Posts: 17
Joined: 06-18-17
Last post: 2778 days
Last view: 2728 days
Icebolt will carry you through Beginner, Thunder will carry you through Int, when you get to Adv you will still not have enough AP to max out all the Int magic so this is where you'll want some friends or a guild to help you out, kinda where magic gets a bit grindy to play. Once you've got all the Int magic at a high level you're gonna be able to wreck just about anything.
Fusion bolt is strong, but usefulness is debatable early on and by the time you can sustain the usage of wands you're going to have Int magic most likely. Still a very cool skill, though.
As usual, Windmill is 'optional' but recommended to train. You can just spam Their Method to do it so it's not exactly difficult to do. Just boring.
I'd say it's viable but you're going to plateau in the mid-game when you run out of AP and need a constant supply of GP and Mana Herbs to do anything. Will take a lot of effort to push through that grind, but if you like the playstyle you'll enjoy the payoff. I liked using Magic when I played in live, I think Mabinogi has some of the most satisfying spellcasting in any game.