Posted at 03-09-17, 06:19 am Link | #

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Okay so my question is:
What's the point on playing on a 2x server when on global you can easily get 4x to 6x skill progression?
Why play on nerfed rates?
post rev. 1 by mabipro1 on 03-10-17, 09:54 pm
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:50 pm Link | #

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The main reason why people leave Nexon isn't because they added the 2x pots and the Talents. It's because Nexon hides everything behind a god damn paywall or and RNG paywall. Not even a cheap one that is.

Hide everything behind a paywall? That's only for people who don't have time, are lazy, or are just stupid. I played for years, never gave a dime to nexon, never will. I don't even use reforges. I can solo MA, not even get hit. I can solo forest purification, no deaths, which is harder than MA imo. Even scathach lord, i'd solo that if it let me in alone. Pay to win? Yeah. Pay to play? No. Just git gud as they say. Even when i die, i typically keep 10 guardian stones and 10 nao stones on me, just from daily crap; adventure seals and saga coupons. Game's a joke. Despite my best effort though, if i don't take advantage of cash features like reforges, my damage is still 1/10 of other players. It's demoralizing and very frustrating.

This is what you're essentially asking. Not the extremities that nexon currently has, but you want to creep into that territory. You can want that, but i do not, and i will vehemently object to it, as that's the primary reason i quit. Dull as crap now and effort means nothing.
ROFL, you're talking as if this version is any harder. Take your own advice and gitgud m8. XD
Game was somewhat hard till C3.
Then shit went easy mode. You don't even need reforges to butter cut everything. It's all about AP boiz.
Posted at 03-10-17, 10:09 pm Link | #

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1x / 2x / 3x /4x
Whatever the rate, you are still on the same play field as any other player.
There's inflation on any rate the server might take. That's market rule, nothing can be done there. Prices are messed up in the base game to begin with, would take a bit of time to adjust those.
I'd rather worry about the gold glitches that currently happen. Getting 500k in a few mins won't really help any market rate.

I think bound options like the Red Coins are things to stabilize the market. Get higher value items/pets etc for your own hard work instead of buying them from other players for gold. That way your own activity and effort will actually reflect in the items one may gain.
Posted at 03-10-17, 10:13 pm Link | #

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There won't ever be a wipe. We would be throwing away over 20,000 hours of progress made by players. There is absolutely no way it would go over well.

The rates are not set in stone and may change at some point, but if they do, we aren't going to mess with any progress that was already made at higher rates.

20k hours?
Isn't the server up for like a month?
Even if one would play 24/7, they'd have 720h tops.

Well, Hosts call anyway. I don't mind either. Even late wipes I wouldn't mind if it fixes bugs and dupes tbh.
Posted at 03-10-17, 10:53 pm Link | #

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20k hours?
Isn't the server up for like a month?
Even if one would play 24/7, they'd have 720h tops.
The combined playtime of all characters is what exceeds 20,000 hours
Okay... not that that's actually relevant.
But it works for me. Just make human alts, get giant/elven friends and top up on 15mil while you can boiz.
Posted at 03-11-17, 12:38 am Link | #

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They should leave the game the same. Plus it's not like people are getting to level 70 in 10 mins with this 2x training thing.
ofc they aren't.
There's also the 2 week rebirth limit. (which will eventually lead to old players being Godly while new ones have to wait months to get on the same level, just like global in a way)
Posted at 03-11-17, 04:01 am Link | #

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This explains it perfectly, but the main flaw is that tedium isn't achievement on any level.
Oh, you started breakdancing inside a clump of slow moving weaklings 500 times instead of 250? Wow man, you should get a medal!

I can't honestly think of any skill rank (or level climb, while we're at it) that isn't entirely composed of tedious busywork, besides the book ranks. The idea of feeling a positive sense of achievement from sitting in a ditch and pressing 5, or failing to gather materials, for 4 hours at a time, is astoundingly backwards to me. Wouldn't it be more rewarding to advance your mastery of a skill by actually doing something of note, if you're supposed to be notable for it? The skills that deal with books do this brilliantly, since you would normally only get those through an actual achievement of some sort.

You've already got the grinding aspect down with gaining levels and gathering up AP, so choosing not to defend "kill 10 wolves" as a progression mechanic honestly shouldn't be a hard decision here.

^ Pretty much this.
Sitting in a place pressing the same key thousands of times is some serious Chinese level grind fetish.

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