Posted at 09-13-17, 04:22 pm Link | #

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Hello my ign is Ramza (other characters will be variations of it). I started playing Mabinogi as a beta tester back in 2008. What I really liked about the original game was the battle system, musical instruments, the community, and the anime drawings. I was really active from 2008-2012, but after G15 I started only logging on whenever there was a mainstream quest update. I sometimes pop back on the live version for about a week every other year or so just to check on the condition of my server (Tarlach lol).

For a few years now I wanted to play old school Mabi, since live Mabi was really unbalanced and was going in a totally different direction than I wanted it to. I researched on Google about a year ago and found something called Aura?? (something close to that), but it was already taken down by then. Just a few weeks ago I decided to go search again since this is legit my favorite MMORPG growing up, and I found Mabi Pro.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in game. I really like to do team activities, so if anyone needs help on an RP Quest, mainstream quests, running dungeons, or shadow missions, let me know and I'll be there to help (assuming my level qualifies for the difficulty).
Posted at 09-13-17, 05:07 pm Link | #

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I guess that the requirement to revive Macha would be to get a red haired/ red eyed girl and offer her to Lia Fail. I always thought that there was like a spiritual version of the gods and goddesses that live forever somewhere up there and their physical bodies would be created through the Lia Fail process with a sacrifice.

I also think that there were multiple possessions for the body of Morrighan since Vindictus. And the main reason (which may be going too far) is that when Morrighan first introduces you to Nao, she says that Mari was merged with an unknown goddess (possibly Tieve depending where the Vindi story goes). I always thought that Tieve looked similar to Nao.

I would like to start with fixing the whole Cichol/Morrighan relationship by making it somehow clear that Morrighan =/= Tieve, and that they became friends after Tieve was no longer under her possession. And possibly make a tie-in in how the Vindi heroes affected the history of Mabinogi (I believe that all that's said about them is something like Lann, Fiona, and Evie helped somehow - Legatus)

Definitely I agree with changing the story of G16, as I have never fully been able to convince myself that Lugh was that much of a wimp. How a cool nihilist became a complete biotch didn't sit well with me. And plus they have a height difference <- lol. I would like the story for each of the main characters to go as this:

Tarlach stays in Sidhe for the rest of his life. Kristell, Ruairi, and Nao come to visit him often (Make NPCs of them that sometimes pop up, kind of like for the girls during the Martial Arts questline).

Morgant and Triona disappear forever no one knows where they went, but in G16 Morgant knows that Morrighan is setting him up and sends an imposter to act as him (Lugh) and fakes the grave of Triona.

In some custom shadow missions, have Jenna appear somewhere as a blacksmith and allow her to repair your equipment with higher success rates directly related with the difficulty of the mission at reduced prices compared to other blacksmiths, only if the mission was successful. Also have AI's of Leymore and Cai assist you in these missions.

Change the identities of Black Dragon Knight and Black Mask ( I don't even know if that would be possible due to them showing up in cutscenes as old Ruairi and old Tarlach) to other unseen characters with different backgrounds for their motivations.
Posted at 09-14-17, 07:43 am Link | #

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Wow that was really informative. I must of missed a lot of those things when I was playing Vindi (You know how speed leveling to 90 is). I always thought Morrighan was fooling your character the whole time since she only helps your character when its in her best interest but bails and turns on your character when you become too strong. Also Cichol makes her look bad a few times (her lying about TNN and Erinn, her using the partholonians, fomorians, and later you).

How do you know about Dana? Was that from somewhere in Mabi or Vindi? You seem to know alot about this stuff and your making me hungry for potential spoilers.

Also what do you mean by Macha already resurrected, because I thought Macha only appeared in Saga because of some Lia Fail ritual with Millia? We never see her until this time.

I never thought about Triona being Macha's daughter, but it seems possible since I don't think Triona is ever mentioned by Elatha or Neamhain, or mentioned as directly descending from Neamhain(Haven't played the generation in 6+ years so don't quote me on this).

You must really like Shakespheare XD.
Posted at 09-20-17, 05:29 am Link | #

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I believe it is character based, since only that character's name shows up on the guild list.

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