Posted at 04-10-17, 01:59 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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ahhh my list has been leaked1

its all good tho
post rev. 1 by Flipend0 on 04-10-17, 04:44 am
Posted at 04-10-17, 04:43 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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heavy armor with ping that elves can wear? i was always under the impression that was kind of broken on live?? elves never had ping before live mabi's dramatic descent into hell and still shouldn't in my opinion

if you're going to add heavy armor for elves, at least add dragonscale armor instead, which doesn't have ping and comes in both genders. adding just colossus armor (m only) is pretty lame if you ask me. equality or no heavy armor at all plz

While we plan to add the item, plans for distribution of the item is certainly unknown. The entire team has to suggest how should the item to be distributed, should we edit anything about it, or just not distribute it at all.

I honestly just picked it because the armor looks cool. But we are aware of the quality of balance and would like to keep it keen when it comes to that
Posted at 04-10-17, 07:09 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Rough estimate
Posted at 04-10-17, 07:33 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Hopefully, we can only pray !
Posted at 04-10-17, 04:07 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Not as an item, but most likely as a service.
However we still need to find all possible queries for this, and we need to make sure we have a bug-free protocol for name changing

so Soon(TM)
Posted at 04-10-17, 07:32 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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In addition to the Maintenance having no ETA of Completion.
As Game Admin and Event Manager, Easter Events will become extended of additional days of lost time of server being offline, and we will plan a compensation event as well.
Posted at 04-13-17, 01:46 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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4/12/2017 update:

Added new information in : Patcher is stuck at "Downloading"
Added new information in : Constant Lock up on Cutscene Skipping, Closing out Ego Chat, Talking to NPC with a Portrait Image, Closing out Mailbox, or other game events in Windows 8.1+
Added new subject : The text on this game is really blurry on my computer
post rev. 5 by Flipend0 on 04-14-17, 09:40 am
Posted at 04-13-17, 08:24 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 04:25AM 04/14/17 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
03:00AM 04/14/17 to 05:00AM 04/14/17 (EST)
  • Removed restrictions on Easter Event #2. You should now be able to get and use the pass anytime until the event ends.
  • There was an error on some gestures. This maintenance will fix it.
  • There was an error on Sinead's Shop during translation. This maintenance will fix it.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
post rev. 2 by Flipend0 on 04-19-17, 02:19 am
Posted at 04-19-17, 02:18 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Oh wow.

I was actually going to make my own tutorial since yesterday...
But, this works out as well !

Great job

You should also state that the launcher should be launched in admin mode as well
post rev. 5 by Drahan on 04-21-17, 10:25 pm
Posted at 04-21-17, 06:25 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 06:25PM 04/21/17 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing unscheduled server maintenance to address a critical issue during the following times:
02:30PM 04/21/17 to 09:00PM 04/21/17 (EST)

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
Posted at 04-22-17, 03:42 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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People that created a new account and tried to log in were not able to play the game.
This maintenance will fix it
Posted at 04-22-17, 02:20 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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According to my b0ss the Phraser for the files themselves has been completed
I believe all they have to do now is actually create a webpage, which might require a bunch of testings
post rev. 1 by Flipend0 on 05-04-17, 04:51 am
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:15 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Am flippy
Usually busy, but when im not I do magic things to this server
My ign is.. Flipend0!
Nice to meet you !!¡¡
Posted at 04-25-17, 09:31 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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A promotional video using this music would be beast
post rev. 1 by Flipend0 on 04-26-17, 05:29 pm
Posted at 04-26-17, 03:07 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 01:25PM 04/26/17 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing unscheduled server maintenance to address a critical issue during the following times:
11:00AM 04/26/17 to 07:00PM 04/26/17 (EST)

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
post rev. 1 by Flipend0 on 04-28-17, 08:52 am
Posted at 04-27-17, 09:04 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 04:50AM 04/28/17 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
02:30AM 04/28/17 to 06:00AM 04/28/17 (EST)
  • WASD Bug when typing fix
  • 5 new gestures has been added
  • Jump to the Moon Event (4/28~5/14)

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
Many thanks to NoOne for implementing these new gestures.
*Robot Dance
*Tap Dance
*Disco Dance
*Makchum Dance
*MusicQ Dance
post rev. 2 by Drahan on 04-28-17, 10:17 am
Posted at 04-28-17, 07:28 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Have you ever looked up to the moon and always wonder what it's like to be on the moon?
Well, now every Milletian has a chance to experience that!

The General Shops has a new limited time product: the Seesaw Construction Kit.
Set it up outside and jump on the seesaw with you and a friend of yours
If you manage to reach up to 15m, you'll be able to jump so high you'll land on the moon!

Event Details:
  • Once you log in, you'll receive a quest. Talk to Duncan as he'll give you the event details. Head on to any General Shop to purchase a Seesaw Construction kit. Set it up outside with you and a friend of yours and reach up to 15m to land onto the moon. Talk to the Girl on the Moon NPC to complete the quest, giving you a Cow Robe and a title "who has jumped to the Moon" (DEX+5, Stamina+15)
  • This event will go on until the 14th of May

Don't fall on the moon.
-MabiPro Staff
Posted at 05-01-17, 02:09 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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who do i marry now
Posted at 05-01-17, 02:17 am Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Posted at 05-01-17, 03:57 pm Link | #
Flipend0 GM

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Obviously me Flippy \o/
if you want me ur first goal is to become a gm

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