Should we focus more on enhancing MabiPro experience?
More new content
7 (25.93%)
More enhancement
10 (37.04%)
Anything really
10 (37.04%)
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Posted at 08-01-18, 03:29 pm Link | #21

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I'm a bit confused by what exactly falls under "enhancement" in your context.
post rev. 1 by Radiance on 08-01-18, 05:24 pm
Posted at 08-01-18, 05:24 pm Link | #22

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I just want content the makes the social aspect of this game fun. Now I'm not saying you can't be creative and think of games or stuff to do with what we have, I ran four tabletop games in Mabi so far with what we currently have, but I'd like more.

Like an actual PvP arena that's a scheduled event weekly, more handicraft items, and monthly events hosted at specific towns to get people together: They don't even need to give great rewards but something to encourage players to spend time working together. Maybe things like beach of scathach.

Even bad content, in the perspective of my friends, has given us laughs and fun. So really just anything works, but I fear that maybe one day that won't work anymore. If you focus too much on combat you forget what makes this game special.

An event like this might get people to socialize more.

I'd like to see this event again for Halloween if possible.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 08-01-18, 07:52 pm
Posted at 08-01-18, 07:52 pm Link | #23
Drahan GM

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I just want content the makes the social aspect of this game fun. Now I'm not saying you can't be creative and think of games or stuff to do with what we have, I ran four tabletop games in Mabi so far with what we currently have, but I'd like more.

Like an actual PvP arena that's a scheduled event weekly, more handicraft items, and monthly events hosted at specific towns to get people together: They don't even need to give great rewards but something to encourage players to spend time working together. Maybe things like beach of scathach.

Even bad content, in the perspective of my friends, has given us laughs and fun. So really just anything works, but I fear that maybe one day that won't work anymore. If you focus too much on combat you forget what makes this game special.

An event like this might get people to socialize more.

I'd like to see this event again for Halloween if possible.

We plan to run this event again.
Posted at 08-01-18, 07:58 pm Link | #24

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I just want content the makes the social aspect of this game fun. Now I'm not saying you can't be creative and think of games or stuff to do with what we have, I ran four tabletop games in Mabi so far with what we currently have, but I'd like more.

Like an actual PvP arena that's a scheduled event weekly, more handicraft items, and monthly events hosted at specific towns to get people together: They don't even need to give great rewards but something to encourage players to spend time working together. Maybe things like beach of scathach.

Even bad content, in the perspective of my friends, has given us laughs and fun. So really just anything works, but I fear that maybe one day that won't work anymore. If you focus too much on combat you forget what makes this game special.

An event like this might get people to socialize more.

I'd like to see this event again for Halloween if possible.

We plan to run this event again.

That's awesome. Thanks Drahan!
Posted at 08-02-18, 12:10 pm Link | #25

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I'm a bit confused by what exactly falls under "enhancement" in your context.

Don't worry about it. If you scroll up I would have explained some of it but I left it out deliberately. I want people to remember the reason they left live or the reason they played Mabi when they rewind back to when it was 2011 G13 but that's a long time ago. Not referring to nostalgia although it probably comes with it. I'm referring to people's hopes and vision for Mabi when it was slightly popular.

Also, I wanted to make sure I could see the bigger picture. Thinking about what MabiPro is and what it's not. I don't want it to fall under other MMORPG stigma but I also want a game I can enjoy with people in a few years time. So I dunno. Probably too much to ask
Posted at 08-07-18, 10:33 pm Link | #26

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I'm a bit confused by what exactly falls under "enhancement" in your context.

Don't worry about it. If you scroll up I would have explained some of it but I left it out deliberately. I want people to remember the reason they left live or the reason they played Mabi when they rewind back to when it was 2011 G13 but that's a long time ago. Not referring to nostalgia although it probably comes with it. I'm referring to people's hopes and vision for Mabi when it was slightly popular.

Also, I wanted to make sure I could see the bigger picture. Thinking about what MabiPro is and what it's not. I don't want it to fall under other MMORPG stigma but I also want a game I can enjoy with people in a few years time. So I dunno. Probably too much to ask

I still don't get what you consider a "enchancement", returned from a break and would be interesting to see your point of view on it.

And to make a small comment on something you said

I want people to remember the reason they left live or the reason they played Mabi when they rewind back to when it was 2011 G13 but that's a long time ago. Not referring to nostalgia although it probably comes with it. I'm referring to people's hopes and vision for Mabi when it was slightly popular.

Some people still play both, official and, others moved here, some tried and went back to Official, putting it simple, those that played before came to originaly because of Nostalgia, nothing else, even if they state otherwise, after it wear off, some decided to stay because of friends, others because the game is more challenging.

Mind you, there's one thing that people don't ask when it comes to Official nowadays, people normally go about asking "what don't you like on official?"(heard this question more then once when asked why I gave a go to
When the question should be, "What do you like about Official?"

All in all, dev team on my point of view(even if I disagree with one thing or two that was done, that, Drahan/Flip/perhaps some of the other devs do know about it too?) done better with the capabilities they have then Nexon/DevCat, and that's something no one can take from them.

Everything that was added on my point of view enhanced the experience.
Posted at 08-08-18, 05:56 pm Link | #27

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Hi Selzyr.

So enhancement is subjective to your perspective. It's based on the feeling when something should be enhanced. Not anything specific. Same for content. Not referring to any specific content. It's no secret which one I prefer. Which one do you prefer?
Posted at 08-12-18, 03:12 am Link | #28

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Is it considered an "enhancement" to put high end enchants as rewards for trivial events? Because I really don't want those enhancements.
Posted at 08-13-18, 12:01 pm Link | #29

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What I dislike about the officials is the extreme amount of content, when I came back in 2015 after leaving in 2012 I've found too much stuff to bother and new classes that were totally out of place. I even tried ninja class but it just felt too easy to play. More content, more content and the game just became too big to me. I like the fact the server is small and so far the people are really friendly. And let's be honest, the premium hairstyles on default, even wigs are sweet as for fashionogi and the custom content - I'm all in, as long as no crap from further versions is added. I kinda enjoyed the merchant thing but don't need it, actually it was a distraction and became addictive and time consuming later on. I like it as it is, I'll welcome more items like clothes etc as well as custom quests. But no ninjas please
Posted at 08-13-18, 12:08 pm Link | #30

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Also one thing: I never played much RO but I could see what the private servers did. They often stick to older versions of the game with adding loads of custom content and custom events. They leave old mechanics which players used to enjoy and add stuff to make the game interesting and something different from the original. And I believe this is the idea behind mabi pro, which is something I was looking for and I'm happy to stay

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