post rev. 1 by Dartier on 03-14-18, 09:17 am
Posted at 03-14-18, 09:07 am Link | #

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Joined: 03-14-18
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Is there any way I, or my guildmates could convince you to reverse, or have an alternative the changes on Blood in the water? We ran it all the time when we were bored or wanted to spam it, and I don't believe a single one of us have used multiboxing methods even running dungeons, and the skeleton drops just don't seem to be a sufficient replacement for us in order to counteract multiboxing. In actuality, it's appeared to us as a solo dungeon more than anything else now, severely handicapping our 3-week ritual of running it whenever we had nothing else to do.

I know it's typically unwise to legitimately consider the gripes and complaints of new players, especially given our general inexperience with the server, however: If there are those that were strong enough to run BiTW solo and gain money from it with alts, could they not do the same with any other shadow mission, party quest, part time job or even field boss guild quest? Why then stop at expunging the end-gold from BiTW? Why not apply the same restrictions to every Shadow Mission, and party quests besides? Party quest don't even require you all to be in the same dungeon to be completed, and they're a far cry easier to complete than a 15 minute run of blood in the water at levels eclipsing my own.

I strongly urge you to reconsider the direction you've taken with the changes, which, in my opinion, have only crippled party-play with other people in the long run.
post rev. 1 by Dartier on 03-14-18, 10:58 am
Posted at 03-14-18, 10:57 am Link | #

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Joined: 03-14-18
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Stop Complaining about a nerf of bitw, the SM was completely broken in terms of exp/gold compared to other shadow missions. Atleast now its more in line with existing shadow missions as it should be.

I am super happy bitw finally got nerfed.
But they didn't nerf if because it needed to be nerfed, or if that was why, they didn't say that, because their reasoning for eliminating the gold rewards at the end was to discourage the usage of alts, specifically alts, as evidenced here.
Blood in the Water changes: Skeleton gold was increased, but end reward gold was eliminated, to discourage usage of alts.

They apparently made it more difficult, increased multi-aggro and added heavystander/naturalshield rats for the benefit of what I assume is a more diverse and functional party.
Similarly, if they wanted to nerf it, then why not just drop the amount of gold and experience you got for each tier? It's just been a general sledgehammer to actual parties for the SM.

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