Posted at 02-14-17, 04:43 am Link | #

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I was thinking it might be cool to do something similar to old school Runescape and what they do with content, where, (once we're in a better place with the server than we are now), we have monthly polls on the forums where we talk about what content we'd like to see added to the game. I'd think the easiest way to do it would be to have a post maybe a week before voting where everyone suggests what they'd like to see, and the mods pick some from the suggestions to put into a poll where we vote on which we'd most like to see implemented.

This of course would be further down the line, as there's still plenty of work to be done on the server, but eventually having the community have a way to voice what they want to see would be awesome.
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Posted at 03-04-17, 10:49 pm Link | #

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There's a lot of Japanese items that (at least in the NA version) were either event only/gacha only. For example, here's all of the Japanese themed swords, and a few clothing options.

Japanese Traditional Clothing (M)
Yukata (M) (F)
Yukata Mini (M) (F)
There are of course more clothing that's available as well.

The spin would be pretty simple, a weeaboo has been given an ultimatum from his mom that he has to sell off all of his Japanese paraphernalia or else he will be kicked out of the basement and will have to live on his own. You could spin his dialogue as something along the lines of "My mom is making me get rid of my superior Japanese items or else she's going to boot me out. You're not getting it for cheap though, these superior weapons can cut clean through steel because they've been folded over a thousand times!" Even if you only made him a temporary NPC, I'm sure quite a few people would stock up on the various items, as unless JP was more widely different with methods to obtain these, all of these in NA were either Gacha or event only. Thanks for the consideration.
Posted at 03-08-17, 09:35 pm Link | #

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Here's hoping the relocation goes smoothly.
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Posted at 03-09-17, 03:53 am Link | #

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I love you, Mabipro team.
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Posted at 03-10-17, 07:31 pm Link | #

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So, what does everyone else think of the gachapon that was released this morning? I saw a lot of good things (rare cosmetics, manuals previously only available in things like production gachapons) and bad things, such as the Highlander claymore and WING BOWS.

I personally am all for getting gachapon related cosmetics through the gachapons implemented for coins, but I am not for high end weapons and armor that take a lot of effort being offered at a random chance to anyone with 50 coins (enough to buy two gachaphons). I feel like this significantly undermines the satisfaction of working towards these types of items as, why bother working hard, trying to synth or kill the red dragon for a wing bow when any average joe that killed wolves for a while has enough coins to just get it out of RNG? Same goes for the Highlander Claymore, a high end weapon that has difficult ways to obtain it (Rundal Advanced Hardmode for the manual and peaca enemies as a drop).

In the end, I feel like gachapons should be reserved for the items we don't have ANY other means of getting (be it a gacha/event only or character card only) and not for equipment that we can obtain through working hard towards it. We aren't live, I feel like we shouldn't be trying to be like them by babying the playerbase by handing out easy to get high end weapons.
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Posted at 09-01-17, 01:51 pm Link | #

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And thank you to Waffo for bringing instruments! Best community.
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post rev. 1 by Frobozz on 09-02-17, 04:59 pm
Posted at 09-02-17, 04:33 pm Link | #

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Right now Alchemy is pretty alright, though it's plagued by inconsistencies and inconveniences. Alchemy crystals have varying stack sizes between skills (golem crystals stack to 5, Raincasting stacks to 10 and Frozen blast seems to stack to 50). Cylinders, not having the option to be Special Upgraded or Spirit Weapon'd means that they have a lot of fall off compared to other weapon options. And the big cannon of Alchemy, the Tower Cylinder, takes 5 seconds to install and uninstall, which is embarrassingly long because after the installation you have to then actually start loading skills, taking even more time before you're actually able to do damage, compared to other classes (or even just using a regular cylinder) an extremely long time before you're useful...and then the enemies can just be out of your range so you have to cancel the skill, uninstall, reinstall, reload...we need that installation time to be short, like a second or half a second.
Sandburst is also a problem skill, because as it functions now it's only effective on low CP enemies, ruining its effectiveness in higher ranked missions.

So, list of changes that would improve the health of Alchemy would be:

Change ALL crystal stack size to something like100
Change Tower Cylinder install/uninstall to .5-1 second
Enable Special Upgrades and Spirit weapon
Enable Sand Burst to blind at any cp

I don't know how much is possible, but Alchemy may see a rise in popularity if it becomes more viable as a form of doing damage.
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Posted at 09-03-17, 04:40 am Link | #

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Here's the thing about Tower Cylinder redclad. It takes 5 seconds to install, X time to load whatever alchemy skill (and then you actually have to fire it) during the 5 seconds you are completely vunerable, and while installed you cannot load defense, counter or windmill. If you get knocked back once you are completely incapable of using your Tower Cylinder for the rest of the fight. There is no other weapon in ANY weapon class that can be shut down like that in a 1 on 1 situation. Even archers, mages and small cylinder alchemists have options like counter attack and windmill to create distance to load their skills and land a hit. There is no way, with just your tower cylinder, to create enough time to re-install and load more skills before they can attack you again. So, the drawback to your tower cylinder should be that you are very vulnerable while deployed, not that and once you're knocked out of deployment you cannot deploy again until the end of the fight.

And as far as Sand burst goes, you cannot chain blind an enemy, and any damage done to the enemy knocks them out of the blind. So even if you do use it on a big boss, you can't perma-cc him with Sandburst. Considering that, being able to blind any monster isn't that crazy of an idea, since you're only getting a one time CC of the enemy.
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Posted at 09-20-17, 11:07 pm Link | #

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We should add golden combo cards as something obtainable. As it stands any combo cards we obtain almost immediately get trashed, and with none of the other supporting items for combo cards in the game, it's a completely untouched system. Golden combo cards are a nice addition that aren't grossly overpowered, like creating your own combo cards are.
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Posted at 12-20-17, 12:41 am Link | #

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Hi, I've been pretty vocal in global during discussions of my distaste of alt characters, but I never voiced my reasonings here, so let's get that taken care of.

The main problem with alt characters is NOT this event. It was NEVER about this event. The problem with alt characters is that they enable you to get x3 rewards (which were already x2) from shadow missions/theater missions. This leads to a HUGE influx of gold from people taking advantage of alt characters, and it's been rearing its ugly head in various places in our economy.
There has been an excellent solution suggested by Drahan, however. They have ways to tell what character is an alt and which is the "main". You would still be able to drop yourself into limited missions (Provocation requires exactly 3), but then the alt characters would be kicked back to the shadow altar, leaving the main character alone in the mission, and as the only one getting the clear reward.
The one thing we don't have information on is field boss drops. As long as everyone has an equal chance of rolling for rare items, that's fine. But say only 1 war sword drops per giant lion kill. Anyone with themselves and their 2 alts will have a much higher chance of rolling to get the 1 war sword drop. If that's not how the system works, then great! There's no real problem with alt spamming field bosses because the rewards are very limited. But if that is how it works...that's extremely unfair to your fellow players.
Yes, alts have already caused damage to the server and its economy. Auction house items are going for ridiculous amounts, and some people are throwing large sums of money for basic enchants they don't want to waste time finding themselves. But, if we don't stop them now, the damage will continue to become worse. What sense is there in letting something cause damage to the server stay, just because it's already caused damage? You wouldn't do that in a real life situation.

Thanks for reading.
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Posted at 01-01-18, 03:08 am Link | #

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A lot of this is pretty good, but even if the alchemy crystal stack changes don't hit from this poll, I hope the NPCs that sell crystals start selling them in our current max stack of 100. Its tedious having to stack them ourselves, especially when you buy 4000+ a restock
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Posted at 06-18-18, 06:56 am Link | #

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That fucking weapon
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post rev. 1 by Frobozz on 06-18-18, 07:10 am
Posted at 06-18-18, 07:03 am Link | #

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Ready to crack another mystery my boi?
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Posted at 07-02-18, 06:00 am Link | #

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Great work on everything!
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Posted at 10-12-18, 09:22 pm Link | #

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Added in the a1s2 update of Cor, you can find a giant feather. Once you've reached R6 of charge, you can use the feather to learn the charge keyword, that you then go to talk to Waboka with. You can't complete the Hit a charging enemy requirement to train the skill, but you don't need to. Just go back to Waboka and use the charge keyword and he'll advance you to the next level for some AP. You don't even need to fully complete all of the requirements, you can advance the skill only training "hit an enemy using the skill". This works all the way until Dan 1 charge, where it is currently capped out at.
You do get a dan title for getting dan1 charge, but its just "the Furious" and because you can't master r1 charge due to an impossible training requirement you can't actually get the master title for charge. You also are unable to actually gain training on dan 1 of the skill as well, nothing that's a viable training method actually gives training once it's been made Dan 1.

This is a nice amount of bonus stats and every day people are shocked to hear its uncapped. Hope this information helps, and if there's anything you want clarification on just DM me on discord, ID Futa Lover#6969
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Posted at 10-16-18, 11:20 pm Link | #

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15 of the top 20 players are humans. If giants and elves truly were superior dps machines, wouldn't you see more of them in the rankings? Being a jack of all trades helps prevent player burnout, letting them change to any playstyle and do viable damage whenever. Elves can't use dual wield or 2h weapons, so melee is almost completely out of the question for them (and you could argue higher mp costs for elves suck as well). Giants can't use ranged at all, and have terrible int scaling. Humans can face any threat, regardless of stander, and still expect viable damage, while the other races may seem to have better numbers in their respective fields, lose out when they need to switch to an alternate style.

There is a lot of power in being able to stay in trans as long as you have some way to regen your health, something that is that little push to why you barely see paladins, so much so that I could see them trying to buff other race's transformations, considering how good of a spot humans already are in.
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Posted at 11-28-18, 06:39 am Link | #

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Currently all they can do is import items from live for now as I dont think they've finished figuring out how to make the software work with mabi's client, and creating custom content like this likely would take a very large amount of time even when they get it working so I'm willing to bet that this kind of thing isn't something that will even be considered for a while.
We are able to make custom items, and we have quite a few of them in the game already.
I think here is a different idea of what is considered custom content. They have created custom items, but as far as I know the only ones currently released in game use existing models and meshes to create a new item from those pieces. By that definition we do in fact have quite a few custom items. However if we go by the definition of custom content where the item, model and meshes are all new to Mabinogi, I don't think we really have any of that. There may be some recently made that are infact completely new models thanks to the PMG Editor 2 that the dev team has. But most models currently in were made using the old pmg editor, which means they are mostly stitched together models from elsewhere. Take for example, the spear of ice. Its a trinity staff with the head removed, flipped upside-down and a ice pole shrunken down to use as the Spear tip. A custom item, but also not one making use of new, never before seen models.

Some things, like the dragon line of weapons, or the Silver Sword of the Shining Forest, were found items in the game files that were never used but brought to life by the team. At the moment with the existing old pmg editor available to the public making high quality models isn't really possible. They phase out when you get to close to the model, or have horrible texture stretching because the UVs didn't hold up through the file conversion to a PMG.

I'm hopeful that the new editor fixes the problem of the old one, and we can see proper models created custom for Mabipro imported into the game. At the moment, things like this may look good but falls apart upon close scrutiny of the models quality.
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Posted at 12-24-18, 08:01 am Link | #

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It's time
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Posted at 02-24-19, 07:54 am Link | #

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Whoever took that picture did a great job.
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Posted at 05-28-19, 04:47 am Link | #

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If you've ever run Caverns before, you've been where you need to go. The Wildfire cylinder drops from the 3 star Alchemical monstrosity boss in the very last spawn room before the last boss, Eye of Viridius. The last room is split into 3 spawn groups, farthest from the door spawns a giant squid dropping water-themed enchants. The middle boss is a tanky cobweb mummy whose drops are mostly a mystery (but is worth 158k exp unboosted). Closest to the door is the spawngroup that summons the 3 star Alchemical boss you'll be hunting. The group is: 1 Blinker, 4 Nightmare Humanoids, 2 Viridius Cultists and a bonefish. Sometimes these enemies will spawn towards the middle, so it's recommended to pick off a few of the copies if you have a large, strong enough party. Especially since you may as well farm up the drops and exp from other mobs as well. Sometimes enemies will also spawn out of bounds. You can still reach them however using shadow spirit targeted on yourself. You probably won't have to do so, as it seems like the enemies respawn as long as there's only 2 left.

Now, to explain the 10mil pricetag. There's 1 of these cylinders in the entire server. A lot of people don't even know where to get them *still* despite trying to spread the info after I found one. Two, the enemies here are very hard. Bonefish are immune to melee, blinkers are a universal pain for small groups, humanoids sometimes swap colors without swapping resistances, cultists can change what damage their immune to without changing their physical appearance. And three, getting a black herb, running through, getting a caves pass and then getting to this end room is easily a 2+ hour process which many don't have time for. Though something to consider, you don't have to kill the bosses to spawn 3 star enemies; it's entirely possible to make a run where you just beeline for the end room and start farming. Once you're into the caves proper it only takes 5 keys to get to the end room, two of which can be obtained as guaranteed drops from the Sasquatch and Thunderbird.

Caves is high end content that can be fun with an organized group. I want to encourage people to run it together, as you may get frustrated on your own. There's also no guarantee you'll get it in your first run, or second, or third. This enemy seems to drop around 6 different items, likely all on the same % chance. They are mostly alchemy crystals, but you can also get the water version of the tower cylinder, the Seven Seas Cylinder. Sadly no interest in that personally but you still can turn a profit I'm sure. Something else to keep in mind; experience isn't all too bad in the final room, and large stacks of gold can be expected from a lot of the enemies.

If most of this has gone over your head, I'd recommend checking out these links to get familiar with the custom generation content (A1, seasons 1 and 2) in Mabipro.
Uzuu made a guide here to a1s1:
Izhi made a guide to A1S2 here:

10million is a lot of gold, I know. Even a group of 5 could split it and still come off well paid. I hope to see many people working hard to get one. And one final comment: The cylinder should be in the (Original) state. That means no repairs, enchants, upgrades, or color dyeing. Good luck out there hunters.
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