post rev. 1 by Mikuru//X on 07-10-17, 01:29 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 03:26 am Link | #

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Joined: 07-10-17
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My name is MikuruX and I'm the owner of Anime Toshokan Inc. I guess I'm here cause of nostalgia sake. I used to play Mabinogi back when in G3 of the Taiwan server and then played religiously at one point on the NA server. Time has gone by and I left because it became a financial strain on me (I was basically helping myself, my guild/family, and other players with NX contests and such). Not to mention I was playing FFXI & being a full-time volunteer GM for S4 League on the official server for Alaplaya at the time as well.

At any rate, hoping to play here and there and meet other people online when I'm not at work or busy with the other games I play.
Founder & Owner of Anime Toshokan Inc. & A.G.E.S. Network
"We've Been Waiting For You!"
Posted at 07-10-17, 01:34 pm Link | #

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Joined: 07-10-17
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Wanted to say that I was also shocked to find this server as well. Being a person who has been watching over the Aura Project, I didn't expect any Mabi servers till that project was way in development (I messed around with it times playing on a local server and seeing all the game had content wise).
Founder & Owner of Anime Toshokan Inc. & A.G.E.S. Network
"We've Been Waiting For You!"

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