post rev. 5 by Iforgotmyusername on 06-25-18, 06:22 pm
Posted at 06-25-18, 05:54 pm Link | #

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So, I got curious today, and wondered just how old my character in live would be. But then I wondered how old a character would be if they were created when the game was realeased in S. Korea. Turns out, the oldest age (rough estimate) that you can possibly be is 219,000 years old. The general agreement is that the modern human appeared approx. 200,000 to 2.8 million years ago, though most just say 200,000 out of simplicity. This is INSANELY close to the oldest character possible, being only 19,000 years apart.

However, there's a giant issue here. When the game first released, archery and iron/steel swords were already readily available. This poses a HUGE issue. Why? Because guns were only "invented" in 2013, in the Iria Saga update. That means guns were made widely available about 73,000 years ago. These are revolvers, mind you, not even automatic weaponry. The first revolver was made sometime in 1831 according to google. That's just 187 years today, and the first automatic weapon was made in 1887, just 131 years ago. So for us to go from Steel swords to revolvers took us 5,131 years-quite a long time, but NOTHING in comparision to Errin, which clocks an astonishing 146,000 years to go from steel swords to guns. This means Errin, at our perception of time, advances at a snails pace of 3.51% the rate we do here on Earth.

Now, let's base that on our world for just a moment. Because the game is based on the Celts, which were prominent in 300-500 A.D. That means instead of starting at 3,300 B.C.-when steel swords were being made. This means we're starting 71.4% SOONER than before. So, adding that to the calculations, it took Errin's best minds at best about 41,756 years to go from steel weaponry to guns if we're using the people the game is based on with the same rate of advancement.

Could you imagine ourselves sitting in the same exact technological stagnation for that long? I sure can't, because if this were a game of CIV5, we on Earth would have gotten Future Tech thousands of times over, while Errin wouldn't have even gotten their first tech yet.
post rev. 1 by Iforgotmyusername on 06-25-18, 09:45 pm
Posted at 06-25-18, 08:59 pm Link | #

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The reason I didn't include magic is because we have nothing to compare it to, as magic doesn't exist on Earth. So it would be a moot point to bring it up, as even the most basic magic would be literally infinitely more advanced than ours.

In terms of alchemy, they do have us beat, but in a real world scenario, is pretty useless. The only useful skill would be making a storm cloud, but looking in game, it only seems to go up about 40 feet, and isn't very large in size. It's really just a glorified smoke grenade that shocks you at random points if you think about it.

Imo, the only thing Errin has above us is Meteor Strike. It looks to be about 100M in diameter at R1, which is fairly large. Here's the issue though, it's so insanely slow it would do barely any damage to anything except in the immediate area. Any bomb we have nowadays in any size would curb stomp Meteor Strike in terms of sheer damage and firepower. For fireball, it's an insanely slow charging grenade, then when you throw it, flies at a snails pace to where you can avoid it just be doing a short sprint. Ice spear, would be fairly useful against soft targets, but again, the range is extremely short, so the use would be very situational, only being viable in ambushes. Thunder would be the most useful magic skill, as bringing down literal lightning is very useful against our electronic based military.

Small edit: Just to mention, with magic, technology should actually improve faster than we do. Magic is the manipulation of the natural world, so if they can figure out that, surely they can figure out how to fly and make more advanced things.
Posted at 06-28-18, 03:09 pm Link | #

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The problem I have with the whole "They forget and don't age lol" thing is that... well... books exist. Many NPC's seem to be able to at least write, surprisingly, as the common folk didn't even get the chance to learn to write until recent history.

Also, being from another world or not, I would think at least a few Milletians would want to progress technology just to see what new stuff they could invent or what new skills they could get. If none of them wanted to, then they're pretty freakin' lazy.
Posted at 06-29-18, 05:44 pm Link | #

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Thing is, both of those have an answer. Because Milletians can write and read, they can just jot down everything they have learned and researched. Think of if Einstein, Tesla, Archemidies, Hawking, etc. never died. That's the situation on Errin, any geniuses wouldn't die, and would be free to continue their research into infinity, creating a snowball effect over time since they can keep going without growing old and the threat of death stopping them in their tracks. Also, different perspectives are in Errin, take Cor for example. They made quite literally the only defensive magic in the game, without them there wouldn't be mana shield or any of the bubble shields.

As for the Tuathan's becoming self sustaining and independant of us, it won't really happen the way it might on Earth. Unlike them, we can't die, get sick, waste away from hunger or thirst, or anything else. If a war broke out between the Tuatha's- and by extension including us, and some other entity? What would make more sense to include in the army, the relatively squishy Tuthan's, or the literal half-gods known as the Milletians? What about extremely dangerous work like mining or construction?

The only way for the Tuthan's to go up to the Milletians and flat out say "we don't need you anymore" would be for them to literally become us. So the notion that them becoming self sufficient would, at their rate of advancement, take hundreds of millions of years-basically negligible.
Posted at 06-29-18, 08:24 pm Link | #

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I would like the game to be completely overhauled and get rid of the horrid engine that mabi uses that honestly should've been taken out back and shot about a decade ago. Guess Devcat took after Bethesda in that reguard, lol.
Posted at 07-10-18, 02:48 pm Link | #

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Changing what form you could take would be cool, but having it so you can just change between ally and DK willy nilly is silly. The entire point of going DK is you saying you no longer agree with the ideals of a paladin, and are making a conscious decision knowing full well there is no going back.
Posted at 07-10-18, 02:50 pm Link | #

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Reviving Mores would be a cool thing too. I want that damn shield that can straight up block an attack from a god.
post rev. 2 by Iforgotmyusername on 07-12-18, 06:44 pm
Posted at 07-12-18, 05:22 pm Link | #

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As the title states, I'm farming like others. I did it a few times on live before they forced you to pay for VIP, so my knowledge is minimal. Currently farming strawberries, just because I like a challenge. Any tips on what to do first on a day cycle through the last would be great to have on an easy to find place for anyone else just starting out!
Posted at 07-14-18, 03:49 pm Link | #

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Much appreciated.
Posted at 07-17-18, 03:09 pm Link | #

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Add in pets that had an AOE summon effect, but get rid of that AOE effect. IIRC they're all a skill, so I would think all that's needed is to delete that skill from the pet.
post rev. 1 by Iforgotmyusername on 07-20-18, 05:14 pm
Posted at 07-20-18, 05:13 pm Link | #

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Honestly, I've ran Longa like three times in the ten years I've played mabi, so I had no idea about the eyes haha.

Another cool thing that I actually made a post about on live mabi's steam forums, is a way to expand on Iria. I know it would mostly be impossible with the current infrastructure, and time needed to do it (probably) would be insanely long. But I might as well throw it in here so it's at least archived, so here goes.

A good way to entice people to go to Iria other than just getting those exploration levels is to add a boat style mini game, though one that has an interesting depth to it. My suggestion was that you make a boat-a permanent one, that you could customise to carry more cargo, go faster, or have more armor. However, you can only customise it so much for balance sake, you don't want any power creeping down the line, that's just bad.

Now, for the actual meat of it, have it so "islands" (a dungeon or shadow mission, which ever you prefer to call it) will spawn at random points, but in tiers. The further you go, the more difficult the "island" would be, but the more rewarding loot you would get upon reaching the end loot. However, due to the sheer amount you'd have to put it on the boat-hence the customisations.

Now, the speed and cargo makes sense, but what about armor? Ah, well, at the first tier island area, you won't need it. But the further you go, there is a chance of monster/fomor fish spawning to try and wreck havoc on your ship, but the amount of time you spend at sea will also increase the chance of the event happening as well. If they manage to sink it, you lose all cargo (subject to change if anyone else has a better alternative) as your ship has sunken. You respawn on the dock you left from (I can imagine one in each major area, as all major towns in Iria are coastal or close enough to where you can fly/run there in a timely fashion).

As for the loot, other than the obvious gold and randomised loot, I don't have many ideas for loot that would be related to this, possibly "bolt on" upgrades you can attach to your ship, but can only put so many on-this would extend the life of this idea as well, as even if you normal upgrade your ship, there's always the bolt on upgrade that you don't have yet.

Though I know this probably won't ever happen, or any time soon, I do think it would possibly become a new meta for cash and loot. As instead of just getting premade mission or randomised but still same spawn pattern dungeons, you'd be able to have a gigantic amount of freedom in deciding what "tier" islands you go to, and then there's the added DayZ like risk of losing it all if you get too greedy.
Posted at 07-20-18, 09:55 pm Link | #

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I would love to have a homestead and Port Cobb.

Sadly, even though this was a great addition to official Mabi, we can't have it here since it's code that the GMs don't have and are unable to obtain. Supposedly.

Homesteads are not likely, however it is absolutely possible for us to import Port Cobh.

If I gave you ten septims and a giant teddy bear would you make the homstead code from scratch?
Posted at 07-28-18, 03:07 pm Link | #

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Well, after not playing for a couple of days, the issue seemed to have resolved itself.

For further information though, I did restart the game when it happened-twice in fact. Rarely ever have two mabi tabs open as well (though I have no trouble running doing that) and the issue was still there. Also, I'm not sure if this fixed it, but I went on to my laptop and it worked again, then went back to my PC and it works as well. Ah well, I'll just chuck it up to mabi being mabi.
Posted at 07-28-18, 03:09 pm Link | #

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If we're going to port instruments to giants, I want the instruments themselves to stay human/elf size, morely to just laugh as I see a giants hand somehow play an intricate song as it looks like he's smashing the thing in half.
Posted at 07-28-18, 03:10 pm Link | #

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Its a Utility skill.

I understand that it's currently only useful as a utility skill, but a buff would broaden its usability and give human archers a unique distinction, without buffing them too much. Clearly Nexon thought similarly as it was buffed in the next generation.

Nexon also did the whole combat revamp system, so it's not like anyone can really say that Nexon really knows what the fanbase wants :/
Posted at 09-05-18, 09:31 pm Link | #

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Tfw you work until 6 PM central on tuesday and it takes you an hour to get home so you're going to miss this entire thing q_q.
Posted at 09-05-18, 09:32 pm Link | #

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No, giants are already OP as it is. If anything buff hoomans.
Posted at 09-05-18, 09:34 pm Link | #

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A 8-man defense style Minigame where you battle waves of monsters that used the rafting system to see if people were dead for extended periods of time that disabled nao's like the new content where you only had to survive with no extra gimmicks as more and more monsters spawned would be cool.

So basically the dragon boat racing event.
Posted at 09-06-18, 01:56 pm Link | #

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So, I've always been curios as to why it was only ever Mores that learned how to use chain casting, other than the formorians. It would make practical sense that we should be able to learn it. Now I can hear it already "it would make CC and ego wands completely useless since that's one of the main points of them!" Now now, not so fast. Without using a wand, your magic damage is significantly lower, so here's what I propose.

As we saw, Mores DOES NOT use a wand. Therefore if it may be added, you cannot use a wand in order to activate CC. I would also add a penalty of 25% extra MP usage, as you cannot channel your magic energy correctly without a wand to have an explanation. This solves the issue of it possibly making wands obsolete. It should also be one of, if not the most difficult thing to achieve in the game, since even with a nerf or debuff, CCing without a wand is insanely powerful by itself.

So, what's your take?
Posted at 09-07-18, 06:00 pm Link | #

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Gee, this vote so far is more one sided than the first half of space jam.

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