Posted at 12-24-17, 03:39 pm Link | #

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Exploration Levels are annoying as heck to obtain. and unfortunately a lot of newer players dont even bother
post rev. 1 by Nickel on 12-31-17, 01:14 am
Posted at 12-31-17, 01:14 am Link | #

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certain higher level players are unironically toxic to others in the global from time to time, you learn who they are and just avoid talking to/at them.


Small community, makes the overwhelming cockiness of elitism that much more present.
Posted at 01-01-18, 01:54 am Link | #

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Posted at 01-02-18, 03:33 am Link | #

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It's in your System "X has been sold to X" but it easily gets buried by other server messages
Posted at 01-02-18, 03:35 am Link | #

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+1 for visual effect title.

would love to donate if my account weren't in the red
Posted at 01-08-18, 04:58 pm Link | #

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monster server was down right before maint if that was any reason why
[Posted by Nickel on 01-08-18, 04:59 pm, deleted by Nickel]
  • #7437
Posted at 01-10-18, 03:18 am Link | #

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who's alt are you? seem awful opinionated for a level 4..
Posted at 01-12-18, 10:21 pm Link | #

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You need 1000 for the title so having 2-10 inventory slots held hostage semi-permanently while you gather them at 4-5 claws per run or buy them from other players who rarely sell them is painful. As someone trying to get the title I can tell you it would be nice to say the least. Plus there's literally no downside to increasing the stack since they gather at a painfully slow rate either way.
spoken like someone who's never collected ancient books

get over it, 10 1x1 slots isn't "held hostage", drama queen.

why the name calling
Posted at 01-18-18, 03:41 am Link | #

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I'd of gladly donated by now if not for shitty financial status, but definitely something that'll be worth it when I can afford it.

hope the others who love what you guys are doing for us follow suite.
Posted at 01-18-18, 10:23 pm Link | #

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no character cards; Mabipro ToS allows for up to 3 accounts.

Fomor coins are complete random chance of mobs, speculated that higher CP-leveled monsters(to you) are more likely to drop. If you do dungeons with high mob count (rabbie, math, ciar) you'll accumulate yourself some red coins relatively fast.

I'd personally recommend getting yourself two of the fast 1 seater mounts, and 1 flying mount, before spending the coins on random stuff like gacha or dyes
Posted at 01-21-18, 04:36 pm Link | #

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>mails him all the buying items
>takes them all
>he ups the price
>posts this

thats real lame, man
Posted at 01-22-18, 05:48 am Link | #

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Posted at 01-22-18, 05:48 am Link | #

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cycle to history from around ~2011. Skills that are G13S1 or older
Posted at 01-23-18, 02:52 pm Link | #

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My name's Silberne AKA Dismerized from Ruairi.
I played Mabi back around the start of G3 (so like 08~09?). Always been on and off taking breaks that lasts for months until the Alban Knights update where I stopped playing. Honestly I played more than I thought I did, but I can't seem to remember like 85% of the stuff I did lmao.
My sister told me about MabiPro since she saw me playing Mabi again. Decided to try it out cause I really miss the good old days of Mabi. I'm really enjoying it so far!

oof, welcome Dis
Posted at 01-28-18, 02:21 am Link | #

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Posted at 02-01-18, 10:23 pm Link | #

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get stronger, you'll quickly find theyre easy to deal with. they don't escalate that much with each SM difficulty, HM ones are relatively squishy
Posted at 02-02-18, 05:18 pm Link | #

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flip outta here, flipend
Posted at 02-02-18, 05:23 pm Link | #

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archery has always been left behind; even on live mabi they've yet to do a proper touch up.

I'd like to see some fresh re-vamp of it, for sure.
Posted at 02-02-18, 10:33 pm Link | #

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archery has always been left behind; even on live mabi they've yet to do a proper touch up.

I'd like to see some fresh re-vamp of it, for sure.

Even in Pre dynamic combat, archery was always considered to have the highest single target DPS in the game, the ability to miss is a trade off for being the fastest skillset in the game. On top of that, it combos and has the best synergy with melee by a long shot. Charge into mag, N into mag, mag into fucking windmill. Elf mag is fucking silly. Or you could be boring and just shoot arrows into mag, but w.e. Elf run speed makes it safer and final shot makes spamming free. Elves may not have the extra 100% aim speed humans have, but they trade that for mobility and much shorter load times.

On the human side of things, there's a reason that AR has a significant aim speed bonus at R1. You can't throw out magnums as much, those combos are significantly harder and less safe/consistent to do, but you have AR, 1 second load time with a 50% percent aim speed bonus on the first shot. AR is probably the best tool for extending combos and just plain being safe. AR can be lead into charge, allowing for a smash, or a windmill, whatever you fancy. It can be loaded out of windmill as well. It provides a huge amount of safety to humans.

I think the devs never gave archery it's own tab for a reason. It's not a good idea to act like any of these skills exist in a vacuum in a game that encourages hybrid characters.

edit: mb if i derailed

I agree that archers are king of burst damage and DPS, but anything not lower level in this game has multi aggro, and even higher tier is multi aggro with passive defenses. Archery loses its grip when it starts to matter, in my opinion anyways

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