firewood in your inventory.

Gold Maniac +20% chance to find gold ore and gold ore fragments.
Have atleast 100 pieces of gold ore and/or gold ore fragments in your inventory.

Race Restricted titles

Fooled a ghost +15int +15mp -10str -10dex
As an elf use the hide action to lose aggro from a ghost (counts all ghosts in the ghost section in the wiki).

Stomped a golem +35str +15will -5def -5prot
As a giant use the stomp skill to defeat a golem.

Can not decide +10str +10int +10dex +10hp +10mp +10stam
As a human be allied with both elves and giants and back to neutral again.

More titles comming up soon again^^
Posted at 06-26-17, 12:30 pm Link | #

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Can not decide +10str +10int +10dex +10hp +10mp +10stam
As a human be allied with both elves and giants and back to neutral again.

I think a better name for this would be "the Promiscuous"

That does sound alot better yeah, I was not satisfied with that one to begin with but, I also wanted to save a human specific title for final hit and arrow revolver for something later.
Posted at 07-08-17, 11:20 pm Link | #

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I am against pets with AOE effects aswell, I'm fine with implenting them without that effect on them.

Stop being obsessed to get AOE pets in the game. They are not part of the intended core gameplay.

Posted at 07-09-17, 11:33 pm Link | #

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Just saying but, nobody forces you to play hard mode missions.
If you want to play with others play on adv, no shame in doing that.

I keep by my statement that AOE pets are not part of the intended core gameplay.

Posted at 07-10-17, 12:08 am Link | #

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Just saying but, nobody forces you to play hard mode missions.
If you want to play with others play on adv, no shame in doing that.

I keep by my statement that AOE pets are not part of the intended core gameplay.


If i have access to HM why should i be restricted? alot of stuff are not part of "intended core gameplay." they the change how the game was play and how you would react yes but isnt that what every content update suppose to do?

Some people just cant admit that their is no real reason to not input AoE pets aside from my friend dont like them for w.e unknown reason so i'll just blindly say no aswell. Doesnt only go for AoE pets either pretty much every content poll we've had i felt like that's how the community voted on them.

All im saying is you should learn to adapt to the current situation. The problems you are facing can be overcome. I believe in you
Posted at 07-10-17, 12:20 pm Link | #

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I agree +1
Posted at 07-27-17, 01:28 am Link | #

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post rev. 6 by Fruttielicious on 09-18-17, 12:39 am
Posted at 08-04-17, 09:59 am Link | #

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Miniboss (necromancer)
Arat crystal (int)
Mp50 (int)
Broad Band Hood (basic)
~3000 gold (int)

Base herb (basic, int)
Hp50 (basic)
Small blue gem (basic)

Arat crystal (basic, int)
Old longsword (basic)
Misfortune longsword (basic)
Sorrow longsword (int)
Sacrificial Enchant (int, adv)
Silver Fox Enchant (basic)
10 Iron ore (int)
10 Silver ore (int, adv)
Blacksmith manual - Light Surcoat Chain Mail (int, adv)
Blacksmith manual - High Surcoat Chain Mail (adv, elite)
Blacksmith manual - Hurricane Cylinder (elite)
Blacksmith manual - Metal Fire Wand (elite)
Blizzard crystal (int)
Basic mana preservation stone (basic, int)
Intermediate mana perservation stone (elite)
3 Mp50 (int)
3 Hp50 (int)
x Mp100 (int, adv)
x HP100 (int, adv)
x MP300 (adv, elite)
x HP300 (adv, elite)
Combo card (int, adv, elite)
Cloud crystal (int)
Stone golem crystal (basic)
Forest golem crystal (int)
Sulfur golem crystal (adv)
Snow golem crystal (hard)
Magic golem crystal (elite)
Red upgrade stone (int, adv)
Blue upgrade stone (int, adv)
Eluned Layered Dress (elite)
Skeleton Shoes (elite)
Shock page 2 (elite)

If you got anything else feel free to post it and I'll update the list.
Posted at 08-04-17, 10:03 am Link | #

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I'm fine with putting knuckles under blunt mastery and keeping it on str based dmg, but humans shoudn't be able to use final hit with them. Using FH with knuckles for humans is completely broken and makes other fast dual wield weapons completely obsolete.
Posted at 08-05-17, 10:41 am Link | #

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If they made the Knuckles count as one handed weapons for the purpose of FH so it did knockback instead of comboing that could fix that. Provided it was something they could do in the first place.

But doing that will take away the potential for 2handed enchants, wich made knuckles still usefull while not having a mastery.
Posted at 08-06-17, 09:38 am Link | #

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Liberator sword & shield lover here.
Posted at 08-29-17, 10:09 am Link | #

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I only miss using stomp on my giant to kill everything. Stomp > windmill, hihi
Posted at 09-06-17, 12:27 am Link | #

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Thats flipping amazing
Posted at 09-12-17, 08:20 pm Link | #

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Uhm, instead of the Special upgrades how about unlocking all normal cylinder upgrades by default as a start and adjust the inventory crystal stack size.

As for Tower cylinder its fine as it is, its extremely powerfull when set up in a party in the right locations/times. Its not meant to be used in solo play.

Also if you're worried about getting hit while using it, they invented barrier spikes for that.

Oh and Spirit Cylinders would be nice but I'm not sure thats feasable.
Posted at 10-05-17, 04:28 pm Link | #

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Just going to list everything I got today. (might be some already in the list).

Bloody Anti-Fomor Uniform (F)
Star Ride Wear (F) can't be traded
China 7th Anniversary Outfit (F)
Samba Festival Outfit (M)

China 7th Anniversary Headdress (F)
China 7th Anniversary Headdress (M)
Baseball Helmet (M)
Sultry Nurse Cap (F)
Vampire Hunter Hat (F)
Triangle Kimbap Hat
Rhetoi's Rabbit Hat (M)
Sweet Ginger Bear Hat
Pumpkinface Hat
Chocolate Waffle Headdress (F)
Chocolate Waffle Cap (M)
Afternoon Tea Cap and Wig (M)
Eirawen's Tiara Wig (F)
Rin Tohsaka Wig (F)
Pierrot Wig (F)
Fallen Fairy Wig (F)

Shadow Bat Flying Puppet

Tailor Manuals:
Rank 8 Berched Wear
Rank 6 Matador Suit (M)
Rank 4 Juliet's Dress (F)

Rank 8 suffix - Falcon

Misc/Other: Items listed multiple times came in different quantities.
4x Lolipop of Intelligence
5x Jelly Beans of Strength
5x Chocolate Chip Cookie of Dexterty
12x Wound Remedy 50 Potion
20x Wound Remedy 50 Potion
7x Fine Made Bandage
10x Fine Made Bandage
3x Average Firewood
4x Average Firewood
7x Fine Fabric
9x Fine Fabric
10x Silver Ingot
10x Intermediate Mana Preservation Stone
10x Fine Quilin Stone
13x HP & Stamina 50 Potion
1x Massive Holy Water
1x Recovery Booster (5 min)
1x Potion of Proficiency (1 hour)

That's all the items I got today, If anyone is interrested in any of the items listed here please sent me a message ingame to either Fruttie or Guardia
Posted at 10-09-17, 04:58 pm Link | #

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Please extend the event!!
Posted at 10-21-17, 01:58 pm Link | #

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Awesome Guys!! Props to the team!!

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