Posted at 07-03-17, 10:12 pm Link | #

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Hi! I was wondering if same-sex weddings were enabled on this server? Mabinogi 2011 wiki says it's opposite-sex only.

Posted at 07-03-17, 10:53 pm Link | #

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Awesome! c:

Thank you for the answer!

post rev. 1 by Roseline on 07-06-17, 02:34 am
Posted at 07-06-17, 02:06 am Link | #

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I'd really like to see the swimsuits from live server fishing events (maybe implemented as very low-rate fishable items?) and recipes from/items exclusive to the Production Gachapon (Large Ribbon, Grace Shawl Dress, Bolero Jumper And Skirt, Terra Gothic Suit, Rubber Goggles, Apron Dress, Ella's Vest Skirt, Elegant Gothic Suit, Bonita Silky Dress, Iris Headdress/Nightcap, Maid Dresses+Headpiece to name a few!!) if they're not already imported!
Edit: And the Elegant Hanbok and/or Brilluen Heels plEASE <3

When it comes to handheld items: Umbrellas, Cute Bunny Puppet, Bunny/Kitty Doll and Teddy Bear!

These are all of the swimsuits I'm referring to:

post rev. 1 by Roseline on 07-13-17, 12:05 am
Posted at 07-07-17, 08:08 pm Link | #

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Claus Knight Armor - Blacksmith Manual [Selling]
Fine Leather Strap x2
Forest ES
Production Failure Potion x3

Posted at 07-08-17, 03:54 am Link | #

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Hi, I'm Roseline! I still play live server on Mari, I really like pink and have been around since g2, but I've nearly given up on live altogether after playing mabipro; there's no motivation to do content in live anymore with the ability to solo anything and no real reason to do dungeons and life skills anymore when everything is in a new gacha or overpowered by reforged items. Although, I've always just played the economy and fashionogi anyways eheh.

I heard about mabipro through the person who advertised on Mari server I think, though I've heard about it through multiple sources so I'm not exactly sure which one it was that led me here first.

Overall I'm really excited to play a mabinogi that's free of all the unnecessary stuff Nexon ruined it with and to relive childhood years ^^ My IGN is Roseline so feel free to add me or note me!

post rev. 1 by Roseline on 07-12-17, 02:00 pm
Posted at 07-12-17, 12:31 am Link | #

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Welcome to Mocha!
We are currently OPEN to new members.

Guild Master: Roseline
Guild Officers: Lianne

Who We Are

New to MabiPro? (Us too)
Not sure where to go to make friends?
Maybe Mocha is the place for you!

Mocha was formed by a small group of friends originating from NA Mari server.
We decided that we wanted to create a social/casual guild of our own and thus,
here we are! Unlike most other guilds, Mocha is purely a social guild. While we
may run things together on occasion, this group is oriented towards building
friendships and casual conversation/events.
Guild events are far more likely to be along the lines of tea parties and raffles as opposed to scheduled shadow mission/dungeon spam!
(That being said, feel free to ask members to come along with you in either.)

While we hope to grow a small but diverse group, below are some of the interests of
our current members to help you decide if Mocha sounds like it's the guild for you!
- Anime/Manga (Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and more!)
- Video Games (Overwatch, Pokemon, Granblue, and more!)
- Card Games (Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Vanguard, and more!)
- Music (K-Pop/J-Pop, J-Electronic, and more!)

Discord server available. Guild Website and/or Tumblr possibly TBA.
Participating in the occasional Guild call is NOT mandatory.
You are NOT required to use a mic while in the call.

Criteria For Joining

There aren't many, but we do have some requirements for joining Mocha.

- You must be a respectful player. We take notice to how you present yourself
in Global/All chat, or to us directly, and blacklist people with bad attitudes.
- You must acknowledge and understand that Mocha is a social/casual guild and
will not regularly run dungeons/shadow missions together as a GM/Officer-scheduled event;
while members are free to participate in such activities together, that being spamming/grinding
and so forth, it isn't the mission of the guild.

How To Join

Simply contact Roseline or a Guild Officer (Lianne) in-game via note,
adding or application and tell us a little bit about yourself!

Alternatively, you can also reply to this thread with your character name
clearly defined and correctly spelled and informing us you're interested
in joining Mocha and one of us will contact you instead!

Posted at 07-12-17, 12:36 am Link | #

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I may be wrong, but I believe Drahan stated in a similar thread to this one that i'd be impossible for us to have Style tab as it isn't implemented in this version of Mabinogi.

Posted at 07-12-17, 02:01 pm Link | #

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@Quinn Hi there! I'll add you in-game in a little bit when I get online. c:

@Drahan Thank you!

post rev. 1 by Roseline on 10-02-17, 11:43 pm
Posted at 10-02-17, 11:42 pm Link | #

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Lady Waffle Cone Bow (F) (In-Game: "Chocolate Waffle Headdress")
Jintan's Wear (M)


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