post rev. 1 by OniZero on 02-27-18, 06:46 am
Posted at 02-27-18, 06:45 am Link | #

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'Sup people, i tried to launch the game on my desktop with windows 8.1 and i get the error 0xc0150002 (on the notebook that has XP it just says is not compatible with Win32 ) is there any way to fix the issue(s)? (without having to spend 5 hours just to download the installer all over again if possible)
post rev. 1 by OniZero on 03-05-18, 10:55 am
Posted at 03-05-18, 07:47 am Link | #

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Downloaded updates, ran CCleaner, uninstalled obsolete versions, restarted PC, installed update, ran CClearer, restarted PC, nothing has changed... at all.

Edit: In a little twist Nexon's launcher installed VC++ 2010 to run the official mabinogi server despite having 2017 installed... the private server is still giving the same error
post rev. 4 by OniZero on 04-08-18, 05:14 pm
Posted at 04-04-18, 10:22 pm Link | #

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Our launcher does not support Windows XP unfortunately.

As for 0xc0150002, you need to install the VC++ 2008 Redistributable from here:

I got told to follow the FAQ thread
Translation is petty much windows refused (and can't) since you shouldn't run the launcher without DEP.

I've tried the remaining ones and... well, i haven't seen any other changes besides being now unable to check the error log that comes with the crash notification window.

Edit:Holy shit guys this waiting game is actually putting my capacity to not go either batshit, despair or outrcy to it's limit
Edit2: The first screenshot shows that i have from the version of VC++ 2008 that i was told to get installed up to 2017 (it overwrites VC++2015)
Posted at 04-12-18, 05:54 pm Link | #

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You can download the Windows XP compatible launcher here:

Please note, this is untested as I do not have a Windows XP computer.

This requires that you have .NET 3.5 installed (it should be installed on Win XP SP2 by default?)
You can find that here if it doesn't already work:
Hold on a second, before just spending a while.... A WHILE moving the data from the computer to the laptop i have to ask, did i ever needed framework on the windows 8.1? if so then that explains the problem i have (this extralite version of 8.1 rejects all the versions of windows framework)
post rev. 1 by OniZero on 04-14-18, 02:09 am
Posted at 04-14-18, 02:08 am Link | #

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I don't know what the hell happened but i wiped all the data on the HDD, split the HDD and after giving new format to it, proceeded to install both XP and 8.1, on XP i ran (forcefully installed) from net framework 1.1 to 4 (only on the part of the HDD reserved for windows XP) and downloaded the patch on the game files, now the game works on XP and 8.1, no VC++ downloaded or anything (although i'm getting told on 8.1 that the graphic card is obsolete since the driver is as old as the installation of this customized XP).
Posted at 04-22-18, 02:46 am Link | #

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Now that i can effectivelly play, i decided to aport on the department of ideas although i have to explain what i proposed so they make sense (Until the OST for Iria suggestion i was taking it seriously noted by the effort for the options to have unique colors)

(Everything suggested is under the assumption that it'll be given it's propper time for the suggestions to be implemented so it does not break the game like nexon did when they "improved" it)

The Alpaca pet is fairly famous and desired since you can use the wool that you farm from it to make bags for several kind of materias (and for the quality of those)

Since the UBW collab only implemented gloves that were next to impossible to get as the only everlasting content (well the only one useful that is not just for fashionogis and the titles), the skills form the Fate characters have vanished into oblivion, this server could do justice to them by turning them into propper skills that could be learned and trained.

What i'm suggesting is that each skill rank for the crafting skills have more things for the players to make to incentivate people into crafting (it can be just adding patterns/manuals/direct recipes of gear that matches those of the same rank but are different type, as an example, implement manuals for other protective gear that is at the same level of the chain mail so players have more things to aspire to make)

Sometimes i desire to see the players in some more updated graphics, it'll be nice to have a way to swap the models that look like they come from the PS1 era for those of some mobile games that look like they fit for the 3DS

I just got d/c'ed...again, it would be nice if the server was a bit (way waaaaaaay) more stable since Nexon keeps breaking the official server and the increase of population will only increase so it'll be nice if the chances of d/c'ing is decreased (a lot more) and the time to relog is decreased (a lot more as well)

Hey, might as well get ported some skills from the official servers just to spice things up, it's worth giving a shot (divine knight skills might bring peeps that roleplay as crusaders/templars though)

I've always found boring how all the pets have a generic pool of skills (except those unique ones made for cash cows), it'll be nice for pets that have skills that matched them, like winter/ice-themed pets to have ice-focused skills and the others to be similar, also, is a pain to deal the fact that you can give the pet an unique name that not even a character can claim but you can only use it for 2 hours and less (They could just be treated as a character from games like WoW or MapleStory)

Come on, is THE homestead, do i have to say more?

Yeah... i've played games with no music (mostly because of a technical failure)... for some reason feels like i'm not playing anything or is just too boring.

I've noticed that in some instances people can hold or petty much just can only transport things that were not intended for players to use/wear.. but how about just making a wear-able/use-able version of those items? (or if a mob has a gear that the player will never be able to obtain then why not let the players obtain them?)

I mean, why have katanas if you can't have skills of characters like Hayato (from MapleStory)
And PvP players could finally have a set of skills that would focus on their favorite thing to do

Yep, one of the things that suck most on official server is that the player glitches when you play using both mouse and keyboard (the character gets stuck walking through some dungeon gates) so having the game be functional with only the mouse or keyboard would be heavenly

Since i suggested that the pets could be treated as a different kind of character without time limit and with their own unique set of skills then why not make the animal/formor NPC's be the mirror version of human NPC's? (they give them quests, ptj, sells them stuff, etc.)

Hey, why not celebrate that other fan-maintained games exist in the form of collabs?

I think this is everything i can think of so far (i feel like i'm treating this game like some sort of Super Smash Bros mugen or something like that)
Posted at 10-15-18, 01:26 am Link | #

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Note: This is a suggestion, is not like i'm demanding for this to be included, i just thought of them being neat-looking rewards
Since it's possible now to add custom weapons, i'd like to suggest the Honor gear from Spiral Knights as the official Mabipro anniversary reward, they work both ways they look cool and they are just reskins of regular gear so they can work both as ornaments and also usable gear. To be honest, it has more chance of getting in that NPC gear that gives custome animations... although they having Spiral Knights custom animations for the regular attacks while using one weapon alone/with a shield would be fancy too
Those are uncraftable re-skins of the calibur craftingline which makes them perfect as rewards, also i just realized how borderline identical tempered calibur and ascended calibur are they are normal speed and hit three times, the first one could be daggers, the second short swords, the third long swords and the fourth two-handed swords
Those are the uncraftable re-skins of the Defender craftingline I just realized that there's nothing noteworthy on having small shields in mabinogi unless i suggest the swiftstrike buckler which gimmick is that despite having a low defense, it'll increase the speed of your attacks... at least they look fancy
And this stand if the ever remote chance of Homestead being implemented happens
Sorry elf users but i doubt dual guns are a thing here yet although there are no honor reskin for guns, i tried to get inspiration from SMT: Imagine before suggesting the Honor gear but most of the weapons there are too futuristic-looking
post rev. 4 by OniZero on 06-16-19, 10:45 am
Posted at 10-19-18, 03:38 pm Link | #

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Note/Disclaimer: This is a suggestion, is not like i'm demanding or threatening people for this to be included, i just thought of them being neat-looking rewards

Edit1: I had time to think on this so i'm going to also include regular mobs for the sake of convenience. WARNING this will most likely be a wall of text
Edit2: Probably most likely my final edit

Let's split mobs on categories (i.e. Wolves, Humans, Zombies, Alchemists, etc) now, let's gather all wolves, skeleton wolves, dogs, coyotes and dingoes who have regular melee skills (Smash, Defense, Counter) and the ones with extra skills (heavy stander, mana deflector, natural shield, etc.) add-in rest (because everyone needs rest) and you create a generic skillset for almost every canine, "what about Fenrir? that one has an unique moveset." Well, it can be another pet entirely

If the mob in question have very limited skillset but the skills are different for the variants then you can release only a definitive version with the every skill of every type, for those who have a large skillset then they can be their own pet/partner and for those mobs have a wide range of weaponry like the skeletons or some humanoid mobs, then they can be turned into partners and only allow them to learn the skills that every one of their type know along with every gear that the mob/boss version can use, basically goblins, skeletons and whatnot would use one handed blunt/axe weps along with a shield or bows and arrows

Ok, lets say everything goes fine and dandy, how would just having one mob representing a lot of variants? well, recycle this, if pets RB is a thing, if not, then it should be.
and every of those slots would be for a variant then you would pick the color if allowed

To prevent redundancy, you can also grant special perks related to the type that the reskin/variant is, for example skeleton wolves can be faster that regular wolves, bettle wolves can have more HP, stone hounds get more Protection or not, they can also be for fashion.

Sadly this leaves me in a bit of a bind since i've just realized that beings like Heathcliff and Trickster might as well be re-skins due not having unique moves, Belisha, Returned Trickster are technically safe from that, but they don't really have enough amount of skills and even then they would need to have unique skills to not be just more re-skin material
post rev. 1 by OniZero on 02-02-19, 08:55 pm
Posted at 02-01-19, 07:42 pm Link | #

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As it is right now, i have made a guide on the "mabipro development" discord about how to import custom meshes into mabipro as pmg swaps, with further help one could easily impliment custom meshes as new items.

but its probably be wise to avoid items that could be easily pointed too for copywright so please now master swords ripped right from the game files from the legend of zelda ouo;;
In japan some games, even online ones have bootleg gear/weapons from licensed games to bypass that

Or even reference the character/weapon the user re-skinned the character to look like dante

So, as long as it doesn't resemble the original too much, then i think japan will just let it slide

That's why i suggested gear from an obscure online game that even Sega abandoned, i'd suggested this from Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine since the server is dead but it was a high poly weapon

EDIT: Besides, we already got stuff from Re:Suffering, Unlimited Meme Works, etc. i doubt there will be any trouble if we basically get every bit of gear and furniture from every licensed source into the game.
Posted at 06-16-19, 04:51 am Link | #

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If their timer can't be removed then possibly at least their time limit could be extended to an equivalent of 24 hours and one second

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