Darth Johny
General information | |
Name | Darth Johny |
Total posts | 19 (0.01 per day) |
Total threads | 3 (0.00 per day) |
Joined on | 09-21-17, 04:36 pm (2731 days ago) |
Last post |
09-24-22, 05:53 pm (902 days ago) in Magic and Alchemy Damage Formula (Game Guides) |
Last view | 06-14-24, 05:34 am (274 days ago) |
Personal information | |
Real name | Jonathan |
Location | Nu-uh (Well if you get to know me you'll find out P:) |
Birthday | September 4, 1990 (34 years old) |
Bio | |
Longtime mabinogi player. P: Long time Soul guild member (RIP) |
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