post rev. 2 by Blackmore on 11-15-17, 01:28 pm
Posted at 11-15-17, 01:22 pm Link | #

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I have noticed that on KR live server (or may be all live), archery has finally been modified to give less issue of "99% in front of enemy but still miss" kind of circumstance.

As far as my knowledge goes, the modification involves archery to have higher accuracy when charge is higher than 70% (and bonus when aim is at 100%)

(original in Korean: "2015년 2월 레노베이션 패치로 조준률이 70% 이상일 때 공격 실패 확률이 추가로 감소하게 되고(쉽게 말해 삑사리가 줄어들었다) 조준률이 100%일 때에는 행운에 의한 자동회피가 일어나지 않게 되었다. 삑사리가 사라진 것은 아니나 어느정도 완화되었다고 볼 수 있다."

translated: "via 2015 Feb 'renovation' patch, when aim is higher than 70% , a chance to fail attack has been reduced. When aim is at 100%, evasion based on pure luck / luck stat (i think this is what it meant) no longer happened. It did not completely solved archery's problem but at leasted lessened it."


Could something similar be considered?

Any thoughts?

(option in my view is directing touching range combat mastery / range attack OR buff other relevant stuff. I would go for former however)
post rev. 2 by Blackmore on 12-06-17, 12:28 pm
Posted at 12-06-17, 03:33 am Link | #

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For previous issue, refer to following link:

This time, my focus is regarding arrow revolver - human archer's only hope when missing enemy in close distance occurs.

However, as of for now, AR is nerfed version ( it was buffed later on around G14 if my memory, and korean wiki are correct) - but i am not asking to buff that.

Rather, i would like to ask a way to deal with its massive durability loss.

As of for now, it forces human archer to risk massive durability loss if constantly using it (and harder the hunting place, more you will need to use it along with CS)

Some say just use magnum instead, the inferior version of that of elf (i know elves are intended to be better on archery, so that is fine).

Rather than leaving human archer a pure inferior version, would there be a way to differentiate - at least a less chance to worry about losing durability (as eventually, NPC will fail to repair)

thanks xD

P.S not the most relevant one for this post, but i think having Spirit Liqueur of Blessing would be very nice too - it is literally the savior for AR archer using ego bow. According to cowe
theres 2 under the same name, diff IDs, 85038 and 85538, linking the first one
, the item exists in the database but i have not seen it ingame

P.S 2 I know some of you are wondering what the point of durability issue is; look at discord chat for further info.

To give a short summary, durability was an alternative suggestion in case some people think buffing dmg output or others to make AR more cost effective (as the cost-to-reward ratio is shit) is not appropriate.
Posted at 12-06-17, 12:09 pm Link | #

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like a live one, you say (which is fine with me tbh)
Posted at 12-18-17, 04:32 am Link | #

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Agreed. Whether purely based on gold OR with red coins, the item seems ok, at least to me... xd
Posted at 12-20-17, 02:41 pm Link | #

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i would love this too, especially as human archer (ARROW REVOLVER COUGH COUGH)
Posted at 02-02-18, 04:28 pm Link | #

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+1 from human archer.

Accuracy drops killed me so much, a lot more than usual...
Posted at 02-07-18, 05:07 pm Link | #

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BUGGED atm, cant open boss room
post rev. 2 by Blackmore on 03-03-18, 08:26 pm
Posted at 03-03-18, 08:05 pm Link | #

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Archery should NOT have 100% aim, but at the same time, having it on pure RNG base is an issue, at least from my view.

So, I would suggest two; feel free to offer thoughts

1) Random distribution rule.
The uniform or true random distribution describes the probability of random event that underlies no manipulation of the chance depending on earlier outcomes. This means that every "roll" operates independently.

The pseudo-random distribution (often shortened to PRD) in Dota 2 refers to a statistical mechanic of how certain probability-based items and abilities work. In this implementation the event's chance increases every time it does not occur, but is lower in the first place as compensation. This results in the effects occurring more consistently.

The probability of an effect to occur (or proc) on the Nth test since the last successful proc is given by P(N) = C × N. For each instance which could trigger the effect but does not, the PRD augments the probability of the effect happening for the next instance by a constant C. This constant, which is also the initial probability, is lower than the listed probability of the effect it is shadowing. Once the effect occurs, the counter is reset.

Example (borrowed from dota 2 wiki)
Slardar's Bash of the Bash of the Deep has a 25% chance to stun the target. On the first attack, however, it only has an ~8.5% probability to bash. Each subsequent attack without a bash increases the probability by ~8.5%. So on the second attack, the chance is ~17%, on the third it is ~25.5%, etc. After a bash occurs, the probability resets to ~8.5% for the next attack. These probabilities average out so that, over a moderate period of time, Bash of the Deep procs nearly 25% of the time.

Following this logic, lets set up a commonly agreed rate for archery (85%, for an instance? or make this value to be dependent on your DEX?)

So more you miss, more likely you will hit next time, eventhough there is a chance of missing. And chance is back to the agreed rate if you land a hit.

2) Let aim infleunce damage, rather than accurancy per se (if it ever does hah)

Combined with first rule, it should lessen the problem perhaps?
post rev. 4 by Blackmore on 03-03-18, 09:37 pm
Posted at 03-03-18, 09:27 pm Link | #

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I personally have no problem with archery the way it is now. I do play ranged elf for some background.
I find having a set rate of hit % as a bad idea. The normal system for aim % is fine and can be used efficiently when knowing range knockback and hit stun mechanics. Also, not really related to game mechanics, logically if you kept missing shots, you would get more frustrated and nervous when being approached by a monster. I assume this would cause you to miss more, not get bonus accuracy for missing.

Secondly, having the % meter influence damage incredibly decreases dps for range. the tradeoff for the % meter is you have a lower chance to hit, but if you are lucky, you can hit multiple times at low %. on the other hand, you can miss alot if you are unlucky. Restricting the % meter to damage output would lower dps for archers who have the probability to miss. There are trade offs to charging full shots and not charging shots. I've personally hit 7+ mags at ~40% and ive missed equal or more shooting at around the same %. Missing is a part of archery but you have the ability to dish out some good dps.

Lastly, cutting archer dps by the 2nd method, having % determine archery dmg, is unfair compared to other classes. That's like me saying, well melee users should have their damage cut by how much dura is missing on their swords. You do 1k wm but since you only have 5/10 dura, you actually do 500. It can lead to many other arguments about other classes if it were to be a change made to the game.

Tldr, archery is fine as it is. Learn mechanics. Have a backup if you miss.

what so called AR is more of a trap; mechanics? what? there is such thing apart from RNG? (by this i hope you are not telling me to master "how to control RNG")

And i usually dont get nervous for shooting - rather, i risk shots hopeing that aim meter helps with accuracy (which i dont feel the way it is)

the meter could be elaborated more, but well, tactics side is completely gone now (well other than trade off of missing more or stuff, which is heavily influenced by RNG at this point as well).

For an instance, 10% aim should not be 10% dmg, but rather 40-60% instead.

if you dont mind explaining "mechanics" of archery (pure aiming to shoot, which doesnt seem to require much skill), would you?
Posted at 03-22-18, 01:56 am Link | #

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Lion hunter es,
burgundy es (though same issue that crafy one has appears; its sufix that requires prefix step up)
wirhelmina;s maid cloth
tailor manual: archeress school wear
dantalian wear
Posted at 03-26-18, 08:52 am Link | #

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While i wish archery gets better, i have completely lost interest keep moving as a human archer.

I am moving to alchemy, even though it may not be the best pff.
Posted at 05-09-18, 06:23 am Link | #

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increase the size of sulfur ore... its the only one that has 5 stack size pff..

and also, while all other pouches now collect 100 units (cobweb, thin/thick thread),

there is no obtainable 100 unit pouch for wool. There should be one i think, whether dunbeon,sm,TM reward or gacha.

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