post rev. 2 by Pyro111921 on 06-23-18, 02:05 am
Posted at 06-23-18, 02:02 am Link | #

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So, I'm a tad stuck here. After you finish the first Barri "training" dungeon, you're supposed to go talk to Craig and he gives you the keyword to continue getting the passes for the rest of the runs you need. However, when I completed the quest and went to go talk to him, he just does his normal talking stuff. No keyword learned, unless there's something you're supposed to do before that. Any pointers would be great :U

Edit: Nevermind, apparently you have to click the classes and training keyword instead.
post rev. 1 by Pyro111921 on 06-26-18, 03:20 am
Posted at 06-26-18, 03:15 am Link | #

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You're missing the point, the reason why there's no tecnology when magic exist that makes it easier for their errin life, which same goes for tecnology in our world, that being said , there aren't many reason to do so research on tecnology in errin world.

The guns existed long and were hidden until that day, they were meant for giants who don't excel magic. when they were found it and it went viral, that's how it became common for everyone, atleast that's how i think. i don't know much about the lore of ancient elves/giant in mabinogi though.

(Same person, different account since I had literally forgotten my ID)

No, I didn't miss any points, in fact, you missed my point in the last post. Magic would accelerate technological advancements, along with magic itself in the real world. Also, you adding in what you think might've happened with the guns doesn't=what really happened. Just because a new avenue of possible research is available doesn't mean something else will just be thrown to the wayside. According to your logic-if that were true, once planes were invented either guns or tanks or something of prominence would've been cast to the wayside to make room- but it just doesn't work like that. Magic would've evolved beside regular science, not instead of it. Besides, if magic was the only thing that was focused on then Errin's advancement is even worse, because a lackluster handful of spells were learned over the course of 220k years. Compare that to us in that same time frame, and there's much to be desired if we're talking just magic compared to regular tech.

Also, the only magic that makes Errin life easier is arguably healing and party healing, but that can easily be replaced by HP potions and bandages. Other than that, all possible known spells are either offensive or defensive in nature; not something a normal person would use in their daily life. That, and the fact that magic in Errin is something that is exclusive to nobility and scholars-aside from Cor that is. So unless there's some secret where everyone in Errin knows healing (spoiler, very few know it), magic hasn't made anyone's lives easier. There's also no telekinesis, no repair spells, etc. something that'd really help the daily life of a normal person.

Alchemy is honestly the only thing that helps in the way of progression. The ability to construct things out of a crystal is very useful- though mostly for construction purposes in a non-combat situation. However, it kind of stumbles on itself in the fact that you need raw materials to make the exact same thing you're going to be using to build stuff with. So instead of wasting all that time and resources... why not cut out the middleman and just take those raw materials and build it by hand and tool?

Let's just face it, Errin just progresses insanely slower than we do here on Earth, magic and alchemy or not.
Posted at 06-28-18, 07:15 am Link | #

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So, I skipped g2 recently since no one could do Ideals. No biggie, still got paladin. However, when I try to do the quest to get the PD's, I can only get 71% complete because page 1 and 2, the ones you get from completing g2- are missing. What's worse, is that when I Talked to Price/Redire with that keyword, one of the talk options made him eat my book and give me a fresh copy at 0%, so that kind of irked me as well = _=.

Any tips would be nice on how to get the two pages you're supposed to have to begin with?
Posted at 07-25-18, 04:25 am Link | #

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I would love to have a homestead and Port Cobb.

Sadly, even though this was a great addition to official Mabi, we can't have it here since it's code that the GMs don't have and are unable to obtain. Supposedly.

Homesteads are not likely, however it is absolutely possible for us to import Port Cobh.

If I gave you ten septims and a giant teddy bear would you make the homstead code from scratch?
No. =)

Dang, knew I was lowballing it.
Posted at 07-26-18, 10:56 pm Link | #

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So, upon logging in today, I come to find out none of my hotkeys are working. Be it F1-12 or S for skill window/F for friends tab. At first I thought it was my keyboard, but I can still type if I manually click on things. Restarting the game/relogging/CC'ing doesn't change anything. Any idea what's going on?
Posted at 08-04-18, 01:21 am Link | #

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First and foremost, rank things that are CP or low stat based FIRST IE refining and WM. If you don't, instead of killing weak zombies that are numerous and slow, you'll be killing much harder and less forgiving mobs and will take you much longer. As for the stat based skills, ranking them first is a priority, as some ranks REQUIRE you to fail some attempts. However, if you're like some people and rank things that give a ton of stats, you'll be hard pressed to get any fails when you're at a 99% success rate (unless you fork out the in game gold to buy a failure potion, but why spend millions when you can just rank those things first?).

Also, if you want to make some insanely easy (but not nearly quick) cash, farming is a good way. If you do strawberries and use the guide tool that literally tells you what to do (water, fert, bug catch) and sell them first, I've net a million a week for the past month just from that. And I only farm while at work, just tabbing over to mabi and checking the guide-which takes all of ten seconds combined.
Posted at 08-25-18, 10:52 pm Link | #

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Black Bebhinn next!
this i can get behind

Dunno, I like the KR/JP Bebhinn avatar a lot more than the NA version. Though I do have a thing for red/pink hair, so I guess I'm a bit biased. But Manus all the way, that smug look just says "Oh, you want to be healed? Oh, you're gonna get HEALED ALL RIGHT!"
Posted at 08-25-18, 10:56 pm Link | #

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I wouldn't really say everyone hates elves. The rough life of an elf taught me it's more important for me to ensure if I like others rather then worry about them liking me. Sorry for the offtopic post.

Elves are just the mutated remnants of humans after the great war, as a member of the Brotherhood you all must be purged, Ad Victoriam!
Posted at 08-25-18, 11:14 pm Link | #

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This is not possible, unfortunately.
What exactly causes the server to think you're still logged in? Is it because when you get DCed the server still looks for you or something?
Posted at 09-02-18, 11:31 pm Link | #

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Vindictus did have this system, where you swapped an items appearance with another. Don't know if they can do that here since Vindi is a completely different system than mabi. One possibility (though it would be extremely inefficient) would be to have a scroll that you put on an item and then combine it with the thing you want that item to look like. Then when you go to equip it the server temporarily makes a completely new item that destroys itself and gives you your old item back when you unequip it. No idea if that's possible or not though.
Posted at 09-02-18, 11:42 pm Link | #

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You dare have constructive criticism of MabiPro's servers? HOW DARE YOU, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

In all seriousness literally anything can cause instability, just look at lives status, the whole thing is a mess. The more likely reason I would think is the influx of new places, players, and more and more pets for the server to keep track of. That and hardware can just quit for no apparent reason- due to some bug in the code that rarely ever shows itself, or the hardware itself going bad.
Posted at 09-02-18, 11:44 pm Link | #

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So, got this idea out of the blue, would it be possible to have an event related to hot air balloons? It could be pvp, where a team tries to take out the opposing teams balloons, while also having to worry about the wyverns that don't discriminate who they attack. Or it could be a sort of race, ala the dragon boat event, where you need to find the quickest route to a certain destination.
Posted at 09-18-18, 05:02 am Link | #

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Just to clarify, when people talk about freedom of speech, they're talking about the SPIRIT of free speech. Yes, saying things will cause others to react, but the point of it is that you should be able to say it no matter the consequences, instead of being thought patrolled and your words limited because of muh fee fee's. Let's not forget that controlling what others say has a very direct correlation with some... ideologies.
Posted at 09-19-18, 02:15 am Link | #

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Honestly in my opinion the best way to handle this would be to create a report section for harassment on the website that's separate from the bug report which can be moderated quickly and then only place restrictions on REPORTED OFFENSES. This would again be done at GM discretion but would allow for you to point directly at a particular line of text or screenshot in order to justify your actions. This would also prevent any claims of favoritism since you could explain WHY each person did or didn't get banned case by case in tickets.

I personally don't want anyone banned for anything they've ever said to or about me under any circumstances and would never use this feature, but at the very least it would allow people who DID want to take advantage of it to feel protected without causing the general community to feel that they're being over-moderated. It would also clear up controversies about why people got chat restricted and link statements that they've made directly to their punishments.

I'd + this. Though there is the possibility that a couple trolls could just send in thousands of tickets via macro, which would make the system moot. Hopefully that wouldn't happen.

this wasn't even the point of my post. people DO submit tickets and people DO getting punished over these tickets - that's literally already how it is. it's the reasons they're being punished for that are ridiculous. in the past, people have even tried to bait my guild into saying things just to submit tickets and get them in trouble (which doesn't work because we're not idiots, btw.) you're basically saying "don't punish people unless they're reported," but people are already reporting other people left and right based on the tiniest, miniscule things that offend them. the entire point was to push the blacklist over this senseless policing, the need to intervene every time someone calls someone else a mean word.

if i was a gm, and someone came to me complaining about what someone else said to them, i would ask them if they had the person blacklisted. if not? that's on them and no one has any business being punished. if so, and they are bypassing that somehow? only then would i intervene. i repeat, BY NOT BLACKLISTING SOMEONE YOU ARE OPTING INTO BEING OFFENDED. if someone REFUSES to use the blacklist out of sheer pig-headedness, the accused does NOT deserve to be punished, period, regardless of the vile they're spewing. of course, that's just my opinion, but that's how mabinogi was and anyone who thinks otherwise is only lying to themself. it's as easy as a push of a button to make anyone's character and chat disappear and like i said, if someone bypasses the blacklist, THEN it deserves gm attention- not before.

If there's already a system for reporting suspected harassment and whatnot, and people are doing what I said I hope wouldn't come to pass (reporting false claims, which should be a punishable offense to begin with), then obviously that's an issue. Blacklisting works as well, no issue there, though I have a feeling most players just plain forget that feature even exists or fail to notice it. There's also the part where it's human nature to prove your "superiority" to another that's trying to "dominate" you. This is why you see people that have no chance of beating someone else still get in any sort of fight because the other is actively trying to instigate one. Most people aren't grown up enough to just ignore the other, and it gets especially easier for another to grief/troll others when it's all just pixels on a screen.

Segway from that... as I stated on my first post, I'm perfectly fine with people saying what they want, spirit of free speech and all, but like others have said-words can make people mad, even if unwarranted (which I find is the case nearly every time) this is still the GM's server, and their opinions are really the only ones that matter in the grand scheme of things, and all we can do is basically petition them to do something that the majority wants. Do I think that someone that's truthfully speaking their own mind should be punished for it, even if it's something horrid? No, and no one should think that someone saying things is cause for censorship-the post a GM responded to me has stated the same thing-they have no intention of policing words(though intention and actual action are two completely separate things at times). Others think otherwise, for whatever reason or agenda they might have.

It also doesn't help that my generation is a bunch of snowflakes that can't take the slightest deviation from their own opinion and will REEEEEE until the cows come home, so I can see why people would just be throwing tickets left and right.
Posted at 09-19-18, 02:26 am Link | #

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I don't see people complaining about AR
I know right?! Archery is so much easier for the fact that archers only have to rush AR and it's viable. What the fuck? That's messed up...

Show me someone doing ~600 average damage per arrow with AR before ttl 300 and I'll vote yes on this

Show me someone that does 600 damage per average ice bolt before total 300 and I'll take your post seriously
Posted at 09-19-18, 04:12 am Link | #

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Per request, you can now default splitting/dividing to quantity 10. If you shit-click or right click->divide, instead of 1 it'll show 10.

I would like to know how to shit click, it sounds fun.
Posted at 09-20-18, 08:20 pm Link | #

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What we could do is have a sort of community jury. Get random people/volunteers that neither of the two parties know and give them the evidence on hand, and let them decide on what should happen. That is the best system that anyone in human history has really come up with, and it has (mostly) worked so far.
Posted at 09-22-18, 02:29 am Link | #

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I really wish there were more skin colors, especially colors like green, pure white, blue, purple, etc. Similar to the crowns on live. Is this possible?

I'm fine with hair colours, but a random green guy running up to me would give me the creeps. I'm fine with blue though, avatar was cool.
Posted at 09-22-18, 02:31 am Link | #

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What we could do is have a sort of community jury. Get random people/volunteers that neither of the two parties know and give them the evidence on hand, and let them decide on what should happen. That is the best system that anyone in human history has really come up with, and it has (mostly) worked so far.

This sounds like way too much work for something so silly. I only even think a "report" system is appropriate to bring attention to things that have gotten way out of hand, such as in the conditions that Auburn stated. Interpersonal drama shouldn't be moderated. If someone calls you a bad name and it is really affecting you, blacklist them and move on.

Likewise, for members of the staff, if you are offended by what a community member is saying, I understand that it is certainly within your right to do whatever the heck you want, because it is your server, and again, this is not a service. Personally, I am not a big fan of censorship in general. Almost all situations resolve on their own without authority intervention, and people aren't going to up and kill each other over it. If someone is "creating crisis", they're not going to pull a knife on their neighbour. Yes, some people might get salty and speak in aggressive text tones, but that's about the worst that can happen. I think that's just how people are and there is no need for external moderation.

Careful now, there was that old guy that tried to kill some kid over losing a Fortnite game. You never know when some guy trash talks after winning a PVP and is never seen again.
Posted at 09-22-18, 11:54 pm Link | #

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During the title glitch on live many years ago that gave you your titles stats whenever you picked an item up, getting yourself to 100% protection made all damage null to 1. So windguard must be broken in the sense that it doesn't add protection onto your own (possibly replacing it or giving less depending on your original prot?).

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