Posts: 6
Joined: 07-06-17
Last post: 2796 days
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Rai Rai
GM Drahan
Mabi - 355
July 18th, 2017
An in-depth analysis of the impact and challenges of Spirit Viseo's Bronze Mirror Blade
Though the call for this fine addition has been loud, there has been resistance from the administrative team regarding the implementation of Spirit Viseo's Bronze Mirror Blade into Mabi Pro. The aim of this essay is to make a convincing case as to how this may make Mabi Pro a more enjoyable service for it's members as well as, address the potential technical challenges it may pose.
The most obvious question that must be answered when considering a new addition is of course, why? Currently, there are -very- limited options when it comes to choosing a spirit weapon. Outside of weapon type (Swords/Blunts/Bows/Wands/ETC) there is no diversity of purpose. Especially regarding melee weapons, upon evaluating the stats one will find they are all nearly identical. This leaves the user to choose based solely on aesthetics or taking the objectively superior option. Adding spirit weapons with niche functions such as; Viseo's Bronze Mirror Blade, Machete, Hooked Cutlass would allow the user to make a choice that is reflected not only aesthetically but also in their use of the weapon.
Each of the weapons mentioned performs a unique function with positive and negative aspects. They are very good at what they do and not much good at anything else. Yet, allowing players to make this decision about how their character will interact with the game opens up many more viable paths to success, each determined by individual preference and playstyle. Mabinogi was a game developed to emphasize the expressive element of MMOs. Having gameplay be limited to a one dimensional linear progression is counter to the purpose for which the game was created.
In regards to development, unlike current weapon choices, there are several routes to take. The most simple likely being to recycle any of the current spirit weapons data and replace the values with those of the desired weapon. This of course means that the method for obtaining these weapons would need to be different and it may be difficult to prevent users from obtaining a second spirit weapon. Another option would be to seek out the patch which contained the items you wish to add. This could potentially be less work if the files are readily available though compatibility may be an issue. The most laborious option is obviously to recreate the files from nothing. The best route is unclear and depends heavily upon programming knowledge, and knowledge of Mabinogi's specific files.
The weapons mentioned were all released in the North American release of the version Mabi Pro currently runs which is likely the server most users are familiar with. The only reason Spirit Viseo's Bronze Mirror Blade is not already in the game is because the server is hosting foreign files. In this sense, the addition of these items does not conflict with the stated purpose of the server. That all being said, Mabi Pro is a private server with the goal of being a nostalgic recreation of the game in stagnant state of development. Despite these additions being an undeniable improvement to gameplay for the server, these changes may also be counter to the motivations of current players.
To conclude, while there are various options for implementing these game improving changes, it will be important to weigh the decision using your own vision for the server with the feelings of users. This is your time and your investment.