Would it be possible to modify this feature?
Posted at 08-07-18, 04:29 pm Link | #1

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So currently when you get disconnected from the game and try to log back in, you'll sometimes get this message:

Is it possible to change the option from disconnecting to being able to rejoin where your character is already logged in? ie: in a dungeon, shadow mission, etc.

If so, I think this would be a great feature to have.
Posted at 08-07-18, 07:57 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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This is not possible, unfortunately.
Posted at 08-25-18, 11:14 pm Link | #3

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This is not possible, unfortunately.
What exactly causes the server to think you're still logged in? Is it because when you get DCed the server still looks for you or something?
Posted at 08-26-18, 03:15 am Link | #4

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This is not possible, unfortunately.
What exactly causes the server to think you're still logged in? Is it because when you get DCed the server still looks for you or something?

My understanding is that timing out does not actually disconnect you. When you time out, the server doesn't register this as a disconnect and your character is effectively logged in. The disconnection request is then sent manually with that button when you try to log back in. I'm not sure why it takes so long to disconnect after the manual request is sent, though.

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