Posts: 6
Joined: 07-02-17
Last post: 2811 days
Last view: 2811 days
It's too bad how the situation is. We actually have the opportunity to rebalance egos now, like it's within our grasp which is freaking incredible and something so different from official server mabi's attitude of "oh we should do something about egos..maybe in another decade or two." But, the problem with slighting players who already invested months into their egos is valid. It feels like such a wasted opportunity, but I don't think imposing this change is the right move.
That's why I'd at least prefer some sort of middle ground, and make the best out of the situation. Hence, why I'd at least like to be able to bless my spirit weapon with holy water to alleviate the durability issues. No ego-rerolling would be necessary so it's a win-win.
Also, LazyFae, I can see what you're saying about people's tendency to avoid change, and I do think in some situations having imposed changes can be better for the longhaul, but why make changes that the majority of players would not want? A change could seem objectively better (and "better" is still rather subjective) but simply not wanted. Look at League of Legends for example when they implemented dynamic queue and removed solo queue. The bossmen thought it would be a positive change that would enrich the teamplay experience, and really tried to push it, but at the end of the day most players hated it for undermining individual effort. Many players quit the game out of disapproval.
I think the Mabipro team does a great job with using content polls for gauging community opinions and wishes, and they do indeed implement changes when it is wanted by the community. For example, the age restrictions on clothing was removed due to popular demand which if you think about it, is pretty significant.