Posted at 08-12-18, 06:58 pm Link | #

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Hello all,
I used to play on Alexina in 2011-2012 then in 2014-2015 but my guild died, and the amount of new content made me feel exhausted, thus I'm all happy for this server and I'm glad people are so friendly here OwO
My age is too old for video games, I'm a mother and I should act like one but Mabi is so relaxing I can't help it. I'm very casual but if anyone wants to do early game grind with me it would be lovely. Trying to focus on the storyline first. I also have little or no memory of how to play this game especially later game content, as I never went too far on official. I remember elves suck, but I mained an elf because of the looks (I also had a giant alchemist alt because of the looks), here I wanted to main a human to make my life easier, however I miss playing an elf so I'm playing both. Ign: Chandelier (human) and to make it easier Chandellier (elf)
And yes, I'm a Sia fan, currently addicted to LSD (however this may sound)
And I also like to butt in randomly whenever there's an interesting and sophisticated discussion on the main chat.
Posted at 08-13-18, 09:13 am Link | #

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I started on officials as an elf. Not having a clue how the game works, I just thought oh it looks cute, good in archery and magic, will be fun. And it cannot possibly suck in melee combat THAT much. Reality was a bit harsh, but I kept my elf, here I really wanted just stick with a human char but I kinda miss the elf. I mean it's not really a bad race, you can enjoy it as long as you like to long range, I like mabi archery and alchemy a lot, it's not just about point and click like other games. So I'm enjoying my elf, when I want to go melee I switch to a human tho. I know it's possible to melee with elf but using bars as a weapon looks weird I also used to alt a giant alchemist and it was kinda fun to sum it up, play what you like. I like archery and long range so I'm really having fun as an elf and I don't feel weak in relevance to my current level. It's a personal preference.
Female giants are sexiest <3
Posted at 08-13-18, 12:01 pm Link | #

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What I dislike about the officials is the extreme amount of content, when I came back in 2015 after leaving in 2012 I've found too much stuff to bother and new classes that were totally out of place. I even tried ninja class but it just felt too easy to play. More content, more content and the game just became too big to me. I like the fact the server is small and so far the people are really friendly. And let's be honest, the premium hairstyles on default, even wigs are sweet as for fashionogi and the custom content - I'm all in, as long as no crap from further versions is added. I kinda enjoyed the merchant thing but don't need it, actually it was a distraction and became addictive and time consuming later on. I like it as it is, I'll welcome more items like clothes etc as well as custom quests. But no ninjas please
Posted at 08-13-18, 12:08 pm Link | #

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Also one thing: I never played much RO but I could see what the private servers did. They often stick to older versions of the game with adding loads of custom content and custom events. They leave old mechanics which players used to enjoy and add stuff to make the game interesting and something different from the original. And I believe this is the idea behind mabi pro, which is something I was looking for and I'm happy to stay
Posted at 08-13-18, 12:41 pm Link | #

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Commerce was a great thing, I miss it a lot, but on the other hand I remember getting too distracted by it and it started being boring pretty quick. There are better ways to earn money too. I miss my horse wagon tho :p those were some crazy rides lol, avoiding bandits too. I wouldn't be against implementing it, it doesn't really change much in game. But it's probably totally impossible. I'm also fine without it.
Posted at 08-13-18, 12:56 pm Link | #

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I wouldn't really say everyone hates elves. The rough life of an elf taught me it's more important for me to ensure if I like others rather then worry about them liking me. Sorry for the offtopic post.
Posted at 08-15-18, 09:01 am Link | #

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I'm even considering using more melee on elf. It surely won't be as good as humans or giants but hey. It's not like it's impossible.
Posted at 08-18-18, 09:17 am Link | #

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Wow they are amazing. I know it's kinda necro, but art like this should be bumped
I LOVE your art style. It's not just technically great but also the characters are quirky, they have that spark in their eyes and expressions which make you see their personality. They're not like numb puppets. I love it. Please polish this talent, draw a manga or whatever! Just draw! Don't change anything 😂 wish I could see my char drawn like that!
Posted at 08-18-18, 09:27 am Link | #

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Yo dude I'm stalking you :p
Posted at 08-18-18, 03:48 pm Link | #

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I totally agree! I love to see beautiful art. Maybe some players would fancy opening art shops and such I like because I get inspired by other people's art.
Posted at 08-18-18, 06:51 pm Link | #

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Hi, just a quick question, I believe these are called Royal Academy set, are they obtainable on our wonderful server?
Posted at 08-19-18, 09:25 am Link | #

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Yup the server is totally free to play, but you can always donate. We get premium stuff for in game currency. We also get special hairstyles during character creation
Posted at 08-19-18, 09:43 pm Link | #

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