Lag the past few days (rev. 1 by Oink on 03-11-17, 07:02 am)
Posted at 03-11-17, 07:00 am Link | #1

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I've been playing for the past couple weeks, but I've been getting laggy since the "Game Server Refresh Maintenance" on March 7th. Sometimes my skills take an extra second or two to load, NPCs or pets take some extra time to load, or my character would get rubberbanded. My lag happens like maybe every 10-15 seconds.

Is this normal? I tried reinstalling the game but downloading the full client keeps failing on me. I also checked the ping and I usually get like 76ms on average
Posted at 03-11-17, 01:41 pm Link | #2
Still a casual gamer

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May be your network or antivirus configuration. I have issues with skill locks, which sucks during production skills cuz you have to relog to fix it, but lag wise i don't have any more issues than normal.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-15-17, 01:44 pm Link | #3
Drahan GM

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We haven't seen any signs of network decay.
Posted at 03-15-17, 04:58 pm Link | #4

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I've had a rare bit of lag loading skills, but this happened like once out of 4 hours playing. Mabinogi is a pretty sensitive game when it comes to connections. If you're on wifi with a meh router/modem combo (which a lot of people tend to be), you may find yourself having a bad time out of nowhere pretty often.

I recommend using speedofme to check consistency. Places like ookla just give you the last number (usually the peak) which isn't very useful for anything.

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