Posted at 01-05-18, 11:33 am Link | #

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Looooong ago in a distant time, a younger me was looking through the mabi wiki, reading up on this fascinating new skill set known as 'alchemy'. "It's like they took inspiration from Fullmetal Alchemist when they made this" I thought, looking further and further through the pages... until i saw them: official Fullmetal Alchemist equipment in Mabinogi!

Such excitement I felt! I couldn't wait until nexon added those to the game.
So I waited...

and waited...

and was ultimately disappointed to learn that they were a japan only thing. Such sadness, I would never feel the joy of being a Royal Alchemist wearing an Edward Elric cloak.

but wait... Mabi pro is based on the Japanese server... is it possible? can you add Fullmetal Alchemist stuff to the game?

All drama and stories aside, I'm fairly new to this community so I don't know the legal situation, or any other assorted stuff related. If you can't add these items for those reasons, i completely understand, though it would be wonderful if you were able to. I know i'm months away from being able to afford it in game, but to see people walking around in it would make me happy.
Posted at 01-06-18, 03:47 am Link | #

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I'm still a bit new, so I'm not sure how mabi pro handles character cards. I'm assuming that the main method of rebirth is the old 'free at age 20' method, but i have seen people who were near 10 as i was playing so I'm assuming that you can use character cards somehow, likely using Shyla's shop. Would you be able to release FMA character cards this way?
post rev. 1 by Anarkist333 on 01-25-18, 04:01 pm
Posted at 01-25-18, 03:59 pm Link | #

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This is something that has been rolling around in my head since the earliest days of Mabi live, all the way back in G2 when I started. If Mabi pro is anything at all like my experiences when mabi live growing up, I get the feeling that this same issue may come up.

The skill 'Sharp Mind" is designed as a balance, a means of keeping players on their toes in a fight, to make sure that they pay VERY close attention to the skill bubble of an enemy attacking them. The majority of the time, the skill will fail, especially so at higher levels when dealing with stronger enemies. This means that the player must focus on the bubble itself and how long it loads to know what skill they are loading. If sharp mind is successful, however, this gives you a much faster reaction time to deal with what an enemy is about to do, as you do not have to wait for their skill to load fully to guess what it is going to be. These few extra seconds are VERY valuable, as any advanced player can attest to.

As it stands, the skill itself is said to have no effect on if you are successful according to the wiki. I don't know if this is true, as I don't know if it was ever actually tested. At the same time, I question why it would be a skill in the first place if it did nothing but give you 8 hp. This might be why Mabi live removed it, unless they did so as part of they effort to make the game easier. I disagree with removing it, as it keeps players on their toes and forces them to pay closer attention to the enemies you fight, but I think sharp mind should be a skill that can be ranked, that actually has an effect on the success rate of seeing an enemies skill.

I am almost certain that the success rate is already effected by an enemy's CP value, as I recall almost never seeing an enemy's skill in more advanced shadow missions / dungeons. I don't know how hard it would be to tie the skill to this value, but if the mabi wiki is wrong and it already is tied, then changing the values and adding a few ranks shouldn't be too difficult.

Now, having sharp mind give a high success would be very powerful, so I think the training for it should be very difficult. We don't have to tie it to 'strong, awful, boss' type training since that would make it much harder for those already in the server with high CP, but rather just make the training hard with sheer numbers. You should have to get in a loooot of fights to instinctively know what an enemy is about to hit you with after all, and with this it will naturally get better as you get stronger, much like the Critical hit skill.

As for the success rate itself, what does everyone else think? Calculating chance based on the CP of an enemy is probably how it currently works, so how should the skill change this value?
Posted at 02-04-18, 10:21 am Link | #

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'flexing' is internet slang for showing off. completing generation quests adds to your journal score, to show off how much you have done in the game.

but to answer your question, It depends on what exactly you want long term. the 'goddess' enchant from g1 can go along with the 'obsidian' enchant from g3 very well, though its recommended to put it on an item with low repair rate like a wooden sword.

the title 'saved the goddess' from g1 is extremely good if you want luck and critical. it gives 20 luck and 20 will (so basically 6 critical), in addition to 10 mp, 1 max damage and 1 min. not too bad for a title.

I did g1-3 years ago in mabi live, and will do all them again in here for sheer nostalgia factor. the tedious parts aside (ideals, waiting for saturday, etc), the idea of taking on glas back when he was still a difficult boss... i want to for no other reason than i want to, but thats just my opinion
Posted at 02-04-18, 10:51 am Link | #

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from my experience, mabi's "success" rate has always been inaccurate.
a long time ago, i used to min-max my characters in mabi live with stats, enchants, etc, and after failing stuff more than i was comfortable with, as a side project i would record averages on success in production skills and ranged attacks. i dont still have the raw data, but i remember some of my conclusions.

90% is closer to 80% over about 200 attempts in potions production, for example.

the '80%' for ranged attacks when an enemy is running at you is closer to 65-70%, after attempting normal ranged attack on enemies 200 times as they run at you. this took a looooot of deaths on my human to figure out, and is the primary reason i stopped using ranged attacks in mabi live. to this day I hate ranging in mabi, and will probably make my elf a mage/alchemist.

ive no idea if there are hidden variables in mabi, or if the 'aim' meter display is off by a millisecond or something, but I used to think that it had to do with mabi being a pay to win style game, and this was a way for them to make more money selling nao soul stones. in fact i still think they dont fix the massive server lag for the same reason.

as for mabi pro, i think being in the new server has basically made ranged as it was in live, with no buffer with enemy lag to help manage it.
post rev. 1 by Anarkist333 on 02-26-18, 11:29 am
Posted at 02-26-18, 11:24 am Link | #

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If, by chance, you wanted to borrow a few of these at once, but have no rare items yet, about how much money could be put up as collateral?

alternatively, lets say you still have a mabi live character, and are stupidly rich in it, would items/money from there be potentially good for collateral? Assuming it has any value at all to the people here at this point.
Posted at 03-06-18, 05:41 am Link | #

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King of the Skies Event

Long ago, the elves and giants of Iria fought a brutal war, costing each side many, many lives. With the rediscovery of the heart of Courcle, however, these hostilities have all but ended, with the sole holdouts residing over their races' respective home villages. However... an argument has begun brewing, over that of the ancient land of Zardine. Home to many dangerous species, no race has dared lay claim to the land... until now.

King Krug, shortly after downing 9 Camellia Slings at Tara's yearly banquet, announced how only giants held the power to fight off the dangerous monsters in the land. Castanea, nursing her 7th BnR, overheard him and soon an argument overtook the entire banquet.

Before a fight could break out, a Millitian stepped forth and told the two a simple truth: only those brave and strong enough to pilot Hot-Air Balloons could ever hope to defeat the dragons and wyverns living in Zardine, so only the race with the strongest Hot-Air Pilots could hope to lay claim to the land.

Smiling (and drunk off their asses) they decided that their race was superior in the skies, and a challenge was made to support it. On [whatever dates we decide] the giants, elves, and their respective allies would take the the skies in giant hot air balloons, all in an effort to knock the other side out of the sky. To prevent needless bloodshed, only Millitians will be permitted to join, as they cant truly die and are willing to do anything for a nice shiny title are the bravest in the land. After a predetermined amount of attempts, the race with the most wins would be declared the winner. By that time the two leaders are sure to have sobered up, at least a little bit, so it is unknown what prizes they will give to their champions other than bragging rights, but to those champions sure to attend, the fight itself may be its own reward.

So yeah, I've always wanted an event like this, ever since hot-air balloons were introduced to the game. the rules would be simple: 2-4 hot air balloons on each side, with Elf v Giant pvp on, whom would prepare a distance away and move slowly towards each other until meeting in the skies and blowing the other side out of said skies. Alchemy, magic, and range would all be used and allowed, with adv magic not permitted due to the rather broken nature of it in pvp (plus you cant used it in a hot air balloon anyway). Since the big balloons would be used, the ballistas can be used as well. The HP of the balloon itself would be the measuring stick of who wins and loses.

The reason this is in suggestions is just in case any changes needed to be made to the game to allow this event to go off as planned (maybe increase the range of the ballistas by a large amount to make them worth using, both in this event and in the future), as well as if the GM's want to make it an official event rather than a player one. If it is made an official event, I would propose the Title "The King/Queen of the Skies" as a potential reward.
Posted at 04-08-18, 08:17 pm Link | #

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someone dropped a Marble light melka chain mail on the fishing boat. cannot confirm directly if its a fished item, but if not i cant imagine another context for why someone would just drop it in a pile of items on the boat. ive also seen enchanted (blue name) wizard outfits under some fishers, which may or may not be raccoon cub/jackel. i can confirm they're fished up since i cant pick them up, but i cant confirm exactly what enchantment they have. it might be eagle for all i know.
post rev. 1 by Anarkist333 on 04-19-18, 08:08 am
Posted at 04-19-18, 08:08 am Link | #

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Have you ever been hunting Artifacts in Cor, and then the chest despawns IMMEDIATELY after you find it? Of course you have, it happens to everyone. This is a guide to help make sure this happens less often to you as you gather the precious artifacts.

Well... maybe not a guide per say. Rather, just an explanation of how exactly the mechanic works...

The thing to note is that unlike exploration in the other 3 main areas, the despawn time is not dependent on the explored item itself, but rather on the area you're in.

For each major Artifact hotspot in Cor (the town, the swamp, etc), there is a global timer set to about one minute (maybe a little more, maybe a little less, I have yet to actually time the thing exactly, but I keep the 'one minute' rule in my head), when this timer goes off, every chest that is spawned in the area is immediately despawned, no matter how long ago it is discovered. This is done because Devcat knew artifact hunting is a major exploration exp giver, and so with this happening, literally 50+ people could search for artifacts at the same time with no issues, as when the chest despawns, it is immediately placed in a new discovery spot for someone else to find. With only a 1 min time period, it would be impossible for every chest to be discovered at once, and thus people could still search for more.

Anyway, what does this mean? Well, you may keep this in you head as you hunt, keeping a mental log of how much time has passed in order to hunt for artifacts easier. Counting is annoying so i dont recommend doing that, but if you get used to the 'feel' of the timing it, you can guess when it will despawn. Other than that, you could go the full try hard route and actually keep a timer up to keep an eye on this much easier. If you do this, please post the exact time. I believe it is 1 minute exactly, but sometimes it seems longer or shorter. It may be the server destability affects the time sometimes i don't know...

With this in mind, that annoying despawning chest situation becomes much easier to deal with, and much less stressful. Have fun hunting!
Posted at 04-29-18, 04:29 am Link | #

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A fun conversation was had in global chat today, talking about the story of Mabinogi. There were many disagreements, and many ideas thrown around everywhere, but the idea of a new generation where we, the millitians, help the original 3 heros (Tarlach, Mari, and Ruari) to regain some semblance of happiness in their lives stood out to me.

As our GM demigods are creating new and fun generation quests already, i figured i would add this here, to stir up some ideas. A generation quest, however, would be a giant undertaking, so I understand if our Gm's, busy as they are, decide not to take it up. If they do decide to make something though, I would hope they take some inspiration from this thread and give us closure to the G1-3 quests that started it all. As they would be doing the heavy lifting, i would be okay with basically anything, and would simply request that the following three points are done to some degree:

I want to heal Tarlach, and make Kristel more human. I want them to make looooots of babies and live happy lives.

I want to heal Nao's broken heart, and give her more control over her life. I want her to stand alongside her friends and smile like she used to.

I want to smack Ruari over the head for being such a stupid moron. I want to show him that his old friends still care for him and want him to go back to the brave, kind hearted man he used to be.

a quest to do these things, be it big or small... it would make me super happy, and for anyone who cared for the story back in the old mabi days, i think it would make them happy too.

Either way, just like in global chat, discuss your feelings on the issue.
Posted at 07-01-18, 11:42 pm Link | #

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Funny thing, i was going to make a thread like this, but as this thread is already pinned, ill add everything Ive taken notes on over the last few months.

Extend the expiration for dungeon passes by 24 hours (basic will be 34 hours, int 32 hours, and adv 30 hours). i cant count the number of times ive got tons of passes, then needed to go to bed, so they were all wasted. An extra day will make them more useful.

Make dungeons drop more items from the 'treasure' part of the table. As it is, even if you have 8 people in a dungeon, only one of those people will gain a 'treasure' drop. Make it so everyone in the party gets a roll. Don't change the drops themselves, just make it so everyone in the party gets a chance to get something more than just gold, herbs, and magic powder.

Add pianos to the game. if possible

Allow items gained from adv play to be stored on pets. if they're untradable for the reason of people making accounts just to farm them (which im 90% sure they are), then just make them pet accessible. Do the same to items which are not specifically personalized, but still untradable (like shooting star robes).

Improve the rewards for doing g1-3. id say give 50 ap, but given the x2 nature of mabi pro, 100 ap is more appropriate. Anyone who has already completed it should get a quest that gives 100 ap, and any who have skipped it already should be able to reverse that decision. Also, remove the x10 repair rate from goddess and obsidian and caliburn. yes, those enchants are broken without that, but considering what you had to do to get them, they should be. if not remove, then reduce to x3.

Make cooking stat bonuses x2, to place greater value on the skill and make it a worthwhile investment

Make production failure potion remove ALL success, like it should do.

Give access to the nao gift collection books, to make the weekly gifts more useful

Increase the chance of cylinder upgrades being discovered. The chance was low originally because a lot of people were playing, and more than 100 people tried for royal alchemist each week. Our player base is too small to expect similar results, and such the chance should be increased to x3-5 or more

Add enchant expiration removal scrolls for 200k ea at shyla, or 40 red coins

Success rate increase for flour and barley flour, or just make it scale with dex.

Add fox pets to the game so we can get hens stuck on fences like we do to sheep

Lower the mana consumption of all collection pets (spider, sheep, etc) to 2 mana each collection (or web creation), except the herb ones which will be 4 mana. This will make them actually useful for long term gathering as opposed to just somewhat useful.

Increase the 'gathering' success rate given by production mastery from +1% per rank to +2% per rank. Base success rate for anything is 50%, +r1 prod mastery goes to 65%, plus 15% from any skill based gathering at r1 goes to 80%. However any gathering that is not through a skill is stuck forever at 65% max. mabi live later added gathering skills to fix this annoying issue, but thats a pointless waste of time and AP. Just make r1 production mastery take it automatically to 80%. Skill gathering will be 95% at r1 of their skill, but given that you are r1 to do this, it SHOULD be that high a gathering success. Production success should not be effected, keep that at 1% per rank.

Add Tendering potions to the daily adv rolls, do not give them a specific day just make them something you can get randomly.

Add 'Auto play for instruments' to the options to make instrument play training less tedious at higher ranks.

Increase the success rank for Taming skill, or, add specific animals to tame to the training requirements so as to make it easier to train after you gain high combat power

Add an item (potion, enchant, etc) that passively increases the 'quality' stat of craftable items. As it is now, getting beyond B+ rank in tailoring and blacksmithing is physically impossible without godlike timing. Either do this, or increase the quality we can get with what we currently have.

Increase the time limit on field bosses to 36 min (one ingame day). they are currently at 10 min i believe, which makes it hard to kill the bigger ones that may require more people. This would also increase the odds of people running across them and murdering them.

Change the training in the fishing skill to be less dependant on quest scrolls being fished.

Make the rewards on fished up quest scrolls be muuuuch bigger (at least 3x normal reward) to make them an actually useful thing to get. if you actually implement this one, add more quests to the fished up rewards to include nearly every fomor scroll quest.

Increase the exploration exp gained from turning in fish to be more useful. also, allow us to turn in more than one per conversation like we can with artifacts and voight.

Increase the amount of wool that can be added to a wool collection pouch to 100, and increase the stack sizes of Wool to 10. Also, increase the stack sizes of Potatos, Eggs, and Berries to 10.

Increase the amount of Gold Mushrooms that appear, and make them appear on more days than just Wednesday. They should be rare, but not 'one every 36 min on a specific weekday when most people will likely be working' rare.

That is 5 months of observations. I removed a few i know you guys already added, though its possible i missed some. just ignore those.
Posted at 01-13-19, 05:31 am Link | #

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Greetings! are you tired of being in an inactive guild? Are you a weak player who wants to become mighty and strong? Do you want to be led by a super strong and highly intelligent fairy who knows nearly everything there is to know?

Of course you do!

Even if you're pretty strong, you naturally want to be led by the strongest, most awesomest person alive.

So, note Anarkist333 or Cirno, so we may create the guild "Strongest", with Cirno the Mighty as the leader.

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