Should Thread Be Created?
Yes and sticky it
1 (100%)
No cuz reasons
 0 (0%)
Multiple voting is not allowed. 1 user has voted so far.
Guide+Sticky Request (rev. 4 by LazyFae on 06-23-18, 08:06 pm)
Posted at 06-19-18, 03:37 am Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

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There's supposed to be 3 polls, as is probably obvious, but it didn't want to post all 3 and idk why. "Yes but no sticky" was the third option.

Skipping the whole "act humble" bit because i requested a sticky, let's jump straight to it.

Mabi Pro and Live are different, as time goes on the differences get more pronounced, whether because of live's changes or because of pro. Due to mabi's game style though, it's not uncommon for players to play for weeks or maybe months, then take a hiatus. Anywhere from weeks to years sometimes. For this reason, and veteran mabi players jumping into pro. an easily accessible list of game updates/changes that make pro stand out from it's original counterpart, seems like a useful idea.

For added clarity; I say updates because events are temporary and not part of the long term game. Knowing what events are ongoing should be a whole 'nother matter for that reason alone. Temporary fixes, while i personally wouldn't object them being temporarily included in requested guide, i feel they should be edited as the temporary fix is better patched or said inclusion be removed should the fix be removed for one reason or another. Behind the scene fixes such as system stability or factors that are not really a game feature need not be included as the average player won't really be interested. Things like the visual chat however, while debatable, is still a feature of the game even if it doesn't greatly impact gameplay, and i feel that should be included. Bear in mind, most of this paragraph is covering personal thoughts, feel free to voice disagreement.

Moving on. I'm requesting another do this, because while i would have no problem contributing to said thread here and there, I can not honestly say i have the dedication or intention of long term maintaining it, especially given my sporadic gameplay. So someone with more time and/or dedication would be greatly appreciated. And sticky request for the thread, well it's probably obvious. Useful info, and having it in the guide section rather than here in general seems like it'd be right at home and not causing the clutter you expect in general sections of public forums.

For those who may be interested in actually posting and maintaining the thread, i would encourage you to actually post here that you'd be interested, and at least wait 48 hours before anyone goes jumping to do this. Should give some time for people to see the idea, give proper consideration to whether they'd be willing and devoted to it, and allow them to see/discuss with others who may be willing to do the same. And you may wish to know if a GM is willing to sticky it, i can't say how long a discussion among them may take, assuming they want to actually discuss the possibility. IE, hopefully make things run smoother.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 2 by Excelsian on 06-19-18, 11:30 am
Posted at 06-19-18, 11:16 am Link | #2

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There's already a document made by Uzume regarding the A1 changes that goes over most additions to the game from A1 (save from loot) so that'd help whoever does it.

But yeah, I'd agree that a thread that goes over all additions/changes (like the differences in loot in alby normal/rundal adv hm/rabbie adv 2, fiodh int 2, some big fieldbosses and mission additions and so on) would help out anyone who joined. Very often the question is asked still about people not knowing the new content which could be remedied by having it available... somewhere without having to ask.
Posted at 06-23-18, 05:49 pm Link | #3
Still a casual gamer

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Well, i've waited a few days, seems nothing's come of it. So, best thing to do would probably be to host something off-site, that i can give perms to others to edit. I think people commonly use google docs for this?

Anyway, i can look into getting it started, if i can get some contributions. And if i can figure out how to add permissions, i can allow others to edit if they give me any info i may need, in order to add them. I'll supply a link to the work in progress at the top of the first post, edit it in, when i actually get something done.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 2 by LazyFae on 06-23-18, 08:15 pm
Posted at 06-23-18, 08:11 pm Link | #4
Still a casual gamer

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Joined: 02-23-17
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Sorry for the double-post, the 'rough draft' of the guide is now up, link in the first post as well.

I'm in the MabiPro discord, nick as Lazyfae. Can post in the guides section or contact me there if you want added to the list of people able to edit, whether to clean it up, formatting, add/edit stuff, or whatever reason. I would encourage discussion about things covering the document to be held in the guide section, which i will be crossposting to as i request this specific thread be locked as the purpose of it is no longer really useful, or via discord.

I have the draft saved locally, and while i did start the project, as i said originally i hold no illusions about keeping it maintained long term. Which is partially why i'm including discord as a contact means. If i stop maintaining it in the future, and the guide proves useful, it would be nice for others to have the ability to edit it. Currently i'm the only one able to adjust permissions on who can edit it as well.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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