Posted at 02-26-17, 04:15 pm Link | #
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Quite simply, mabi actually had that right. Below the f1-f12 keys, you could hotkey more skills. You could switch between the extra hotkeys as well, up to like 7 or 8 skill bars, fully customizable more or less. Great help for swapping between fighting styles, don't suppose we can expect to see this implemented on this server as well?
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Posted at 02-26-17, 07:36 pm Link | #
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You can, but you're limited to just one set of extra keys is the issue. While this version of mabi, doesn't have nearly as many active skills to use, on the official mabi i use most of the skill bars. So going back to, a practical maximum of 3 for combat, i just feel rather restricted tbh.
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Posted at 02-27-17, 01:21 pm Link | #
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Tools Required: Mabiunpack by serif

I would recommend searching the files section of mabimods for mabiunpack, i will not provide it.

This guide will essentially be ground up, assuming you have little to no relevant knowledge. This is a basic getting-started guide, not in-depth, if you truly want to learn the ins and outs of modding, there are better resources, such as the aforementioned site's guides.

Open mabiunpack, you'll want to go to your mabipro directory/package folder. The current version of the game, should look something like that. To start off with, you'll want to open your X_full.pack. The number in front of full may vary depending on when you downloaded your game.

First thing i'll cover, is dungeon defog, how to make and update it. I may use a lot of words, but the action of doing it in itself, is really simple so please try to stick around.
We currently have 2 dungeon types that are used, uladh dungeons and iria dungeons. Uladh dungeons use data/db/dungeondb2.xml and iria is data/db/dungeon_ruin.xml.

Now, you will extract these to your mabipro directory. If the following does not exist, you will create it, %MabiPro%/data/db. Extract the two dungeon files to this directory, but do not bother opening them quite yet.

As the game has updates, you may find certain mods either unworking, or causing the game to break. Each update, will bring a new pack file, see the first image. Right now, we go up to X_to_200.pack. IF we have any files from our mods we made, in the newer pack file, that means you can expect it to mess up something in your game. Since we pulled our dungeon files, form the full.pack, we need to now make sure there's not a newer version of these files, in our 200.pack, so let's go ahead and open it again. If you need a refresher on the directory, just review the steps leading up to the second image. Here's a quick screenshot of my 198_to_200.pack. You may have a different number the start, say 199_to_200.pack instead of 198, don't fret as the steps will be the same. Just open it up, and look for the files.

As you can see, dungeondb2.xml is in my 200 pack, but not dungeon_ruin.xml. So, i only need to extract one file, and it will replace the dungeondb2.xml that i previously extracted, i only need one of each file unless i'm making back ups. You can look at mabiunpack to see the directory to place it again, data/db/dungeondb2.xml. Mabiunpack will show you the directory and naming of each file you want to mod, so always double-check it, and the spelling of any folders and files you make.

Next step is the last step, open the directory with your two dungeon files, data/db. You will want to open them in some kind of text editor, i personally prefer notepad++. (link to the image, so you can see the right side of it)
Dungeon defog is simple, once you open the relevant file(s), just search for fog. You'll see some entries in your file, that say fog="1", you simply change it to fog="0". Quotations marks and semtax are essential, screw them up and you'll break your dungeons, possibly crash your game. My image does have proper semtax, you can use notepad++ and replace all as i show, and it should be done rather quickly. Notepad, not notepad++, can do the same i believe, but operates a fair bit slower. Once you have successfully replaced all fog="1" to fog="0", save your file, and you can start your game. You do not need a program or patcher to read the data folder, you do not need to convert your data folder into a pack file, you only need to start your game. The wonderful staff have cut out the middleman, to avoid an annoying step.

Now you know how to create dungeon defog. Just make sure if the game updates, you look for those two dungeon files in the new pack files. If they exist, you just extract them to the same directory, and repeat the last step where you open the file, replace all fogs with 0, and save it. That should literally be all you have to do every update, to keep your dungeon defog working, and when you get in the practice of it, it shouldn't take 2-3 minutes.

You are free to ask questions, especially if i seem unclear on something. I can't guarantee i'll have a proper response, but i won't get mad at questions, so long as you're not asking for something ridiculous like being able to teleport or infinite final hit, you should expect to get banned for trying to do that stuff as it would have a negative impact on the game and community.
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Posted at 02-27-17, 01:31 pm Link | #
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Quick for the staff here, if the guide is possibly an issue, or under scrutiny, i made a backup locally of this. Have no qualms about removing it, even if temporarily while under review, and letting me know later if it's safe to post again or something.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 03-04-17, 09:15 pm
Posted at 02-28-17, 04:51 pm Link | #
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Due to recent concerns, i am taking my mods down. They will not come back up on this site, you can check satori's thread for mods. I will not supply further mods here.
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Posted at 03-02-17, 06:14 pm Link | #
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Honestly... i think other than generation pre-set difficulties, there's no real need for requirements on the missions for this server. Public? Yeah, i get that. If you're smart enough to find this server though, especially if you read around or talk to other users, it isn't hard to figure out what's what. I'd personally push for just flat out removing the restrictions over halving them.
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post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 03-02-17, 06:21 pm
Posted at 03-02-17, 06:19 pm Link | #
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I'm not entirely sure i'm interpreting this right, but anyways.

I will be honest, feels like it's overpowered defense, that encroaches into windguard's territory.
If it were a combat specialist skill, i'd consider asking for some kind of benefit to giant's, not necessarily anything major mind you, but with what i read of the skill... skill just seems too much. It'd be exceptional at things you could normally handle anyway, still get you killed at things that outpower you. But i would assume the effectiveness of it, when it's actually useful, to be too high.

And it honestly needs a critical comparison to other skills before being seriously considered. Official mabi, i really wouldn't think twice because you're just supposed to be so darned op on there. But i don't want this server to go the way of official mabi, punish the players for making mistakes and not preparing themselves. Just my view on it though.
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Posted at 03-02-17, 10:44 pm Link | #
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To be completely honest, unless they have like 30k+ gold reward or something, i fully intend to avoid them. Yeah, not taking up an inv slot may be nice, but i'd much prefer not to have to worry about cluttering up my inventory then quest log, with them as i try to find people willing to either help me clear the quests, or at least stay in party while i do it.

If everyone else enjoys it though, well c'est la vie.
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post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 03-05-17, 05:26 pm
Posted at 03-03-17, 12:38 pm Link | #
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My mods are taken down for the foreseeable future. If you want mods, check Satori's moonshine.
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Posted at 03-03-17, 05:38 pm Link | #
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Wait, giants can do g1-3...I even got a cutscene for it and the item needed for AlbyRP.

Oh, then i will look into that later. Thought at this point, giants/elves weren't able to do g1-g3, thought it was a later update.
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post rev. 1 by Drahan on 03-04-17, 03:35 am
Posted at 03-04-17, 03:29 am Link | #
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Metallic Green with a mod from penguin eater of mabimods, slightly customized so that i can see expired passes/enchants in the inventory. Of the original, gray thin glass due to easy to see inventory space and not unbearable colors.;dl=item1031

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Posted at 03-04-17, 02:42 pm Link | #
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Interesting. Not that i mind, but i see my dagger mod in there. Going through a few xml files, i see some that identical to my own edits. I don't mind if my work is included, but y'know proper credit to those who you pulled work from, or made contributions to you, would be greatly appreciated.
The dll part also has several features that are redundant.

Those 'complaints' aside, an effort to help others is still appreciated.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
[Posted by LazyFae on 03-05-17, 05:24 pm, deleted by LazyFae]
  • #572
Posted at 03-05-17, 09:06 pm Link | #
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Due to recent circumstances, i'd personally like to request a staff member who will physically dedicate their time to investigating player complaints, particularly regarding other players. To be blunt, there's a major hole in your workings, which may blow up in your face later, but if nothing else is a major concern to me in the now.

That's all i have to say on the matter here though. Someone can redirect me if you want a more brusque conversation. Look for @Lazyfae in discord if you want to talk to me in there. I will take it to private though.
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Posted at 03-05-17, 09:16 pm Link | #
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Just wanted to say, i think defining alchemy as utility, is more appropriate than support. I'm disinclined to support a boost to alchemy damage, as i never truly went raw damage for it during g13 or prior. Archery though... No damage buff please. Tweaks? Maybe. Damage, no.

Fashionogi... it may be easier to take a note from official mabi's server, and look into fashion tab. Implementation may differ, but i have a feeling it'd be easier to do than the whole robe setup.
Actual gear changes, not for the fashion aspect, may well be worth considering though.

I feel crafting, just for training, would benefit more from tweaking requirements to craft and/or requirements to train the respective skill. Increasing diversity never hurt though, as long as it's staying balanced in what we can produce. Even if it's epic and difficult to produce, i still don't want to see a 200+ dmg sword for example, because it would kill off the point of other weapons. You'd use other stuff as basically placeholders, until you can get your hands on the new weapon. Balance is key, in more than just effort.
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Posted at 03-05-17, 09:19 pm Link | #
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I got sweetfx working. Failed to get reshade 3.0.6 to work though. Just wanted to request, if anyone gets reshade working i'd love to hear about it. Preferably a version with the GUI, but i may take a look at another version still, if someone gets it working.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-07-17, 11:43 am Link | #
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If you're experiencing latency, i strongly suggest you play with your mtu. If you wanna try a value someone has recommended, go for it. But don't just have that value be all, end all, without further testing. Reason i say this, i go lower values on mabi live. Like under 100, and i don't have an extraordinary ping rate or anything, i'm east coast. On mabi pro, i've found 200 to work comfortably for me. Any lower, and i frequently finding myself getting a 1-2 second lag randomly while fighting. Needless to say, that means death most the time. So play with the mtu before you let anyone tell you what's best. There's many factors most people don't consider, if they're trying to give you a solid number and not a number range to test.

Make sure your anti-virus and firewall aren't interfering with mabi pro. You also want to make sure your network drivers are up to date, and that you've configured them properly. There are many steps you can take to help stabilize or improve networking for gaming performance, some at the cost of things like download speed, such as mtu. Google is your friend, i won't try to tell you what's right and wrong because i haven't a clue how you use your computer/laptop, and how you want it set up. If you're afraid to read or don't have time though, well be prepared to suffer with some lag is all i can say.
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Posted at 03-07-17, 11:20 pm Link | #
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This will likely only apply if you have DPI scaling turned on, and using windows 10. If you're on win 10 with a high resolution and no DPI, well i feel sorry for your eyes.

So, made a mistake recently. Hit alt+enter to full screen, and then immediately hit it again to go back to window. The game knew it was supposed to be full screen, and it returned to normal as expected. Unfortunately, every time i tried to launch the game after that, the game decided that i wanted to run in compatibility mode, because i had entered full screen one time, even though it seemed to work fine in full screen and even though i wasn't launching the game in full screen. The result, was that it always gave me this little window when i would attempt to launch the client, via any method.

No matter which button i clicked, i couldn't open the client and every subsequent launch always opened that little window. I'll skip the discovery process, and go straight into how to get rid of this issue, should anyone else have it.

Go to your mabi pro directory, find client.exe, right-click, and open properties. Click the compatibility tab at the top. Odds are, you will have all boxes cleared on this screen. You'll want to click "Change settings for all users." Now check the box "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings."
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-07-17, 11:47 pm Link | #
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Did some digging after seeing what drahan had to say.

Quote from s29 of mabimods.
"WS2MintUnQueue (Windows Socket 2 Mint Unqueuer) is a special mod that I've found months ago. I was skeptical on how powerful this mod might be for the community. What this mod does is removes your limitation of outgoing actions to the server, thus allowing you to have a bit more control of your character beyond the limitation of networking latency, for this mod to work effectively you must be close to the server's location. For Mabinogi North America the servers are located in California. So if you live in that state you get the most beneficial effect for this modification. After much consideration regarding on should this modification be public we've decided that it is within safe bounds to release it. As always, be cautious"

I don't know much about the technical aspects of networking. Tests and visible results, i can do and see, but the hows and whys, i can't really say much, so i'll just watch now.
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post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 03-08-17, 12:47 am
Posted at 03-08-17, 12:36 am Link | #
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This is meant more of a general discussion and feedback, than a solid suggestion. As of this moment, we only have one available channel. I don't know what to expect of the growth of this server, in community, server wise, or actual game itself. I'm looking for actual discussion, so i ended up with a lengthy post. I'll break it into sections, feel free to focus solely on a section that interests you, and don't feel the need to comment on anything else if you don't want.


Should the community grow and the game or channels not grow to match, i'd like to mention the concern of anything related to field or replenishing resources/mobs, as in outside of instanced areas, may result in players fighting over some of the resources. Base herbs, for example, take time to replenish. If you suddenly have say, just 5 people all needing base herbs at roughly the same time, they're taking time and getting frustrated. Metallurgy spots work differently, but having 4-5 people on the beach definitely gets frustrating. Similar for hunting field mobs. I can recall trying to hunt lions way back when, and getting frustrated as 2 others would want to be there as well, and rather than stick to one spot and clear it, they'd want to run back and forth. Resulted in lions in one spot, usually where you're at at any given moment, being scarce, and then the majority all spawning away from the player. Then of course, due to the density everyone will rush that spot, to have the process repeat.

There may be other scenarios to consider, but i think that's sufficient enough to get the point across. Just want to see some thoughts on possibly counteracting this.
Herbs and metallurgy spots would be easy. Adjust the respawn timer/regrowth rate for example. Not much of a negative to that that i can think of. Mobs however, would be a bit more tricky imo.

At the moment, mobs' corpse will despawn faster than the live server. This is great for keeping the screen clear, but this is also bad for a few major and minor reasons. Faster fading means less time to finish. So if a party member kills something, say a boss, and you get the finish but you're way off in the corner dead by some multi-aggroing lesser mobs, then that boss is going to vanish before you get revived, possibly even if you nao. So, say bye bye to both boss xp and boss drops.

Similar issues pertain to skill training with party finish to any, for kills. Mobs' bodies despawn faster, leaving you less time to finish them, making some of the skills more difficult to train. Think windmill, where you have to hit large numbers of mobs with so much cp above yours. Now imagine training it if you hit lv 300+, and you hadn't started wm yet, ie rank F... You're going to fight tougher mobs to do this, so you can expect to take longer to kill. Grouping up corpses for a finish becomes less and less feasible. Windmill is a prime example, but i'm unsure if other skills will be as big an issue.

More about finishers, people who want to spam ice spear will use it, to help propagate. Reduced finish time can disrupt the effectiveness of that. Also, on live servers the decay time of the body is roughly the time it takes for their drops on the ground, to be claimable by anyone. Ie, mob drops 1k gold on death and it's not your kill, if you wait till the body despawns you can pick up the gold. You know when you can pick up the gold, by watching the corpse most of the time. Some exception exist to this, such as Battle For Tail where the mobs despawn when all of their group is killed.

Reason for covering finishers, is one of the issues with if we were to say, increase density of mobs in an area. Not only would you have to worry about aggro, misclicking, and possibly splash if more people are in the area; you'd have the concern of corpses and essentially decay rate. You'd have to find the perfect medium without screwing up other possible aspects. Aside from finishers, you'd have to consider the drop rates of field mobs. Anything that might earn profit, from gold, to fomor scrolls, to pots, to even possibly equips or manuals. All of them would have to be brought under scrutiny.

I'm pointing out there's no reason to keep mobs' stats as they are atm. If an aspect of them is tweaked, whether it's spawn rate, drop rates, exp earned, or something else all together, there is no reason the stats couldn't be adjusted to follow suit. A sense of balance is important to many of us, that's why we're here and not on mabi live. If a field mob were to be increased in density, could slightly lower exp earned, item drop rates, but also the stats to follow suit. Keep in mind what mob and its location as you're tweaking. Does it multi-aggro? How's the splash? What skillset does it use? How does the terrain near the spawn point of the mob, affect the players' combat and the mobs' movement? You don't want 20 balrogs in their spawn point, at their current strength. It's a bridge, decent sized but still a bridge. They have a bolt, stomp, and large splash. Other players will get you killed quick, and if they spawn 5 near each other then you're in for a very tough fight if you don't bait. Then as you're killing, you run the risk, of the respawning and aggroing you again, in the immediate area while you fight. Worst case scenario, you get pinned and unable to escape without teleporting to resurrection point. So there's various factors to look at in determining a mob's stats, as well as things to keep in mind when deciding how to tweak things.

On that note, field boss' are another area to investigate. At one time alexina had 4 channels, currently all of NA is 7 channels per server. This is important for sketching and earning drops. Should their spawn times be tweaked? Drop rates adjusted? What about the bosses used in giant/elf transformations? If someone decides to hunt one of those, anyone who may have a friend camping in iria to let them know when it spawns, may risk missing the boss, on top of having to actually be around irl when the boss spawns. This may not be a major issue atm, but if the community does increase, is this something worth addressing?

minor edit, added how corpse decay time is used to measure when you can pick up someone else's items at the end of the finishers section, and slightly cleaned that section.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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