Posted at 09-03-17, 02:59 am Link | #

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We are hard limited to a certain number of characters here, so we can only experience the Generation fights so many times...but in these good ol' days, they were actually challenging and fun (not just a chore).

So I came up with a raw idea to implement a way to refight previous generation bosses that seems pretty solid for the most part. Here's a rough description.

The good old crystal ball. Known only for re-watching those snazzy cutscenes you or your party leader probably skipped or didn't skip. Nobody uses these things, let's face it. This is an opportunity to give them a facelift. We could make it to where they can allow you to "rewatch" your Generation Boss fights. How? It's simple for each generation.

G1: Gives a "Albey Dungeon Pass for Memory Replication": You goto Albey, drop the pass, and it just spawns you infront of the boss room with the boss key inhand. Go in, and suddenly, Glas Glabllelelelblebelblblheann. Then, when it eventually dies, the dungeon ends as normal. No rewards really, just some good old fun.

G2: Same thing. Gives a "Barri Dungeon Pass for Memory Replication"...except get this. It's with Tartar-sauce-us. And Esras too.

G3: Again, same thing. Gives a "Baol Dungeon Pass for Memory Replication" drop it on the Baol Altar and then suddenly...Cromm Crotch.

G7: There's no boss for this. LUL

G8: Gives you a quest that allows you to enter Renes Cave and fight Crumena again.

G9: Gives you a shadow mission that has just Claimh Solas in the Town Square.

G10/11/12 - Same thing.

I say it would be quite a fun thing to do when you're bored. Perhaps you could even scale the difficulty if you want to challenge yourself for some reason.
Again I just pulled this idea out of my ass and it's no way refined...comment your opinions/changes below.
Posted at 09-08-17, 01:09 am Link | #

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Bit of a necro here, but since this server LOVES ego weapons, could we get Ego Desire?
post rev. 1 by Geniusenie on 09-15-17, 11:56 pm
Posted at 09-12-17, 02:10 am Link | #

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We have a public Discord! Guests are free to join!

DISCLAIMER: Before you get super triggered and say my guild name is offensive...I actually HAVE autism. It's high functioning so it's not really SUPER noticeable, but it's still there nonetheless. I'll take the title and wear it proud boi. Anyway, on with the introduction!

The Autism Guild

What are we?
A guild. Yeah. Okay that's not very descriptive.
"We are a group of pl---" Okay no that's too cliche.
Cancer incarnate. There we go...that pretty much works.

For real though, Autism is a group of pretty much entirely new players (at the moment of writing this), meaning we are a noob friendly guild! While everyone is out running Alby Advanced Hardmode, we can chill and run just...Alby Hardmode.

We are pretty much complete anarchy, I have no specific rules to follow really. Shitpost all you want, meme all you want, lurk all you want. I don't care.

Infinite nobel prize. EZ win, ez life.

The Dungeon World Tour - Every Saturday at 5:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, I will gather players at the Alby Dungeon lobby. Then, when we have enough players, we will marathon one run of every dungeon in the game.
- By "every dungeon", we mean 1 run per dungeon...We won't do alby basic, int AND adv in one night.
- Dungeons include: Alby, Ciar, Math, Rabbie, Fiodh, Barri, Coill, (optionally) Peaca, Albey, not Baol (there's no normal dungeon. pls make a thing), Maiz Ruins, Karu Ruins, Par Ruins, Longa Ruins, and a Castle Dungeon (if we ever get a castle).

Jousting - Jousting is a pretty fun thing that seems underrated. The rewards from it are pretty good for beginners sometimes! So come participate in the preliminaries and the finals (if we get enough participants)!

Cool Dudes
Geniusgenie - Dongerlord (Leader)
Pegwald - Officer

post rev. 1 by Geniusenie on 09-12-17, 02:20 am
Posted at 09-12-17, 02:20 am Link | #

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Live is full of bullshit that caters specifically to lazy people now. You literally fall 30000 years behind if you don't throw money at everything. Fucking obnoxiously overpowered pets that heal you whenever you want, pets that give you a massive damage boost, pets that increase your training, pets that fucking stun and freeze enemies, pets that deal 500 damage the second they get summoned in a wide area...

It's a fucking travesty. I have so much shit I can rant on I would probably turn 70 by the time I finish it. That was uh...obviously an exaggeration. But still, tons of shit to rant about.

You wanna know what I did? DELETE ALL OF MY SHIT. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. There, never a temptation to play it again.
Posted at 09-12-17, 04:09 am Link | #

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Nope, you have to hold ALT.
Posted at 09-12-17, 11:27 am Link | #

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G8 for me. Yeet.
Posted at 09-12-17, 08:49 pm Link | #

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yeet. insert finger guns here
post rev. 1 by Geniusenie on 09-13-17, 08:31 pm
Posted at 09-13-17, 08:30 pm Link | #

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99% doesnt really bother me much, i boost all my weapon stats at once so the will makes the dura up to like 50...ill probably be bored out of my mind by the time i break it that much

also yes, LF>Spirit Liquer of Blessing
Posted at 09-14-17, 10:55 pm Link | #

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can we please just have spirit liquers of blessing? those would be the greatest thing ever and everyone would riot to buy them
post rev. 2 by Geniusenie on 09-16-17, 12:01 am
Posted at 09-15-17, 11:56 pm Link | #

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everyone likes to raid sen mag usually...i think. i dont pay attention at all lol. but every other housing area usually just dies. if abb neagh is open ill totally snag it when i have a playerbase.

by the way we finally upgraded to advanced so we can house 20 members. join us damnit
Posted at 09-17-17, 01:24 am Link | #

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this sounds like live-ifying the game after like two paragraphs
Posted at 09-19-17, 01:21 am Link | #

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Idk what you mean by "bind your characters" to the guild...usually I just don't like having alts (unless you want to help rack up GP via leveling or something)
post rev. 1 by Geniusenie on 09-19-17, 01:23 am
Posted at 09-19-17, 01:23 am Link | #

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It's just untranslated, you SHOULD be able to get through it...I imagine you already figured it out but usually I just alternate between the two and EVENTUALLY I get out...though if you don't get the pots in the first place that MIGHT be a problem

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