Just to clarify the slow vs fast grind conundrum that is for some reason a conundrum.
The enjoyment that comes from having a slower grind is that once you've made it, it's an achievement that you can be proud of. When people know you have r1 in a particularly hard to rank skill, they will be impressed. When people know you have gotten the master title for that skill, it's even more impressive.
A faster grind will let players get to r1 more easily, which makes it (at the very least feel like) less of an achievement. Not as much effort was put in compared to the slower grind variation, hence it is not as impressive.
Having the option to go fast in a normally slow grind environment doesn't solve that issue, either. At least, not without a way of recognizing that someone did not use the fast grinding option. If you boast about having mastered a grindy skill without using that skill training potion or whatever, you can boast all you want but people will likely not believe you. The fact that there is no intrinsic reward for going the more difficult route, plus the fact that you would have no proof to show you went the more difficult route, makes the more difficult route (at least for some) not enjoyable or worth it.
Edit: I used skill ranks as an example, but this sort of mentality can apply to things like total level or whatever else as well.
Might as well just set the rates to x0.1, that way people could REALLY feel a sense of achievement.

But then again, nobody cares about what someone else has achieved. I just want to see my skills at r1 then do RP and whatnot. I don't want to remember old Mabi.
Not to mention that this server will last for who knows how long.