Posted at 07-03-17, 03:17 pm Link | #

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Hey : )! I don't know to what extent tweaks and changes can be made to this and that, but I'd love to see a few tweaks (just two) to spirit weapons. I'm hoping that because this is a pserver our suggestions will be taken more seriously due to the bossman having more freedom to tweak the game.

The change I want the most is for the spirit weapon Durability Loss to be slower by default. We can't put holy water on our egos, which could be compensated by lowering the default durability loss on attacks/idling.

Next, I'd love for the Spirit Weapon Incarnate to be buffed for all egos. I always thought of this as just a cool gimmick, but if it was actually worth the time it takes to fill up the bar, it could be an awesome asset to our combat. Maybe slightly increase the rate that the bar fills up and increase the damage.

Lastly, in regards to egos I just want to express my appreciation for a few things:
-I really appreciate how we can buy the spirit weapon repair (6-10) from Shyla for a reasonable price in gold. Back in the official servers, spirit weapon repairs were a major hurdle for f2p players. If you wanted to repair the weapon, you'd have to waste time proffing a weak, clean weapon to 100, which especially sucked majorly for melee ego users. I love the accessibility of these ego repair potions here.

-I also appreciate how the lack of piercing and step 6 special upgrades makes spirit weapons (of all kinds) more viable. Things like piercing and critical damage pretty much made some non-spirit weapons grossly outclass spirit weapons on the official servers, which is honestly kind of sad. They didn't even bother to buff spirit weapons in some way to make them worth using, which basically rendered them an obscure feature. I like how spirit weapons are indeed badass here, please keep them that way : ).
Posted at 07-03-17, 06:03 pm Link | #

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Flipend0, it's pretty cool to hear that it is possible, but I see how there would be a problem with the "old" unaltered egos. But what about spirit weapon transfer? I can't speak for everyone, but I'd happily lose a few stat levels to transfer my ego for the new rebalanced stats.
Posted at 07-03-17, 06:30 pm Link | #

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Darn. Well, alternatively, is there a way we can implement blessing our spirit weapons with holy water for longer lasting durability?
Posted at 07-03-17, 06:39 pm Link | #

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I'm sure everyone could appreciate getting more mileage out of their egos : ). But yes, please do move this forward, I think it could benefit everyone.
Posted at 07-03-17, 07:12 pm Link | #

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Hey all, my IGN is Claymore and I've been pretty actively playing the game recently. I actually found out about this server this weekend. I suppose I typed in "old school mabinogi" into google out of nostalgia, and lo and behold, I find this place.

I've played mabinogi since somewhere around when elves and giants were released, and have been a long time player. It's only recently that I stopped playing on the official mabi servers partly out of frustration of the direction the game was going in, and just from getting hooked on other games.

You know, when they first released the Dynamic Combat patch I was pretty excited, with the instant smashes and such. But when that hype wears off you begin to realize that that very change contradicts the way the game's combat was designed. Soon the game just became an AOE mob aggro managing damage fest. Either way, the game was (and still is) enjoyable, but just isn't the same game.

Anyways, now I'm here on Mabipro and I love it. I hope this community continues to grow.

Btw shout out to the GMs for being so active!
Posted at 07-04-17, 12:14 am Link | #

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It's too bad how the situation is. We actually have the opportunity to rebalance egos now, like it's within our grasp which is freaking incredible and something so different from official server mabi's attitude of "oh we should do something about egos..maybe in another decade or two." But, the problem with slighting players who already invested months into their egos is valid. It feels like such a wasted opportunity, but I don't think imposing this change is the right move.

That's why I'd at least prefer some sort of middle ground, and make the best out of the situation. Hence, why I'd at least like to be able to bless my spirit weapon with holy water to alleviate the durability issues. No ego-rerolling would be necessary so it's a win-win.

Also, LazyFae, I can see what you're saying about people's tendency to avoid change, and I do think in some situations having imposed changes can be better for the longhaul, but why make changes that the majority of players would not want? A change could seem objectively better (and "better" is still rather subjective) but simply not wanted. Look at League of Legends for example when they implemented dynamic queue and removed solo queue. The bossmen thought it would be a positive change that would enrich the teamplay experience, and really tried to push it, but at the end of the day most players hated it for undermining individual effort. Many players quit the game out of disapproval.

I think the Mabipro team does a great job with using content polls for gauging community opinions and wishes, and they do indeed implement changes when it is wanted by the community. For example, the age restrictions on clothing was removed due to popular demand which if you think about it, is pretty significant.

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