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Open Beta, Tarlach.
Had stayed up till 1-2 am on a schoolnight playing Maple/Kartrider before the servers went down for patching, tried Mabinogi on a whim. Played it until the servers went down and the characters were wiped. Sat there in my chair for a good hour just staring at my screen, feeling like I'd just found a missing part of me.
Then my parents started waking up, had to act like I just got up early and I was starting to get ready for school. XD
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I'm enjoying it the way it is, maybe with less of the advance play clutter. Re-label your 2x exp to 1x, but simply leave the modifiers where they are. People tend to start -autistic screeching meme here- when they see stuff like that.
Later, once the players have settled, bump up and down hidden modifiers for certain skills, to increase/decrease grind for proper balancing.
Your goal should be to realize what Mabinogi should have been, and not what it became. I'm probably going to write a post pointing out things I believe to be key issues that make the game inconsistent, break balance between classes, and just other fixes in general. Eg. Arrow Revolver and Fireball having expiring pages, while Thunder, EJ/IS, and Shock(I think?) do not.
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I will be updating this list as I remember certain aspects of the game. Each fix/modification will be under a category, making it easy for you to get to where you want to be, and open the spoiler. I know you don't want to read it all. I know. Sh. It's okay.
Filler Text
General Fixes & Events
1. Max Durability Repair
*What is even the point of repairs destroying max durability? You've been powering up your wonderfully beautiful Glory Sword/Trinity Staff/Precious Item, and you even managed to get it to R or B level 6. You go to repair it, and Edern/Stewart/NPC eats it's durability down to 1. Wow. Best game mechanics. Add a Max Durability repair option. Repairing max durability costs gold and one point of current durability. At the same time, disallow item's max durability to go below 1.
Premium Item Re-Location
1. Remote Coupons:
*I would suggest adding ALL remote coupons to appropriate tabs in shops, available for purchase with gold.
2. Purchasable from Healer secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days:
*Dungeon & Waxen Wings
*Advanced/Party Feathers
*Elixirs/Various ADV Potions
3. Purchasable from General secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days.
*Camp(fire) Kits
*Friend Summon Capsules
*Skill Reset Capsules
4. Purchasable from Tailor secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days.
*Dye Ampole
5. Purchasable from Blacksmith secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days.
*Metal Dye Ampole
Keep in mind! Some of these locations may have a few items. Don't forget that there are other types of shops/PTJs that could have these items. For example, the Camp Kits might be able to be a reward from the Tailor shop, or any Restaurant Shop. Some potions and wings could be from the Church's secret shop/PTJ.
Standard Item Drops/Timers
1. If Thunder, IS, and Shock do not have expiration timers, neither should other page-related skills.
*Fireball page timer removed.
*Arrow Revolver page timer removed.
2. Scaling Drop Rates (Theoretical)
*For every time a player kills an enemy/completes a dungeon, any item not dropped has it's rate increased by it's standard drop rate. EG. 2%->4%->6%, or 3%-6%-9%. When the item drops, it's reset back to it's standard rate. Or, if the player does not begin that mission or kill that enemy again within a timeframe, it resets back to standard. This forces RNG to relent on unlucky players, provided they are dedicated and thorough to their tasks. It also prevents over-inflation for rare items in the marketplace, as players will know that if they're willing to put in the time/effort, they can actually claim that reward instead of paying 10m for that shiny new item.
3. Remove Enchant Scroll Timers
*So this scroll, has been sitting in this chest, for an unknown amount of MINUTES/DAYS/WEEKS/YEARS at the end of this dungeon, placed here by mystic deity, ancient ancestors, a wolf who likes paper, who knows. And you're telling me it expires in 8 hours? Really. Really? Really.
4. Red Fomor Coins
*Current drop rates seem fair. But, remember the achievement journal? If the journal was ever added to Mabi Pro, give coins proportionate to the achievement. They'd be good one-time boosts for new players to get situated with their pets.
1. Bringing archery in-line with other skill classes.
*Archery has always been the top-tier class, or the bottom tier class. Buffing or nerfing damage puts it on top, or at the bottom, and there is no in-between. Therefore, other parts of it must be addressed in order to balance it with other skills.
2. Wounds.
*Wounds are by far the most OP part when it comes to archery. With a near 100% wound rate, it becomes incredibly difficult to balance. It has to have %misschance because of wounds. Removing wounds, or HEAVILY toning them back would allow further changes to archery.
2. Wounds Part II.
*I personally never cared for wounds, but they are necessary in some situations such as G1 Glas. I would suggest re-distributing wounds throughout other class skills. Such as for Magic/Alchemy, Fire & Explosion would be the logical choice to add wounds due to burns. Archery could have wound rate increase after Support Shot, and Melee would be left alone until the results of this section could be studied.
3. Removal of Targeting %.
*With the removal/HEAVY reduction of wounds, your options open up. I would be open to targeting similar to magic/alchemy, with 100% hit chance every time. Simply use the grabbing of an arrow and drawing your bowstring as the charge-up, similar to magic/alchemy/combat skills.
4. Charge
*From here, allow Charge to travel through all standard-stun ranged abilities. Only allow charge to be canceled by knockback spell/skills (Firebolt, ADV Magic, Magnum Shot, Last hit of Flame burst, Wind Blast, etc.)
1. Not gonna lie, Alchemy does need an end-game stat like all other classes.
*I was never a fan of alchemy. Golem should have been a magic skill. Heck, nearly all of their skills should have been magic skills. But darn it, if we're going to keep it, it needs to be treated like a real member of the family.
2. End Game Stat (redundant)
*Select an end-game stat for Alchemy. It needs to scale. As it stands, we are in a four-class system as of g13. If we added 2 out of fighter, gunslinger, or bard, or even created two additional classes, each could be applied to one main stat just like the prior classes. Depending on the two future classes, Alchemy would be assigned to STR, DEX, or INT. From here, balance as necessary.
I was never really a big fan of the life-classes. I spent more of my glory days in the fantasy part of my fantasy life, rather than the life part. This is a section some of the crafters should tackle, not me. My balance is in combat areas. But, comments that are well liked will be quoted in this section provided there is not a limit on edit time.
This is my cup of tea. My favorite section. I will do my best not to show favoritism.
1. Mana Regen
*Increase Meditation amount, or reduce spell costs. I'm unsure of where our magic system lies, if it's prior or after the updated system during C4, having been playing only in my spare time. If prior, regen amount needs to be updated.
2. Chain Casting
*For the love of Llymark make this a d*mn skill. It was teased to us all the way back in G1. And then it was given to ALCHEMISTS?! Pardon me, my salt is showing. Don't even get me started on summon Golem. Make this a toggle skill that increases mana usage by .5x while toggled on. Pre Rank 9, disallow use with ADV magics. Post R9, enable. As rank increases, so do charges up to 5. At Rank F, 2 charges for bolt magics, Rank A, 5 charges for bolt magics, and at Rank 9, 2 charges for ADV magics, at Rank 1, 5 charges.
3. Casting without wands/staves.
*Alright, so I get it. Alchemy is restricted to it's tool, doesn't have a cap stat, and so they get skills teased to mages back in G1. But thats okay, because we can at least cast our magics without tools, right? Well, only half right. Basic bolt magics and healing. No fusion, no INT magics, and certainly no Blaze or ADV magics. Why? These tools should be means for mages to amplify their damage/heal output, not to force them into using a tool. And then, there's the gall to restrict mages to the type of wand equipped, or charges on a staff. Are you serious? Alchemy, meanwhile, any skill any cylinder. Come on mate. Magic is about drawing in the mana around you, and using your inner abilities to manifest it. Not about equipping a stick and somehow remembering that you have a more powerful spell.
4. Mana Shield
*Mana shield should not drain mana until you take damage. Toggle spells/abilities have always been weird in Mabi due to the server communication. Simply up the amount on being hit if it's too strong.
5. Elemental Shields
*I always thought this should be like a passive buff to party members. Casting it temporarily increases party members resistance to an elemental damage. These were added to alleviate headache from ranged attacks, and to reduce damage from Dragon/powerful enemy breath attacks, but their clunky charge up time, area of effect, and lack of mobility make them inefficient at best.
Me hit stuff good. Make squish sound. Grod like. Grod no like long text. Make text short.
1. Windmill.
*Probably should either decrease the amount of grind in some way. My old character couldn't get past rank 4, due to CP scalings and his total level being 2.5k. It really puts off new players when I tell them, rank your Windmill first or you'll always be inefficient at best! Little Lucy wants to be an archer now, she doesn't want to grind out two weeks of WM training to get R1. Old players may disagree about this, but I like helping new players, I enjoy showing my IRL friends a game I'm addicted to, and I love tutoring new players on combat tips.
2. Windmill part II.
*Remove HP loss on Windmill. It was actually a positive in the combat overhaul.
3. Charge. Covered this in Archery tab. Allow Charge to plow through any non-knockback projectile.
4. Charge part II.
*Allow charge to be used with any melee weapon equipped, along with shields. Maybe even just remove the restriction and allow charge to charge no matter what. CHARGE!
5. Archery needs it's own tab.
*Archery needs it's own tab.
6. Lance Combat
*This needs a Lancer's expertise. I'm not sure if it should be on it's own tab, or if it should just remain part of melee. I'd maybe remove lance-skills, and apply them to the appropriate base skills? Lance charge -> Charge and Lance Counter -> Counterattack?
Future Skill/Classes
There will be need for future classes, skills, and perhaps even races, provided Mabi.Pro survives as long as we'd like it to. I would suggest the addition of some of the later classes, as we could dig through the live files to see about their implementation.
1. Bard.
*Probably hands down the BEST added class in recent-ish patches. I don't think anyone would disagree with Bard having it's own class.
2. Fighter.
*I didn't like this one, and I don't think many other classic players did. But it's still an option. If it is added, remove Respite's magic penalty. It's pretty stupid. Especially when they then added Merlin's knuckles.
3. Puppeteer
*Some of it was a bit sloppy, but the community seemed to really take to this class.
4. Gunslinger.
*Really don't know the communities thoughts on this one. I personally didn't mind it too much, other than some scalings.
5. Ninja.
*Never used. Wasn't interested. Someone might care. Ask them.
6. Later/Additional class skills.
*Meteor shouldn't have such a ridiculous cooldown. Just gonna put that out there.
*Giants, elves, and any future races should have access to g1-g3 storyline, and paladin/dark knight skills. Beast/Falcon should remain as is, and another should be added for humans. Paladin/DK is about choosing to be good or evil, while, Beast/Falcon is about awakening one's inner spirit. Courcle should give humans their Awakening quest. Both transformations cannot be used at once. Of course, this would require model creation. I'm sure someone can reverse engineer and figure out how to make models for Mabi if they have not already. I would certainly apply myself to building those models, if Blender or a similar model-making tool could be used.
*Speaking of Paladin/DK, DK's RNG-based transformations should be forced into set boosts, like Paladin. Control of Darkness could be replaced with a familiar that is summoned whenever you transform, and dissipates when you de-trans. These skills could then become Ally of Darkness for DK, and Ally of Light for Paladin. A quest to redeem yourself should be made available for DK's, and a quest of falling should be made available to Paladins, essentially the sidequest at the end of G3 for DK so that Players can actually flip flop back and forth, instead of being stuck in non-plot relevant armor to their character.
Closing and notes on additional/later content:
I would encourage players to post ideas in this thread for future updates, along with additional balance-related ideas and comments. Please, if you have any questions about my suggestions, ask away and I will do my best to explain them for you.
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Seems like a good idea. With active devs, if Springs becomes too overbearing it could be moved to tunnels/gates. I still dont know if i like always open better than only night/day, or vice versa.
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Slightly in relevance to this topic, what's the chances for Royal Mages, Warriors, and other classes to be added? It'd be great if helping others wasnt class restricted to the same class that stole Chain Casting and Monster Summon from Mages.
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I would suggest only keeping non-combat non-boostive items in the gachapon. There's no reason to restrict potential DPS efficiency to an RNGBox if we want to avoid P2W.
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I'd like to preface my reply with the fact that I've not actively played Mabinogi in about 3 years, and that my current character on this server is about level 20 due to lack of free time. A lot of the things you brought up were things I had simply forgotten existed, and I will add them to my original post -hopefully- if I get time after work today.
Mana Evaporation: Needs to be removed. Forgot this dumb monstrosity was even a thing.
Giants have an easier time training it, because we're melee specialists: True. I was mostly talking about reducing the grind scaling, due to the ridiculous amount of kills that you need to get to rank it up. If you know what you're doing, and cap WM first, it's super easy. If you hit level 300 total before you realize you need it, you're probably f*cked for good. Your suggestion should be implemented for testing:
Tweak the conditions maybe, reduce the number of mobs required to count as 'multiple kills' with one windmill, and on conversely you may consider lowering xp earned and increasing the total potential max for the condition, say if you were supposed to meet the condition 10x, make it 15x or 20x now. That will keep a sense of balance, and while possibly slowing down the training a little, it will also make it easier as one of the biggest issues with it is the cp conditions. You can't forget though, races do have different training requirements, changing it for one race means you should be considering how to change it for the other races, and why the other races are different. Giants are melee specialists, they're supposed to be more proficient at it, hence easier training.
Invulnerability Frames: Forgot these existed. If that's the case, I'd like to see the HP% scale with how much max HP you have. The more HP you have, the higher the %. You have 400hp, it goes at 10% of total HP. You have 200hp, it's 5% of total HP. 10% may mean that you can WM 10 times before you go deadly, but for new players with low HP, WMing 3-5 times in short succession makes you essentially deadly due to the fact you've only got about 25HP left.
More distance for giants to be able to charge at all ranks: Maybe not distance. Damage reduction increase maybe? Mobility is something that already needs to be addressed, in it's own thread. Mobility is a vastly broken and abusable mechanic. Also, if you take a look at each race page on the Mabinogi Wiki, you can't argue that adding shieldless charge to every race is really going to make the giant any weaker as melee specialists. That's a hell of a lot of positives. But if we bring mobility in line for all races, we may be able to address the weaknesses of other races, bringing Giant's magic weaknesses in line with humans, or giving elves a little more combat ability to bump them up to near-human level. From here, it's all about race-unique skills differentiating them. Giants will still be known as tanky bruisers, elves still as magical arrow fairies, and humans as versatile and able to perform either task.
I don't think lances exist yet. Level 20. Murdering wolves in south Tir Chonail.
Jumping a bit up on the post, archery. Other than just wounds, you may want to consider stun time, speed, upgrades, and honest knockback ability on each shot. While i say knockback, take note i don't mean actual knock down and stuns. I mean each shot slightly pushing a mob back a bit. You'd apply normal stun time, and during 70-80% of the stun time the mob would slide backwards to its final position. Don't make the slide 100% of stun time, as that would likely cause issues with latency. Possibly make it affected by heavy stander or something. Yes, these would require testing. I didn't mean for aim time to remain the same, I figured that would be obviously broken. Stun time, it could work a little closer to Gunslinger's stuns. But as I said, requires testing. They might be better as high-DPS slow load skills with the same stun, or they might be better as moderate-DPS medium-load skills with short stun.
Stun time is obvious, but you could make it vary greatly for each bow. Tweak the bows themselves some to give varying range stun times, as well as give them the ability to affect skill loading time for bow related skills. Let upgrades further tweak each of the prior mentioned effects. This adds an effect of hidden power to weapons. Someone playing on a low end PC might not be able to tell the difference between a LB and a LLB while being arrow revolver-ed into a corner. Stun time needs to be universal, if it can be modified by enchants or upgrades and each bow has a different amount of stun, then there WILL be one bow to rule them all, causing all future balance to revolve around THAT bow.
If bard comes back, lullaby needs carefully monitored. We won't have talents i hope, so reduced effects from music. But that's one skill i'd keep under scrutiny, because it can be all you need to take a deadly situation into a cakewalk. Yes.
Fighter... meh. It was king of single target dps back in its introduction. I'm not opposed to respite having the magic penalty removed, i'm rather impartial to the set as a whole.
Keep hybrid skills out, or in gunner and ninja's case they may need nerfed. Without talents, we do not necessarily have the stats to support efficient use of these skillsets. However, gunner and ninja make crowd control a joke. Also bear in mind, introducing skills means we get more base stats as we train them. Power creep, aside from actual skill usage. If we assign Alchemy an end-game stat, and a stat with levels, we should bring in two more classes to utilize the other two stats. Hybrid skills should never have existed, and should have only had one stat to scale off. I was a well-set mage on live, picked up a pair of pistols and was just obliterated any opponents that weren't in Elite+ with Rank F skills. I would personally put Fighter on Dex or Str, Bard on Int or Dex, Gunner on Int or Str. Adding these classes gives a direction for players to go after they cap one set of skills, and puts their previous stats to good use.
Future content, meteor needs a long cool down. Bear in mind, it's actually not mana intensive, given what it is and what it can do, including using it through walls. A rank 1 also is absurdly strong, with special upgrades, and not even using reforges. I would slowly tweak things here and there if you want to adjust it, but if the damage and aoe stays the same, i would not want the cool down reduced. I would say make it Mana intensive. I could understand a CD of maybe 5m from impact to 10m, but hours? That's crazy talk. Especially when it comes to training the skill. My Thunder did Meteor's job better and more reliably than Meteor, but I was already R1 on that. Hailstorm has pretty much zero CD, but I was still hitting 20k damage per ball of ice. Sure it wasn't a huge AOE, but the spammability gave me more DPS in the long run.
Inspiration i'd really like, but you'd have to monitor mana shield's efficiency and inspiration's cool down to see how well those two play together. Remember, our mana shield now is different than the one in live mabi. I don't think, as a mage, I would like this one. I'd rather have buffed meditation. I could understand maybe a channeled effect that draws in mana from your opponents around you (similar to Boss Life Drain) that deals little or no HP damage, only draws aggro and restores your mana. You can't just fart out some mana and take a deep whiff through the nostrils to restore a chunk of your bar at once. That makes no sense.
Lightning rod is another cause of concern, absurd burst damage with lowish mana usage and relatively short cool down. Honestly, i think the old inter magics; fireball, thunder, icespear, and possibly even blaze should be considered being adjusted in terms of both cast time and mp usage, should we get newer magic. They don't balance properly, other than they have no cool downs. Looked at lightning rod skill videos. Looks dumb. Wow Ice Spear 2: Lightning Edition. Way to creative Devcat. Better idea would have just been to give mages Shock, or summon a Storm Cloud that continuously deals lightning damage to enemies in the area. I don't want this skill.
I really just want to point out, we are not live mabi. Seeking a balance is what we should be doing. We have a foundation for the game. While the original concept is what will draw old fans, maintaining that balance, but possibly improving it, will be what's likely to keep players.
Whew. Time for work again. Management. Long hours, decent pay, no free time. T^T
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Mana evaporation has GOT to go. It has no place in the game. It does not make sense thematically or balance-wise, based on whether the player is or is not a "Mage".
Except every other class (aside from Archery) can match current Magic DPS. Every other class including Archery can utilize other weapons with no resource penalty. Every other class can use all of their DPS-intensive skills with their primary equipment.
Mana is something that flows around, and through you. You channel mana from your body, though the wand, and into forming magic in front of your face. The wand is just a focus, it is not injecting needles into your hand and suckling out your Mana, or reverse-flowing the element into your body. Mana exits your body, enters the wand, and creates a spell. Mana not used is STILL IN YOUR BODY. Otherwise, when equipping a wand, your mana would be sucked into the wand and you would effectively have zero mana forever because the wand was constantly draining you until you put it down.
Epsilon, whatever tree you're barking up is the wrong one.
Mana evaporation has GOT to go. It has no place in the game. It does not make sense thematically or balance-wise, based on whether the player is or is not a "Mage".
Except every other class (aside from Archery) can match current Magic DPS. Every other class including Archery can utilize other weapons with no resource penalty. Every other class can use all of their DPS-intensive skills with their primary equipment.
Mana is something that flows around, and through you. You channel mana from your body, though the wand, and into forming magic in front of your face. The wand is just a focus, it is not injecting needles into your hand and suckling out your Mana, or reverse-flowing the element into your body. Mana exits your body, enters the wand, and creates a spell. Mana not used is STILL IN YOUR BODY. Otherwise, when equipping a wand, your mana would be sucked into the wand and you would effectively have zero mana forever because the wand was constantly draining you until you put it down.
Epsilon, whatever tree you're barking up is the wrong one.
Just what "tree" am I "barking up"? My whole argument has been to implement skills such as Inspiration, to help alleviate the concerns people have expressed regarding MP consumption. And I only wanted to keep mana evaporation so that the skill doesn't get abused, and that I also still believe that a mage should generally only need one of their spells to do enough damage.
I'm not beyond persuasion, if you think that idea in its entirety isn't going to work, tell me why. But so far, I've only seen one person actually acknowledge my idea, everyone else is only calling out my statement on keeping mana evaporation; that isn't going to present a very convincing argument to me.
Pretty sure Trinity staff exists in our current build. Mages can already cast all 3 adv magics without losing all their mana. Wands just need to be brought to our current patch. There's no reason we should have G1 wands with G13 for other classes and weapons.
what's the point of playing in a private server if my 222 broads get chiseled down by some apprentice blacksmith
Now imagine if Broadswords were priced at 40k a pop. That gets crazy expensive right? So you'd switch to like, a Gladius or a battle sword, right? Except those are also 40k a pop now.
Welcome to the mage class. Oh also, unequip your sword and lose your stamina. Don't forget that Stam pots are no longer sold in stores! And, you need a Gladius to use smash, a broad for windmill, and a battle for assault slash. Have nice day.
Pardon my salt lads, Epsilon has *triggered* me.
But yes. Repair system needs work. This is why I suggested the max dura repair option, because then we still have that element of chance that some players desperately cling to, while the players that color-match and minmax don't lose out on the large bags of gold they forked over to finally get their perfect set.
I have to ask the question, do we need a gacha and If so, why?
Because I don't think the game does, and items that are special and without craft patterns could be put into mobs, giving a reason for players to go out and explore.
Frog robes could be potentially fished up, tiger robes could drop from lions (heh)
A beholder sword could come from hobgoblins since they wield them or come from rafting at a low rate.
And so on.
But if the gacha must stay, I have a suggestion to make about it, why not replace the items and instead mix in every limited edition rebirth outfit. Those items generally have no place in the world, you could add the wigs, which really doesn't make sense for players to make themselves either. I don't like wings, but they'd make a perfect fit in the gacha as well since they're quite silly. Stuff like that.
I also had another idea that could replace gacha, dyes. Yes, we already have a dye purchase option, but you could also do a dye monthly purchase option that limits your random dyes to a specific color shades. For example, a spring time dye set could be green shaded dyes, and so on. Depending on the month, you could do red, orange, christmas themed colors, etc.
Just my two cents.
I like your idea about having seasonal dye set gachapons.
I'm glad a GM read and liked this post. This is the kind of stuff that would get buried and ignored with any traditional game company.
The gachapon is something that can be, as much as i hate to admit it, healthy to the game community. Silly and cool cosmetics are important for defining yourself in the sea of Windows98 Weebgraphics. However, the second you put equipment that has a leg up on hardworking players due to RNG into the 'Pon, you pollute the whole water supply.
For the dabblers, mana evaporation sounds rather fair. Bolts and basic heal are all fine to use (though you won't be able to chain cast without a wand), but going beyond that is a big decision. As one who usually plays pure-mage, I'm tempted to hop on hating the dabblers to get it changed for pures, but I need to address this for dabblers. Mana costs are an easy gate for this. Does anything outside of the mage tree even give mana? Intelligence maybe, on Musical Knowledge. With dabblers having an estimated 50-100 mana, I don't see them being able to utilize many higher level spells.
Keeping mana evaporation around makes it so the higher level spells are for someone who is dedicated to using magic. Without it, we might start coming across dabblers that could possibly even outperform pure mages, saving their spells for when they matter (like Wights) and using their other combat skills to handle everything else. Hybrids are always stronger towards end-game than pures. That's just how it goes. Alchemy and Magic, both would benefit from ranking defense (due to equipping a shield with their wand/cylinder), windmill for when enemies get close, really the only thing you don't necessarily need to dabble in is life or ranged attack as a mage/alchemist. That being said, Alchemists can change cylinders with no downside, and I am certainly vying for them to have an end-game stat rather than leaving them flatlined. Should Stamina-evaporation be implemented if Alchemists get an end game stat? If your answer is no, then magic doesn't need it either.
That being said, Mages need a tune-up somewhere. That's for sure. I'm really liking Cyrene's ideas for magic weapons. More and weaker wand options would allow a steady progression through the magic tree. Mana potions should somehow be purchasable from NPC vendors (10's and 30's, of course), both for newcomers to magic and for veterans so they don't always have to use potion making or buy from other players. These are good options, but if you REALLY want to keep "mana evaporation" as it is, it's completely destructive to PURE mages, which you argued for, and not destructive to DABBLERS, which you argued against, as it takes ALL of your mana other than your Title-related mana and mana boosting items. I'd suggest a flat 50-100 MP drain IF IT MUST EXIST, while equipping another wand could maybe replenish 50-100 of lost MP?
If we're looking for new ideas, maybe we could consider pets in some way? Familiars tend to be a common theme in the fantasy of magic, and since pets are now obtainable through red coins instead of money, everyone has equal access to them. Or maybe a skill that would allow you to draw the mana from an ally into yourself? Players would have to provide consent, and it would likely not be a mid-combat sort of skill, but allies who aren't making use of their mana could give it to their mage who is. Or you could go the other route and have a skill that would allow you to give mana to someone else. What would be the benefit of ranking a skill that allows you to give others your mana? Would it increase your Dex, if you're an archer? Str if you're a warrior? Does it reduce your CP? Why even rank this? Screw our mage man, just let our Alchemist handle it. As for the pets, I'm down for Familiars, I suggested that for Pally/DK active skills instead of Cntrol of Darkness and Not Applicable. But if Familiars become a thing, they'll need to be a skill, separate from pets. Pets need a re-vamp, but we shouldn't be forcing pets to certain classes. Wow, look at my warrior galloping off on his str-boosting horse to the next dungeon room. Meanwhile I'm waiting for my mana-restoration Seal to scoot it's fat posterior in range of me to give me my mana back. I'd suggest something like the mini-pets as Familiars, summonable through a skill, and doesn't take up a summon space so you can still summon your real pet. I'd also make the Familiar you summon RNG the first time, then remain the same familiar every time (unless you purchase a Familiar reset scroll using Fomor Coins). Have them all apply the same bonus to MP regen and whatnot, but aesthetically some are more desirable than others.
what's the point of playing in a private server if my 222 broads get chiseled down by some apprentice blacksmith
You don't take 222 broadswords to apprentice blacksmiths? 222 broadswords are really good weapons. What's the point of playing the private server that promotes itself under being "Authentic Old-School Mabinogi experience" you ask? Well it's certainly not to experience an easier version of the actual game. In the same way you don't play s4max and hope to play an easier version of s4 league, no you're going to experience what the game was.
what's the point of playing in a private server if my 222 broads get chiseled down by some apprentice blacksmith
Now imagine if Broadswords were priced at 40k a pop. That gets crazy expensive right? So you'd switch to like, a Gladius or a battle sword, right? Except those are also 40k a pop now.
Welcome to the mage class. Oh also, unequip your sword and lose your stamina. Don't forget that Stam pots are no longer sold in stores! And, you need a Gladius to use smash, a broad for windmill, and a battle for assault slash. Have nice day.
Pardon my salt lads, Epsilon has *triggered* me.
But yes. Repair system needs work. This is why I suggested the max dura repair option, because then we still have that element of chance that some players desperately cling to, while the players that color-match and minmax don't lose out on the large bags of gold they forked over to finally get their perfect set.
I'll state the same opinion again, durability does serve a purpose. It keeps weapons as a resource, something to make combat easier, but they aren't forever, which in turn keeps blacksmithing and other life skills purposeful to the same people. And you don't need a good weapon to do significant damage in a game where your stats come mainly from your character. It also forces you to adapt, sometimes changing your playstyle because hey, you're lacking resources, so you can't necessarily fund your best shit right now, maybe put it in the bank and grab something else. This isn't wow where dungeons and quests turn into gear checks, this is a game where understanding the mechanics will take you much further. Playing smart and adapting instead of pressing rotations and moving out of the fire. This also reinforces the fact that weapons are resources, they don't take long to upgrade, you could potentially have an endgame weapon from the start, but if you can't afford to repair it or replace it, what are you doing? It can serve it's purpose, but it can serve that purpose without permanently destroying your favorite gear. Max durability needs to be recoverable, whether through sacrificing other weapons of same quality, or through expensive repairs, it still forces you to bank that weapon and change your play until you can afford the repairs. There are two enchant slots on each item, and you can only burn one enchant off as it stands. Along with upgrades and red and blue stones, the time and money put into your favorite gear should not be 100% destroyed by losing MAX durability permanently.
Now you bring up the example of melee weapons being expensive and having other cheaper options, which magic doesn't
(Though, not sure why you picked gladius or battle swords, because those really aren't the cheap options. Something like fluted shorts or wooden blades make a lot more sense here, but I digress.) Still cheaper than wands. 40k base cost vs 10k base cost.
There are other options to fix the magic user weapon costs by adding cheaper and weaker weapons which have weaker upgrade paths as well, or rely on artisans for decent damage, like maxing the upgrades to cc3 instead of 4, and so on. Make a weapon called the basic/flimsy wand of Fire, just reuse the basic fire wand model, neuter the upgrade options, lower the value to make it cheaper to upgrade and repair/use. While the other weapons, stay as they are, giving you the same level of choice as other skillsets have.I'm not against lower-cost entry-level mage weapons. But you don't think right now the weapons for mages are a little costly? If you're a pure mage, you're casting spells left and right, your durability goes down far faster than your gold income. If you're a dabbler, you're using other equipment and weapons, cheaping out on other options where you can and by the time your wand needs a repair, you've amassed plenty of currency. 10 Durability on each wand gives you roughly 4k per point of repair. Broad sword has 12 Durability, and costs almost 4k. That's 300g per point. Now throw on some good late-game enchants, you increase your repair cost on each by, let's say 5x. That's still only 1.5k for one point of a Broad, meanwhile a mage pays 20k for a single point. That's crazy man.