Posted at 02-17-18, 01:56 pm Link | #

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Is anyone else unable to cast all of their healing charges at once? This seems to happen every time and I need to either reload the skill a bunch, spending all that mana, or tab out of the game and back in to continue using charges. The latter method is fine for making the most of my mana, but it means I can't reliably heal allies in the heat of combat.

What do the admins think of this? Is it just me? Can it be fixed in an upcoming patch, or is there some underlying reason that means this here to stay?
Posted at 02-18-18, 03:11 am Link | #

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So that's it. Thanks! I feel so silly now.
Posted at 02-22-18, 05:23 pm Link | #

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I think this is a good opportunity to immerse yourself as if it was an actual world.
If anyone has played Recettear, then you'd know that as a simple item shop keeper, Recette isn't actually capable of delving into dungeons and fighting her way through, so she hires adventurers. See if you can find a party, or someone really strong to pay some protection money, or offer other services, like healing or potions you'd make from the gathering, to have them escort you safely through the dungeon. Maybe even letting them take your reward chest in the end could be enough.
This could even work with commerce if the merchant is too weak to fight off the bandits.
Posted at 02-22-18, 06:08 pm Link | #

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(My bias is sword&board. Tanking isn't in the cards for this game, so I dual wield)
I've always thought something similar. When I open a weapon shop, there aren't many choices in weapon shops when it comes to 2h swords, and the damage ranges on a pair of 1h swords usually ends up higher. 2h weapons should be absolutely devastating to be hit by. Actually, most people would be doing n+1 when normal attacking. In your first comparison of max damage normal attacks, 125x6 =750, and 151x3=453. The difference grows from about 200 dmg to about 300 dmg when you n+1. I just don't think that makes sense.

Maybe what Nickel said was right, simply cap off the balance when dual wielding. You wouldn't really have as much control swinging two weapons around as you would with two hands on a single handle. The trade off for dual wielding would be higher highs, and lower lows if you cap the balance.

Another idea is to tweak WM, since it is the meta and makes DWing the obvious choice. I always thought WM was something to shake an opponent's footing or put some distance between you two. I'd suggest giving 2h weapons a larger radius, but the R1 radius is already pretty large for 1h swords. Maybe nerf the skill damage a bit on WM (I can already hear cries of indignation if that actually happened).

Or maybe do nothing. Like how bows are the elf go-to, 1h swords are the human go-to and 2h swords are the giant go-to.
Posted at 02-22-18, 06:43 pm Link | #

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I have no idea if implementing this is possible, but if it is, it could very well allow for exp gain for life skillers and deny botters.
When going to gather, have a little window pop-up at a random location and you have to click a designated button/icon in it, possibly in a random location within the window as well. This pop-up disappears, along with any possible exp, after a second or two. Think of it as a quick captcha/mini-mini-game to ensure a human is actively gathering/producing to be rewarded with exp. I don't know how fast a bot/script can brute force click every location on the screen, but just to be on the safe side, have the pop-up happen twice so only a human can know if it hit the first prompt on time.

Admins, if this is possible, please implement it! I love the idea of an MMO where some people never go into combat and get by just as well from honing their craft.
post rev. 2 by jumpshotarch on 09-11-18, 11:05 pm
Posted at 09-05-18, 06:08 am Link | #

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Edit: Event happened and it's over now. Thank you for your participation!

Imgur shrunk it down and converted it from png to jpg. It's still too big for the forum here. Sucks, but what can ya do?
There's the link for the full picture. Come for fun and prizes!
Posted at 09-11-18, 11:04 pm Link | #

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Thank you to everyone who participated. It showed there was sizeable interest in this event. Sorry to those who couldn't make it. Due to positive reception, if the guild Smug is still alive next year, I'd be willing to host this event again. Thank you!
Posted at 11-09-18, 09:26 am Link | #

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Do you only have one shot at the gacha?

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