Custom Event Idea: "3v3-style complete the objective"
Posted at 06-18-18, 06:26 pm Link | #1

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A three versus three-style 'complete the objective'. The first team that defeats the enemy boss or the whole enemy team wins. Four players join a party each and party duel system is used at 3%. Communication is key.

Defeat the enemy team
Defeat the enemy boss

The teams begin by choosing a starting point outside of houses but close enough to the other team which enough obstacles in between. If there is no chosen starting location, a default will be chosen instead.

Bosses are immobile until they are allowed to transform. If the enemy team is eliminated, the enemy boss is no longer immobile but the ally boss is still immobile and vice versa.

ALL BOSSES can transform if one boss is struck by all three enemy players. Once the bosses have transformed, they are no longer immobile.
ALL BOSSES can use magic. alchemy and archery while immobile such as Healing and Party Healing.
Teams CAN summon pets.

Teams CANNOT transform.
NO potions. Potions are prohibited by all players including bosses.
NO enchanted/ upgraded weapons.
BOSS CANNOT move until ally team is dead.
BOSS CANNOT use close combat skills while immobile unless it's Defense.

What are your ideas? Any suggestions to add? Thoughts? I'd like to try this in the weekends. If the test runs are successful I'd like to put prizes for the winning team while I referee. Ideally I wanted to play for a team since it would be more fun.
post rev. 1 by Fruttielicious on 06-19-18, 09:37 am
Posted at 06-19-18, 09:33 am Link | #2

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Anything with pvp is super biased for players with low latency and endgame maxed out base stats.

Not to mention the use of magic is severely OP compared to everything else because of permalocking.

Only way to make it even remotely fair is to make it an RP sm so you can regulate skill/item useage and prevent broken combo's.
Posted at 06-19-18, 03:30 pm Link | #3

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Hadn't thought of Ice Spear locking your opponents. You could kill all 3 relatively easily that way.
Also, if you were the "Boss" you could just use Thunder or Crash Shot while immobile, since that is allowed in the rules stated. That would likely deal with your enemies fairly quickly too. Or since Alchemy is allowed, Golems.

I do like the idea though; but it would need some heavy restrictions to prevent cheesy wins.
Posted at 06-21-18, 06:20 pm Link | #4

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Anything with pvp is super biased for players with low latency and endgame maxed out base stats.

Not to mention the use of magic is severely OP compared to everything else because of permalocking.

Only way to make it even remotely fair is to make it an RP sm so you can regulate skill/item useage and prevent broken combo's.

That's why early game is all about breaking the opponent's defense. You have to think about whether you should charge in or plan a strategy. There's always more than one way to approach a situation.

Depending on the situation you can surround, spread out, charge or distract. If you know that your enemy has Thunder, you should spread out. And the main objective is to defeat the boss. If you get the enemy boss to trans, your team boss can also trans.

I meant to ask you to be a boss for my project. Please at least help me try it >_<
Posted at 06-21-18, 06:35 pm Link | #5

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Hadn't thought of Ice Spear locking your opponents. You could kill all 3 relatively easily that way.
Also, if you were the "Boss" you could just use Thunder or Crash Shot while immobile, since that is allowed in the rules stated. That would likely deal with your enemies fairly quickly too. Or since Alchemy is allowed, Golems.

I do like the idea though; but it would need some heavy restrictions to prevent cheesy wins.

Thanks for the suggestions. However, I still want to try with all of those allowed. I'm picturing the boss getting absolutely thrashed having no way to defend without melee skills. I hoping that pets can help to alleviate this problem by helping you get out of a 5-charge boss Thunder. I also want to avoid having a boss that just stands there. Being both immobile and useless at the same time.

As I mentioned earlier, part of early game is making a decision that will put the battle in your favour. Whether it's to turtle your boss or rush at theirs or distract the enemy team by sending one team mate into their boss. I want all these possibilities to be available before we add tons and tons of restrictions.

More importantly I want us to have fun with this. The only way we can do that is by having little to no restrictions and more communication and cooperation. That's probably the main reason why I want this to succeed. I just want to make the game fun again, if not, more fun!
Posted at 06-22-18, 04:49 pm Link | #6

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An alternative mode could be to only allow 5 skills for each player and bosses can use all
post rev. 1 by Fruttielicious on 06-22-18, 07:58 pm
Posted at 06-22-18, 07:58 pm Link | #7

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Step 1: Be an elf
Step 2: Pick Ice Spear, Mana Shield, Transformation, Demi-God and Shadow Spirit
Step 3: Win

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