What do you want to happen that you know is too hard?
Posted at 06-11-18, 07:19 am Link | #1

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Want to know everyone's opinion especially GMs since there is definitely something.

Anything from too hard to impossible. It can be miniscule or very extravagant.

Keep it in regards to Mabipro!
Posted at 06-11-18, 07:23 am Link | #2

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I'll start with magic changes since am pure mage. The auto charge function or holding the key down to charge is so nice to my fingers. Especially when I have to press twice as many for fusion bolt. If fusion was able to be executed from one button press, I wouldn't have to accidentally press the wrong button and cancel my 4 charges.

Also the fusion bolt needs to be rechargeable! Every other charging skill is rechargeable. Fusion bolt equality!!!
post rev. 1 by Fruttielicious on 06-11-18, 01:45 pm
Posted at 06-11-18, 01:45 pm Link | #3

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Rechargeable fusion bolt would be rediculously broken, because you would just be able to do the fully charged ice/fire fusion with or the ice/lighting one that hits 5 targets repeatably.
Posted at 06-11-18, 02:00 pm Link | #4

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I would love to have a homestead and Port Cobb.
post rev. 1 by Blighty on 06-12-18, 05:50 am
Posted at 06-11-18, 07:35 pm Link | #5

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Rechargeable fusion bolt would be rediculously broken, because you would just be able to do the fully charged ice/fire fusion with or the ice/lighting one that hits 5 targets repeatably.

I wouldn't say it's any more broken than Windmill hahaha. You see, if something could be changed for mages that would release them from being so outclassed, Fusion Bolt's one of them. And the damage that it CAN do doesn't compare to a windmiller at the same level range until you have two of the bolts you are using ranked and a ton of int. I'm still outclassed too and I have like 500 int usually.

If you can cast a full charge of Fusion Bolt and do 2k crit damage every time (really REALLY want this to be true) - with proof - then I can rest. However, that doesn't change the fact that my fingers never rest when I'm using Fusion. Fusion all day every day.

Then again, I still expect you to have used enchants and ranked many other skills to increase your chances for Fusion to be viable. Unfortunately am pure mage so I'm a little out of options.

Edit TL;DR It would be a great feature. Not broken
Posted at 06-11-18, 07:37 pm Link | #6

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I would love to have a homestead and Port Cobb.

Sadly, even though this was a great addition to official Mabi, we can't have it here since it's code that the GMs don't have and are unable to obtain. Supposedly.
Posted at 06-12-18, 10:46 am Link | #7

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Rechargeable fusion bolt would be rediculously broken, because you would just be able to do the fully charged ice/fire fusion with or the ice/lighting one that hits 5 targets repeatably.

I wouldn't say it's any more broken than Windmill hahaha. You see, if something could be changed for mages that would release them from being so outclassed, Fusion Bolt's one of them. And the damage that it CAN do doesn't compare to a windmiller at the same level range until you have two of the bolts you are using ranked and a ton of int. I'm still outclassed too and I have like 500 int usually.

If you can cast a full charge of Fusion Bolt and do 2k crit damage every time (really REALLY want this to be true) - with proof - then I can rest. However, that doesn't change the fact that my fingers never rest when I'm using Fusion. Fusion all day every day.

Then again, I still expect you to have used enchants and ranked many other skills to increase your chances for Fusion to be viable. Unfortunately am pure mage so I'm a little out of options.

Edit TL;DR It would be a great feature. Not broken

Yes it would be broken, you're comparing players who don't cripple themselves to be "Pure Mage".
If you don't believe me go ask Waffo.
Posted at 06-12-18, 11:30 am Link | #8

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That's with a wand that has no matk upgrades besides special up, r2 icebolt, r3 ice mastery, rD fusion bolt mastery and r3 crit. non crits do about 1.7k for me. I also have 700 int which can still be improved with I'd reckon another 100-150 or so.

Now imagine I had an upgraded crown icewand for 28 matk, and all those skills I mentioned r1, being able to continuously throw out bolts like that from a distance much faster than a smasher due to their combined load + animation time (of the latter which is nonexistant almost for spamming bolts). I'd be doing way over 2k normal hits and I'd reckon over 6k crits.

Rechargeable fusion bolt, albeit the idea isn't terrible in itself, it would be way too broken. Remove fusion bolt mastery and maybe it'd be fair.
Posted at 06-12-18, 08:24 pm Link | #9

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Rechargeable fusion bolt would be rediculously broken, because you would just be able to do the fully charged ice/fire fusion with or the ice/lighting one that hits 5 targets repeatably.

I wouldn't say it's any more broken than Windmill hahaha. You see, if something could be changed for mages that would release them from being so outclassed, Fusion Bolt's one of them. And the damage that it CAN do doesn't compare to a windmiller at the same level range until you have two of the bolts you are using ranked and a ton of int. I'm still outclassed too and I have like 500 int usually.

If you can cast a full charge of Fusion Bolt and do 2k crit damage every time (really REALLY want this to be true) - with proof - then I can rest. However, that doesn't change the fact that my fingers never rest when I'm using Fusion. Fusion all day every day.

Then again, I still expect you to have used enchants and ranked many other skills to increase your chances for Fusion to be viable. Unfortunately am pure mage so I'm a little out of options.

Edit TL;DR It would be a great feature. Not broken

Yes it would be broken, you're comparing players who don't cripple themselves to be "Pure Mage".
If you don't believe me go ask Waffo.

Not to be a dick but this is only assuming it were possible which is probably still not possible until the bolts can be auto charged like on live. If it were possible, it only needs to work. It doesn't have to be broken.
Posted at 06-12-18, 08:34 pm Link | #10

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That's with a wand that has no matk upgrades besides special up, r2 icebolt, r3 ice mastery, rD fusion bolt mastery and r3 crit. non crits do about 1.7k for me. I also have 700 int which can still be improved with I'd reckon another 100-150 or so.

Now imagine I had an upgraded crown icewand for 28 matk, and all those skills I mentioned r1, being able to continuously throw out bolts like that from a distance much faster than a smasher due to their combined load + animation time (of the latter which is nonexistant almost for spamming bolts). I'd be doing way over 2k normal hits and I'd reckon over 6k crits.

Rechargeable fusion bolt, albeit the idea isn't terrible in itself, it would be way too broken. Remove fusion bolt mastery and maybe it'd be fair.

WHOA. That's crazy damage. Why can't I do that much damage :'D

Yeah I still stand by my opinion that it's a great feature. Everyone is quick to say it's broken but they usually undermine a lot of things like how you have to have 5 charges to be able to do that. In any battle scenario, I never charge 5 times unless it's before hitting an orb or a chest. After that, aggro takes effect and I'm a sitting duck unless I start switching to a melee weapon. Which I don't have, sadly.
post rev. 2 by Lyekouyioue on 06-18-18, 04:08 pm
Posted at 06-13-18, 05:12 pm Link | #11

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Playable Brownie Elves.

That's all

Hey, don't piggyback off of my post, ya jerk!
Posted at 06-14-18, 12:51 pm Link | #12

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Playable Brownie Elves.

How about playable Cat Siths!
Posted at 06-15-18, 09:43 pm Link | #13

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I would love to see some other classes added. I miss puppets!!!
Posted at 06-16-18, 05:56 am Link | #14
Flipend0 GM

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What do you want to happen that you know is too hard?

The ability to convert vertex CPU data to be done at a GPU level instead to eliminate FPS latency for every new actor appearance on screen.
Posted at 06-16-18, 10:54 pm Link | #15

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What do you want to happen that you know is too hard?

The ability to convert vertex CPU data to be done at a GPU level instead to eliminate FPS latency for every new actor appearance on screen.

I second that
Posted at 06-29-18, 08:24 pm Link | #16

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I would like the game to be completely overhauled and get rid of the horrid engine that mabi uses that honestly should've been taken out back and shot about a decade ago. Guess Devcat took after Bethesda in that reguard, lol.
Posted at 06-30-18, 11:29 am Link | #17

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Commerce and Homesteads
Posted at 06-30-18, 07:45 pm Link | #18

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I would like the game to be completely overhauled and get rid of the horrid engine that mabi uses that honestly should've been taken out back and shot about a decade ago. Guess Devcat took after Bethesda in that reguard, lol.

Scrap all my ideas. Yours takes the cake.
Posted at 07-01-18, 12:44 pm Link | #19

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Commerce and Homesteads

I second the commerce greatly. Homesteads were kinda eh for me since they were a bit hard to do and I constantly forgot about them.

But commerce, when properly balanced, would be great!
post rev. 1 by Vladisomire on 07-02-18, 07:18 pm
Posted at 07-02-18, 07:16 pm Link | #20

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More (plate) armor fashinogi would be great. I'd really like to see Dark Knights and/or Colossus armor.

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