Posted at 03-04-17, 06:19 am Link | #

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Leaning on grey thin due to it's transparency, allowing me to see through the menu's a bit. It also just doesn't ever really call attention to itself unlike the original blue or something. It's just functional and clean.
Posted at 03-04-17, 06:45 am Link | #

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I wouldn't mind putting some time into this, nice work.
Posted at 03-06-17, 07:19 pm Link | #

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These read a bit like ads, but also have quite a few good tips to consider.

You're pretty good.
Posted at 03-13-17, 10:05 pm Link | #

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I have to ask the question, do we need a gacha and If so, why?

Because I don't think the game does, and items that are special and without craft patterns could be put into mobs, giving a reason for players to go out and explore.

Frog robes could be potentially fished up, tiger robes could drop from lions (heh)

A beholder sword could come from hobgoblins since they wield them or come from rafting at a low rate.

And so on.

But if the gacha must stay, I have a suggestion to make about it, why not replace the items and instead mix in every limited edition rebirth outfit. Those items generally have no place in the world, you could add the wigs, which really doesn't make sense for players to make themselves either. I don't like wings, but they'd make a perfect fit in the gacha as well since they're quite silly. Stuff like that.

I also had another idea that could replace gacha, dyes. Yes, we already have a dye purchase option, but you could also do a dye monthly purchase option that limits your random dyes to a specific color shades. For example, a spring time dye set could be green shaded dyes, and so on. Depending on the month, you could do red, orange, christmas themed colors, etc.

Just my two cents.
Posted at 03-15-17, 05:45 am Link | #

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General Fixes & Events

Well, I believe that the point of max durability being destroyed is due to how skills are trained, and how the majority of stats and damage come. They come from the base character, and in old mabinogi, due to its more player skill focused combat, a weapon is more of a resource than an actual part of your character. Very remniscent of games like Ultima Online, where you make your character and you work on your skills, but if you die, you lose your equipment. The mechanic in itself gives a bit more risk and reward to using a stronger more valuable weapon over a cheaper one like a fluted short sword. You then have to basically choose to use what you feel you can afford to repair or in fact replace. I'm running about 4 different swords right now because I cannot afford to replace my 222 broad with goddess on it, nor can I repair it, but I get along just fine because I made a decision to allow me to get around that fact.

It also allows for life skills to stay relevant after a long period of time. A persons amazing 222 broadsword may get too low and need to be replaced. Meaning hey, look at me and this fresh new broadsword that is x grade and now you want to throw your money at me, giving me a reason to continue building broadswords that are good.

Now for the weapons you can't craft, well, the point about not using what you can't afford to replace ties into this. You'll use that weapon if you feel that it's worth using, plus you have the option of egoing it, which is actually a lot better on this server since we only have special upgrades to 3, and you can also keep your weapon from ever losing dura.

Finally, I just want to bring up the topic of convenience. When bringing up convenience, more than the positive, you also have to consider what is negative. Will something be marginalized or made useless because this convenience option renders it useless. Will people still have a reason to make or buy mp pots if we raise mp regen further, how are skills like mana shield effected by this?
(Disclaimer, I'm not familiar with meditation numbers or inspiration, and the focus of this is not to show my opinion of these suggestions, just what I feel are questions which more people should ask and currently aren't asking.)
Posted at 03-15-17, 04:58 pm Link | #

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I've had a rare bit of lag loading skills, but this happened like once out of 4 hours playing. Mabinogi is a pretty sensitive game when it comes to connections. If you're on wifi with a meh router/modem combo (which a lot of people tend to be), you may find yourself having a bad time out of nowhere pretty often.

I recommend using speedofme to check consistency. Places like ookla just give you the last number (usually the peak) which isn't very useful for anything.
post rev. 1 by removedself on 03-16-17, 03:24 am
Posted at 03-16-17, 03:23 am Link | #

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100% repairs should be available, the game was designed around them, and they were always in korea/japan afaik (and I think they still are?)

Designed around them how? Other than 100 percent existing, I'm not sure what they add other than allowing players to hold onto a weapon longer without losing it.
Posted at 03-16-17, 06:34 pm Link | #

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what's the point of playing in a private server if my 222 broads get chiseled down by some apprentice blacksmith

You don't take 222 broadswords to apprentice blacksmiths? 222 broadswords are really good weapons. What's the point of playing the private server that promotes itself under being "Authentic Old-School Mabinogi experience" you ask? Well it's certainly not to experience an easier version of the actual game. In the same way you don't play s4max and hope to play an easier version of s4 league, no you're going to experience what the game was.

what's the point of playing in a private server if my 222 broads get chiseled down by some apprentice blacksmith

Now imagine if Broadswords were priced at 40k a pop. That gets crazy expensive right? So you'd switch to like, a Gladius or a battle sword, right? Except those are also 40k a pop now.

Welcome to the mage class. Oh also, unequip your sword and lose your stamina. Don't forget that Stam pots are no longer sold in stores! And, you need a Gladius to use smash, a broad for windmill, and a battle for assault slash. Have nice day.

Pardon my salt lads, Epsilon has *triggered* me.

But yes. Repair system needs work. This is why I suggested the max dura repair option, because then we still have that element of chance that some players desperately cling to, while the players that color-match and minmax don't lose out on the large bags of gold they forked over to finally get their perfect set.

I'll state the same opinion again, durability does serve a purpose. It keeps weapons as a resource, something to make combat easier, but they aren't forever, which in turn keeps blacksmithing and other life skills purposeful to the same people. And you don't need a good weapon to do significant damage in a game where your stats come mainly from your character.

It also forces you to adapt, sometimes changing your playstyle because hey, you're lacking resources, so you can't necessarily fund your best shit right now, maybe put it in the bank and grab something else. This isn't wow where dungeons and quests turn into gear checks, this is a game where understanding the mechanics will take you much further. Playing smart and adapting instead of pressing rotations and moving out of the fire. This also reinforces the fact that weapons are resources, they don't take long to upgrade, you could potentially have an endgame weapon from the start, but if you can't afford to repair it or replace it, what are you doing?

Now you bring up the example of melee weapons being expensive and having other cheaper options, which magic doesn't
(Though, not sure why you picked gladius or battle swords, because those really aren't the cheap options. Something like fluted shorts or wooden blades make a lot more sense here, but I digress.)
There are other options to fix the magic user weapon costs by adding cheaper and weaker weapons which have weaker upgrade paths as well, or rely on artisans for decent damage, like maxing the upgrades to cc3 instead of 4, and so on. Make a weapon called the basic/flimsy wand of Fire, just reuse the basic fire wand model, neuter the upgrade options, lower the value to make it cheaper to upgrade and repair/use. While the other weapons, stay as they are, giving you the same level of choice as other skillsets have.

This would allow mages to be easier to get into for new players without as much of an understanding of the game, without really hurting the choice and decision making. I mean seriously, what reason do you have for using anything other than the best, when you have no chance of losing the best.

I mean, people have played old mabinogi to endgame relying on daggers, mages should have the same level of diversity. Daggers give you speed and cheaper cost, and while this theoretical flimsy wand can't really effect gameplay except mainly damage due to magic being so linear in it's mechanics, it can still cheaper and more reliable like fluteds and daggers are.
Posted at 03-16-17, 10:09 pm Link | #

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My first time playing is on this server just a week ago or so.

What made you decide to play here rather than official?
post rev. 1 by removedself on 03-22-17, 11:33 pm
Posted at 03-22-17, 11:12 pm Link | #

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I was under the impression that it was mostly one or two very vocal people against the removal of evap.

Well, so far, a lot of the reasons for removing evaporation are that it's inconvenient and it'd make it easier. I do believe that evaporation adds to the game, it really reinforces that preparation aspect of mages. It's not like the game doesn't have ways to combat it, meditation exists, mana crystals, potion making. I stand by evaporation because it forces you to make choices, and in mmos having to actually think about what you do is quite rare, but it doesn't simply just punish you, it rewards you for making good decisions, taking the time to prep your supplies before going into a harder mission or dungeon. If you want to use other wands for other adv magics or to maximize your damage, bring more potions, or bring mana crystals, rank up your meditation and so on.

You also have to consider skills like blaze, which is super strong on a combat wand but somewhat weakened by an elemental wand, evaporation forces you to trade mana, if you want to go for the higher damage through switching or use different advanced magics or something (unless you have that magic staff, which exists for this purpose as well) you'll have to give up mana. Like, these options are really fucking good, and I feel that is why these things exist and personally, I feel that gives the game a whole lot more depth. This is not your average mmo, where everyone is just damage numbers and stats, but instead are players, who have to become good themselves on top of building their character, making choices of the pricier weapon, or going for cheaper ones. I believe there are other ways to help mages, and I'll outline some of that here. Eventually, I'll make a proper thread on it and a few other things, but for now, here goes.

"Meditation causes the Durability of a Wand or a Staff to go down 1.75x faster."---- This is just punishing for the sake of punishing, wand repairs are already pricey, and they already lose dura pretty quickly. This could be toned down without really taking away from anyones experience. In fact, durability is already something that goes down pretty quick in general, so I'm not sure this is in anyway necessary. There is not even a reason in the games lore for this, it just doesn't make much sense for this to be a thing. It's really punishing and you really can't do anything about it. Mages need meditation, durability already goes down quite fast, this just makes it faster for no real reason. I feel that the money and preparation wall of magic is appropriate, but this seems a bit silly.

"MP30s not being in shops" I don't see why they aren't if you can get hp potions and stamina potions. It wouldn't devalue mp100s and stam 100s and so on. Being able to click once out of an animation to refill your stamina is a lot more powerful than having to mash to get the same effect. HP100s are fucking useful for those who'd actually bother to build them, making maybe a run that was undoable before, much more doable. The game should reward you for prepping up like that, instead of never actually having to worry about it and relying on pure stats and gear to carry you through. I don't think mabinogi was designed to be a game like world of warcraft but instead like an actual game that rewards players for being skillful and resourceful(Not that there is anything wrong with wow or something). But I'm digressing holy shit. anyways, if archers and warriors can get those subpar pots, i don't see why mages cannot. It's not like mp30s will allow for a mage to rely on manashield on top of all their other abilities or w.e just like hp potting won't save you from getting killed or overusing wm and getting caught up, or an archer who is over relying on ar and forgets to watch their stamina.

Warriors and some extent archers have much more choice in their weapons. You can go for the high damage weapons, like a 222 broadsword, but the durability is lowered by quite a bit and the cost of repairing those things if you maybe want to enchant them with some good stuff like goddess or caliburn really drives up the cost. Or you could instead build fluted short swords or daggers, and be fine using those, and while they do a lot less damage, they're a lot easier to maintain and replace. Mages don't really have anything like this, and I feel that this is easily remedied by adding some weapons with weaker upgrade paths like cc+2 or less damage over all, and then you can make these weapons significantly cheaper to buy and to repair. You could also put in upgrade paths like reduce mana evap by 50 percent, which would give these weapons another thing over the better stuff, giving more choice to the players.

(Also really quick, kind of a tangent, but choice does not mean the choice should always have a 100 percent positive outcome, a proper choice should have positive and negatives. I'll make my own thread though for this topic, just something I wanted to mention because I feel that too many people are focused on "What's good for me?", rather than "What's good for the game?".)

the only reason it would be balanced is chain cast wands, and even then thats still not really that great for balance. lets take arrow revolver which to some degree is similar to CC ice wand, 4-3 second load at 5-8 stamina, and cant switch off without issue, balancing for switching off a weapon isnt really bin a issue to begin with which is why mana evap is just so weird, with magic mastery its possible to hit 300 MP easly, well in the use to use 100s within a good range, like i said its more just to help with the begining range of magic, because i know that the 100s are going to be useful for anyone going mage

Load time is 1 second and 16 stamina for r1 ar, not 4-3, you also will lose your charges if you decide to cancel the skill, so I'm not sure what you mean. ( I'm assuming that you meant "can" instead of "cant", but if not, I guess you can sort of ignore this?)

Ice CC isn't really used all that much as far as I'm aware, icebolt is best reserved for fusions and CC ice doesn't allow you to do that(unless your friend has a ccfire wand or something). The main CC choice will always be firebolt, which is actually strong, does a decent amount of damage. I can't imagine a mage carrying a wand for cc ice because wm/mana shield exist which seem like far better options for dealing with crowd control. so I'm not sure why you brought it up. Unless you're doing cc fusions with a friend, but I'm not sure many people are utilizing that right now.
I've talked about switching earlier as well in this post outlining skills like blaze and mana shield being quite strong if you're able to switch wands. It kind of makes the existence of that magic staff kind of pointless as well since switching in menus is pretty easy with a bit of practice and the staff is what allows you to use all advanced magics without carrying different wands.

I'll save the rest of this poorly written shit for my own thread, but as always, I'm willing to debate anything I've said, so please feel free to respond to me directly.
Posted at 03-23-17, 12:43 am Link | #

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Alot of what cyrene says is rather good, in the case of evap is staying those upgrade paths would be good to reduce evap, but i still dont see it, ive mained magic so long that even when it was the main thing, the only reason i would switch off the magic is because i ran out of MP making it counter intuitive to "balance", and this was something that even without mana evap i still did.
oh and in the case of mana evap crystals, those require mp 30, 50, and 100s effectivly making them be really MP pot instansive just to save a small bit of MP

Ice CC has crowed control use, its definintly not used but ya its a thing, and CC fusion sadly isnt a thing last i checked

You're right, that should probably be a thing though, it'd give some actual use back to the old fusion method.
Posted at 03-24-17, 01:50 am Link | #

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Unless your a spellsword, if you are, trust me, you do a lot of weapon swaping.

I have to actually to go into this further because now that I'm thinking about it, what kind of setups are you doing as a "spellsword" Because, I'd assume most mages are running CC4 firebolt for the main big damage single target attack. If you're looking to do some combo setups, then it's icespear/thunder into blaze. The bolts on the other hand really don't setup for anything big, you'll mainly be using stuff like lightningbolt into charge>smash attack. I can't imagine you'd need a lightning wand for this.

Like, I totally understand that switching from melee to a wand to do charge into blaze means you won't be able to go back into melee, if you aren't well stocked in potions, mana crystals of course, but I'm having a hard time seeing the reason for why you'd switch back unless you're doing pvp. Magic is about picking the right element for the right situation. Firebolt cc4 is a great single target moider machine, icebolt makes for a great fusion tool, and lightning bolt has the highest hitstun making it the safest for setting up into other moves (mainly charge), but again if you're using lightning bolt you're probably not a straight up mage. Ice spear is great for that fast charge allowing for really easy party comboing off of it, as well as stalling high hp hard to kill bosses. It also sets up into blaze really well. Thunder is alright for aoe, but generally you probably just want to fireball if you've got the mana reserves.

I totally agree that magic has problems, it's lacking in options in terms of weapon choices like others skillsets have. If I need a cheap throwaway weapon, I have many choices to go through in the early game. Magic doesn't have that, and there is really no reason for that. No I'm not saying beginner weapons need to be a thing, because they don't. I'm saying weaker potential weapons with instead of cc4, cc3, higher focus on mana regen upgrades and shit like that. Or maybe a wand with charge speed upgrades meaning that focusing on fusion will be a bigger early game tactic or something. Look at fluted, wooden, and so on.

Anywho, I'm going on way too long.

I'm struggling to word why I feel that mp30s should be a thing, it really isn't going to change the late game, mp30s aren't going to be enough to full a mage in the mid game if they're relying on cc4 fb. Players will still want to go into potion making to fuel their evaporation, their mana shield, their advanced magics.
Especially if you're playing solo and not with a group, you're going to need your pots.

Holy shit, I've lost my train of thought. Oh yea, the adding of mp 30s will not really change the game too much negatively. While you could argue that mages need potion making just like archers need refine, in this version of the game archers can get away without touching a life skill at least for a little while especially since we have the passives, and I think that mages should have a bit more leniency as well in this regard. Don't get me wrong, as a mage you'd still have to be smart about your money to buy pots, but I can't imagine where mages won't just want to start doing potion making so that they eventually will have earned their way to be able to not have to worry about pots and evap.

Went on too long again, really need to just make my own thread.
Posted at 04-01-17, 02:50 am Link | #

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I don't see the reason for mana evaporation either, but its part of vanilla mabinogi and there's a very vocal minority who want to keep it.

Mana evap is there for lore reasons and as a way to punish magic, as the first director hated magic. It's the kind of thing that makes sense in the lore, but gets in the way of gameplay and should be either reworked or removed.

This is similar. There's no reason for gear to really degrade by simply wearing them. They already degrade from EVERYTHING ELSE, getting hit, using them, I think rain was proven to increase passive dura loss at some point? Don't quote me on that last one, could be totally wrong. Furthermore, this feels like a system that might have been implemented for realism but ended up being exploited for money, as gachas used to spit out unreparable items (and there are still plenty of unfixable stuff in live) that will eventually die from nothing, forcing you to try for more if they aren't limited time.

Not only does durability force players to go out and earn and spend money to keep items in working order, it also keeps blacksmiths and other crafters a lot more relevant to everyone, even those already with their fully enchanted and upgraded weapon, unless it's an ego, it will have to be replaced eventually. There's a reason why upgrades and such don't take very long to do. Enchanting is risky, but you gain a lot of power in doing so meaning that it's easier to gain cash and replace the weapon or maybe even work towards something better. This is what durability does for the game.

I'm a bit confused on the "un repairable items" part of your post. Those weapons are generally not something that are meant to be kept long, nor are they fair in terms of damage, if we're talking weapons. Things like the pivotal longsword, machetes, and so on are not meant to be repairable as they generally have high max with no real commitment put into them. They're one off weapons meant to be used and discarded. I don't think unrepairables have ever been the things that sold gachas. Now for unrepairable clothing, suggesting to make that repairable is a fair deal, because its hard to come up with a reason for why anything is unrepairable that's purely cosmetic. It offers no high max bonus or anything of the sort, they're just outfits that can't be repaired.

For limited items, like say a wing bow or a dragon sword, the problem is not that durability exists meaning that these weapons will eventually die(probably not the wingbow because everyone egos it), the problem is that you cannot potentially find these items in game through playing the game. Maybe a specific mob could drop the pattern or end room chests. This would fix the problem of certain limited items not being able to potentially be replaced through actually playing the game.

To comment on OP, as someone who doesn't stay logged in afk at all, I don't see how this is an issue, but I can see it being a problem if you're afking for a significant amount of time, but, all you'd have to do is take off your clothes.

FYI, the final message is not intended to be rude, apologies if it sounds that way.
Posted at 04-02-17, 04:46 pm Link | #

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Making likeability potions is already a possibility.

Gold mushrooms spawn at a rate of two a day and bloody herbs are probably one of the more common herb patches to come across.
Posted at 04-12-17, 02:53 am Link | #

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One of my concerns is how easy things that people want pass, and how hard it will be to nerf things that people like. Another issue with content polls is that there are some things that NEED to nerfed for the longevity of the game that most people do not WANT nerfed.

For instance, I'm assuming that if there was a poll about Rabbie Basic back in the day, every single person that was benefitting from the absurdly high gold gain would not want it to nerfed. This could be a large portion of the given playerbase. I wasn't around for that bit on this server, but I was around for that bit on another server and it went over exactly as I just described.

Similarly, we have SCC which was by and far the best experience gain in the game. I don't know if there was a poll for that either, but it was nerfed because the experience gain actually shut out all other places to grind in the game by being just too damned efficient. Again, most people benefit from that considerably, so a poll would end in rejection.

These kinds of difficult decisions are going to come up again. Off the top of my head, I feel like future targets would be many aspects of red coins and golem summoning. But the problem is, while it's very easy to pass something that people benefit from, it's very difficult to take certain freedoms away from people. 10 herbs per patch passed with flying colors. Nerfing golems will be an absolute disaster.

Posted by bunnjoo
. I mean this no offense, but people don't care or know what's better for them. For that matter and more importantly, what's good for the server.

Exactly . I'm concerned abou this servers future growth

This is fair, some do want things that simply make it easier or harder for them. But when discussing anything, it's important to give good reasoning/arguments. Explaining your points well. Personally, I don't really see what's wrong with really anything mechanically in the game, it's old mabi and old mabi worked. It's not flawless, but it'll never be flawless. Just because you say that people don't know what they want, doesn't mean that you do. Discussion is good, but when people say no or yes to something look at why they're saying no/yes If they're just saying no/yes without explaining why in detail, then fine call them out for it.
Saying "Oh, that's a cool idea" or "No, that's a terrible idea" isn't useful to anybody. Why even have a forum if you're just going to say yes or no. Just because something like nerfing golems would make the game harder doesn't mean its a good idea, why are you nerfing it, have you seen it in the endgame, is it a big problem right now and is it over centralizing the game? I don't know, and no one is really explaining why, it's just because devcat nerfed golems, but why though?

Let me give an example, someone says the game is too easy, I disagree, why? Because its not that the mechanics of windmill or something make it too easy to die, its that you're given a free nao every ingame morning and also start with five, meaning that, you'll get free holy water, and have a much lower chance of losing your gear during a dungeon. You'll also lose less durability over the course of a run. If you instead limited it to five per day, or increased the amount of time you had to wait to receive another, it'd make the game far more challenging, it'd force them to choose when to use their nao stones and when not to, and it'd still help a new player starting out without being able to essentially wait 30 minutes to eventually get their item if they dropped it. The only thing really stopping any player right now from completing any run is their impatience, or they're at baol or tnn. That's how I'd argue for change, and I'd like to see that in more posts, because I'm not seeing this from many people.

It'd help, if the no votes were requested to give a reason. I mean, some people are against change, and will vote no literally for that reason alone. Others vote no, just because they're impartial and/or their friend requested them to. There will be no good reason for some no votes.

Reasoning and numbers casting votes, say 10 voters vs 1,000, should have the votes more carefully considered, as 25% of 1,000 wouldn't be that hard to see no on. It'd help to see some votes on the forums honestly, as we could make posts supporting or opposing, which may help sway others to our viewpoint. Not to mention that we don't have to worry about being able to get on the game to cast a vote, can just read and go.

Okay, if that's the case, the yes should also be required to give a reason, why shouldn't they? Just because the majority says yes/no does not make better, true, etc. You still need to say why no matter what side you're on.
Posted at 12-26-17, 04:18 am Link | #

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Player's aren't going to socialize if the game is easy, and mabinogi is by all means easy.

The situation wouldn't change if multiclienting was a bannable offense or whatever. The players who were going to multi client, or solo, would still have the same incentive to actually cooperate. To help someone else, that's it, and in Mabinogi, that really is it.

You don't need help to handle any sm and having 5 naos and one replenish every ingame day further lowers the need to ask for help.

Community doesn't just happen just because their is a talk function, community happens when someone needs something from someone else and vice versa. And mabinogi at it's best just doesn't give you that (Except when everyone is early game), team combos are generally quite simple, and even if they can get more complex, it doesn't matter because windmill exists, and most mobs will get trashed in a few hits, meaning it's more efficient to not fight together. And it's even more efficient to not group dungeons, because you not only have more chests if multiclienting, but you have more chances at rolling drops from mob deaths, and more exp.

The only thing you get with another player is potentially finishing the run faster. You generally don't even have to communicate when running with someone else. Because in this game, stats are more important than good play, and good play isn't that huge in this game.

It's just a flaw of mabinogi. I don't think there is much that can change it other than new player's sticking together at least for awhile.

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