Posted at 02-01-18, 07:20 pm Link | #

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Hi everyone. Will be interested in joining since my time zone is closer to EU. Messaging the leader prior to this post
Posted at 02-01-18, 09:46 pm Link | #

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There are a lot of ways to make money but aside from the part time jobs and fomor scrolls, what are your favourite methods?
Posted at 02-01-18, 10:01 pm Link | #

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As soon as I read the 'charges' idea, I have to agree. I have seen it implemented in other games but never in Mabinogi so I don't know how easy or hard it would be to add in. Regardless, the idea fits well with the theme and doesn't appear overpowered.

One thing I would like to input is that there is no shield mastery which is a shame. I would rather have the charges apply after ranking shield mastery rather than adding it to a skill that already works fine by itself.

The main question is, what position are we to be directing Mabinogi's gameplay decisions? If the developer designed it this way, maybe it wasn't meant to be changed. Changing it even slightly could reveal more problems and possibly even unbalance the game itself. Considering it's an old skill, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole game was based off of it.

Would need a game developer to confirm though. Completely conspiring over here. Don't even know if it's possible. I love it though.
Posted at 02-01-18, 10:26 pm Link | #

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My concerns
As I'm sure that a lot of people are aware, the current quest completion rewards for generation 1 are minimal and sometimes the quests don't appear in the quest window which can't be helped for now.

This results in a lack of direction.

I can't say the same for the other generations because I haven't finished any of them on this Mabi but upon my first impression, I have used the wiki for almost every quest due to lack of direction.

I would also like to use Tarlach's first RP dungeon as an example. I completed a 3-floor dungeon and received nothing but a new quest. Not even items or experience. I feel like I lost more than what I gained. Not necessarily experience but mostly time. The story doesn't really apply at this point since everything is in Japanese currently and most people transferred from English Mabi.

My solution... maybe?
I can't say much for a solution since I've only thought of increasing the reward to increase the incentive to complete them just like official Mabi gives AP. Again, I can't say much and it may conflict with certain people but it's a proven method to push people to complete the quests. Learning about the lore or the plot or the story doesn't really apply here since most people come from the English version or already know the story. This is my reason why translating is less beneficial than quest rewards.

My question
My question is/ are: Are there any changes planned for the quest system and will there be improvements for generation quest completion rewards? What are your thoughts?
Posted at 02-03-18, 10:21 pm Link | #

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Do you recommend to skip or not to skip the skippable generation quests and why?

Correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't completed the quests on this Mabi.

Generation 1
Currently for the first generation, from what I can find out, the rewards are a journal entry, a title and an enchant.

Generation 2
The second gen gives a journal entry and the Paladin skill.

Generation 3
The third gen gives a journal entry, a title, an enchant and the requirement to obtain Dark Knight transformation.

From what I can tell, there are no reasons to NOT skip these missions are they only serve to tell the lore which, if you have already played and come from the official Mabi, should already know and skipping them gives you the Paladin transformation anyway. If anyone knows if they give AP like it does in official Mabi or if anyone has a complete reward list, let me know. Most likely I have missed something because I am only human after all.

Also to address the elephant in the room. The words aren't even translated into English (duh). Completing the gens for the story does not count.
Posted at 02-03-18, 10:29 pm Link | #

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Can't really write a guide, since I terrible at making money, however here's the things I do when I need gold.

Ciar Adv for 2/3 with Party Quests. Since we're allowed 2 alts it makes this easier, but you could just as easily bring a friend for Adv for 2. I'd recommend running Adv for 3 with an Unrestricted Pass (30k from Shyla) as this dungeon has 2 Golems at the end. Why is that important? Those Golems drop Stamp burns, which can be sold for 150k very quickly, or more if you're patient. The party quests give 20-24k for each member, which is quite nice as it covers the cost of your pass in the first run and then pots in subsequent runs. Additionally, the Green Snakes in here like to drop Fine and Finest Leathers; which are easily 10k each right now for fines, and 12k for finest, each.
After your first run, Adv for 2 is shorter and it's easier to find one person to run with. Two people at 150-200 should theoretically be able to run this, Bug Bears might suck a little, but just camp a corner and windmill spam if necessary.

Grind for Color burns, as these can sell for 100k. Easy missions that reward them are: Defeat the Shadow Warrior on Int and above (Total 100+), Defeat the Fomor Commander 1 on any difficulty.
These are the easiest missions that can give it, but there are others. Shadow Warrior is recommended as it's a cakewalk, but of course you need to be over total 100.

Spam Blood in the Water Intermediate. Can be tricky as the mobs do high damage and the boss is a nightmare at lower levels. But with decent Lucky Finishes and ~5 mins per run, you can easily make 500k-1m in 2 hours, which is one 2x combat exp potion (60k from Shyla).

Buy Gacha and hope. 50 Red coins for 2. Don't do this unless you already have enough pets. And bear in mind that Red coins can also be sold for about 3.5k each.

Keep an eye on party chat channel. See what people are actively buying and wiki to see where it comes from. Think you can handle it? Go for it.

Holy Waters! 15k per stack doesn't sound amazing, but when you're at the point of getting 10 per job, and you can do Heulfryn and Kristell in one day, you can easily build up a nice reserve to sell at a weekend. But to be honest, I only do this when I'm semi afk, and I sit at Endelyon in Tir as her job is easy.

When I am famous, you shall receive the fruit of my labour.
Posted at 02-04-18, 10:03 am Link | #

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It's mainly for flexing. Skip if you want to have an easier time early on and get a head start on lvling your trans skills.

Can you explain flexing to me? I'm quite confused as to what you're referring to. Flexing what to be precise.
Posted at 02-04-18, 01:39 pm Link | #

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Note: you will still be able to become paladin if you skip g2 (so essencially g2 only gives journal points and nohing else).

I see that as being the only reason to complete the generation quests. However, the fact that it's not a requirement gives me more of an incentive to skip than to play.

A player previously mentioned the stats for the enchant scrolls. If I remember correctly, the scrolls are exclusive, personalise your selected item and are untradable. Even including all of that, I still feel that it's not worth not to skip. The effort and time is just not something I have enough of. Sorry if my opinions are conflicting with anyone.
Posted at 02-04-18, 08:39 pm Link | #

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A method my group use is Party Quest from Deian. Especially "Hunt Black Wolves" (The 30 one).
About 9k gold in a couple minutes if both of you are serious and don't try to train skills. It is extremely low level friendly it seems. If you're not lagging that is.

•Requires a minimum of 2 people. (More people seem to spread rewards thinner?)
•Black Wolves are plenty and are right behind Deian.
•Good for building weapon proficiency fast. (Maxed probably 3-8 weapons now).

If we're serious in an hour we have close to 250k. (More if we have pets out with a continuous attack ai.
If we're training skills we'll only get like 100k in an hour because that {Anyone can finish] rule slows everyone down and makes pets useless for finishing the quest fast.

I thought you were joking at first but I went and checked... it says 4530 gold. Party quests are double so 9060 gold. Not bad.
Posted at 02-05-18, 09:39 pm Link | #

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My intention was not meant to appear political. I'm not for or against any side. I'm simply referring to the code and the fact that it may take too much effort to 'change' or 'add' things to the game because of the way it was designed. The fragility, so to speak. Our devs may have a lot of talent, but they're still only people who have to do people things 24/7.

As much as I want the charges idea to be real, it may not be physically possible for our current position. What with so many problems to deal with currently.
Posted at 02-10-18, 01:27 pm Link | #

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And what was your favorite method?
Posted at 02-19-18, 01:24 pm Link | #

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I disagree Zanath, but only since Mabinogi EU used the same G1-3 as we currently do. However G1 also rewarded roughly 70-100 AP for completion; it just gives an added incentive to run G1 since it's age is definitely showing at this point due to the quest wait times (irl days for Aeira's books).
It would probably take time to adjust each individual quest too, and it'd be a ultra-low priority I feel.

Trouble is, how would it be approached with regards to those who've already completed it, or elves and giants? Seems unfair to those people.

Simple answer: For every player that has completed the journal entry, they are rewarded for AP. I wouldn't expect every quest to have a reward because doing that would add more work. I agree with you that it's ultra low priority. No other way to put it
Posted at 02-19-18, 01:25 pm Link | #

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I'm just gonna post this here but uhm, g1, g2 and g3 are optional.

If you take the time to invest in completing them, knowing there isn't much of a reward in your oppinion then why did you take the dicision to do them in the first place.

Simple answer: I skipped them. Except the first one because I apparently had to have 1 week of play time before I'm allowed to skip.
Posted at 02-19-18, 07:52 pm Link | #

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Currently, herb patches are entirely randomly generated other than base herbs which are scattered on the surface. As a life skill, shouldn't there be specific locations to find these things? A life skiller can't complete certain criteria without battling or killing something. Isn't this unfair?
Posted at 03-02-18, 09:21 pm Link | #

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Are you considering posting an AMA thread for your community so we can get to know you better?
Posted at 03-04-18, 07:55 pm Link | #

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I don't even think that life skills are included in the destiny that you select. I've been mage since forever but that might be because mage doesn't have any specific life skills. Anyhow I think that the life skills are really lacking a destiny right now
Posted at 03-16-18, 01:05 pm Link | #

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Hmmmmmm. I agree that the game is lacking support options. So far I can only think of support sho and special music scrolls and healing. They aren't even being used generally because of the low reward for such a high amount of effort

I think support is not really a main class since with high combat mastery, you can still have a lot of health with a lot of damage. And supporting really boils down to not getting your team killed or not getting yourself killed. When you're cornered, which do you pick? And you base your skills on one of those options

TLDR, if this skill will help my party but get me killed, I'm going to pick the other skills
post rev. 1 by Blighty on 03-18-18, 06:25 pm
Posted at 03-18-18, 06:24 pm Link | #

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While I agree, if I can play the devil's advocate without obligatory "balance" speeches.

From a skill point of view Enthralling Performance is a really good mechanic by itself. You already said it supports party plays which I totally agree with under normal circumstances. However, I can't picture Enthralling being useful among the already existing support skills before other areas have made improvements. Music as a class already feels lacking and there are other areas in the game that could be improved. Like the rank caps for the other music skills which the devs are probably thinking about.

Without over-analysing anymore than I already have, I agree. Just that other skills need improving otherwise Enthralling Performance just has little priority in comparison. Who knows, we might get this in the next poll.

Even if others don't agree, I hope this sparks some type of discussion. I really liked some of the bard features on live and I'm hoping that bard skills are improved in this Mabi to compensate for the lack of skills we have in comparison to live.
Posted at 03-18-18, 06:28 pm Link | #

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How do you know that they're bots? I trained there when I was new. I could have been mistaken for a bot hahaha
Posted at 03-18-18, 06:31 pm Link | #

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Mabi is lacking direction in this aspect. I hope that the support skills have more use in the future

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