post rev. 2 by Montyminion on 07-08-17, 09:07 pm
Posted at 07-08-17, 08:27 pm Link | #

Posts: 1
Joined: 07-08-17
Last post: 2806 days
Last view: 2803 days
Hello everyone! I still need to get the launcher downloaded, but I believe my in-game identity will be Kappi or Kappi Friedhelm for my primary, and Gado Tenshi for my secondary if I get two characters. Character wise, I plan on at least going with a two handed fighter kind of character, and a martial artist. Both of them will try having bardic and farming skills. Edit: If the class is in the Private server, maybe even a gunslinger named Vagnus Red
I found Mabipro from looking around for sandbox MMOs. I had played Mabinogi in the past, but found that the game was a bit unwelcome to new players, seeing that everyone else was above my level, and I had no one to experience the world with. I searched for private servers, hoping that not only would I find a newer one, but also one without a cash shop, and I came across Mabipro!
"Even if nobody believes in me, supports me, or recognizes my effort...I'll keep going."

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