post rev. 1 by darkholme on 02-19-17, 03:33 pm
Posted at 02-19-17, 03:30 pm Link | #

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So, I was having a chat with the dev in charge of web-development, and I said I'd post the list of functions guilds had in Mabi, as well as stuff I'd like to see.

What we had on the CP:
Five tiers of members: Applicants(not actually members, but they show up on the memberlist anyway), Members, Senior Members, Officer, and Leader. Members could vote in polls, Senior members could invite people, Officers could approve and reject applications, and the Leader could do everything.
A poll system. I believe it was only ever used for permission to use the guild budget. A week-long poll had to pass in order for the leader to withdraw any funds from the guild coffers.
Several different levels of guild, which you'd upgrade with both gold and GP(?). Basically they allowed you to have more people in the guild as you increased the guild level.
The option to leave.
Leaders had the option to transfer ownership, and disband the entire guild.
Leaders could also set all the messages that you'd see ingame related to the guild, such as the blurb on the guild stone, a message you get when accepted, a message you get when rejected, and a message you get when you leave/get kicked.
Leaders had the ability to upload a guild emblem. This function has been broken for years(maybe since it's inception?) so I have no idea how it actually works.
Maybe some other minor crap I've forgotten over the years.
Also, not sure if the castle management system is entirely at the actual castle, or integrated partly(or in full) in the guild CP.

What I heard we're getting:
A forum or message board for the guild only. Would be neat, not sure how many people would use it or take notice of it.

What I'd like to see added or changed:
Remove the different levels of guild, if possible. Always felt like a silly bottleneck to me.
Make it so that the leader has to pass a poll in order to use the disband option, the same way budget requests have to be polled first.
Extend the guild function to the actual website, much like live Mabi does, but make it identical in function.
Separate applicants from the memberlist. As it was in live mabi, applicants would show at the top of the memberlist, and you'd see their request message scroll along on a tooltip when you hovered over their name, and two links labeled "Accept" and "Reject" over where the "Remove" link usually was. Perhaps have a small table where the applicant's name is on the left, and their request blurb is on the right?
Posted at 02-20-17, 11:07 pm Link | #

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So, I heard that on our first rebirth, we'll be getting the Destiny system back. Which is fine and all, that came out around this time and was nowhere near as balance-destroying as the Talent system. However, there's one thing I'd like to ask. Can the 2x skill training rate be removed when rebirth day hits? I know popular opinion will hate me for suggesting they don't get their 4x training rate, but half the point of old mabi was the slow progression.
Posted at 02-22-17, 01:27 pm Link | #

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Can confirm that it does. I've been on 4x Alchemist tab training ever since I did my rebirth.
Posted at 02-22-17, 01:48 pm Link | #

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Played open beta and enjoyed it. Forgot what server I rolled on afterwards, but paid rebirths/story content was absolute cancer so I quit within a month. Forgot my nexon account, so made a new one when G7 just came out, rolled on Alexina. After that, I played all the way to G16. Was one of the first week RAs on the server, and kept it all the way until I quit. Just got bored with it, with nobody to play with, and the combat being too different from how it used to be.(read: casual garbage) Then my friends dragged me back into it when Saga first came out, then promptly pissed off and left me. Thankfully, I found a guild(that I also wound up running for a long while) that I still keep in contact with to this day. If not for them, I'd have given up on that run within a week. Instead, I kept going all the way until G20.
Posted at 02-27-17, 07:52 am Link | #

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It has.

It's called going to the mabinogiworld wiki, and switching to a revision done around February 2011.
Posted at 02-27-17, 05:27 pm Link | #

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I just don't see the point of having anyone do a colossal amount of work to port over information that's readily available.
post rev. 1 by darkholme on 03-08-17, 08:07 pm
Posted at 03-08-17, 06:49 pm Link | #

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edit: Got it to work after some tinkering(just had to move the contents of the folder into the directory and overwrite, not sure why it's an installer at this point)

Now the new issue is that the map mods don't seem to work. They're definitely in the pack, but they're not showing up in SMs or Iria or anywhere they should be working.
post rev. 1 by darkholme on 03-08-17, 10:44 pm
Posted at 03-08-17, 10:43 pm Link | #

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The rates for AP gain are basically identical to nexon at the moment. 2x EXP means we get higher levels per rebirth than was normal around this era. 2x AP basically nullifies the 2 week rebirth time, bringing it in line with the 1 week RB time on live. Training is 2x the speed of live, and the training bonuses cover a broader range than their talents system.

If I wanted super fast progression both level-wise and skill-wise, I'd keep playing nexon mabi. I'm here because it's supposed to be the way it used to be, where you were in it for the long haul, and thus always had something to do, and didn't have to worry about getting too strong for 99% of the content too quickly. Fast progression is great for the players playing the game, but not good for the game itself or the players in the long term.
Posted at 03-08-17, 10:46 pm Link | #

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The map mods are definitely using the NA naming scheme. Thing is, I have no idea what to rename everything to.
Posted at 03-09-17, 01:28 am Link | #

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You are assuming that the server will have a prolonged life span. Nexon Mabi already has a horrible player sink, I only assume they will step in with legal actions asap.
Like they did with Extalia.
That's why I'm not 100% against it, for the time being. I realize we're only counting the days before the server gets C&D'd (assuming that isn't what's happening right now), but assuming we wind up alive and stable for a couple months, we should really consider scaling back the super fast progression from then on.
Posted at 03-10-17, 07:19 am Link | #

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The uptick in people calling for giant nerfs really concerns me: I'd like to throw my voice in as one of the players who enjoys the fact that this server is casual-friendly and not excessively punishing. It's a great game to pick up and chill out (on my own or with friends) and not stress too much about whether my build's going to be crippled by wand repairs. If someone doesn't like that, the files are available to create their own ultra-hardcore server, not change what a lot of people already enjoy.
If you enjoy a casual experience, you're in the wrong version of mabi. Nexon's version has everything dumbed down specifically for the casual audience, so why not play there instead?

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