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Dungeons rewards are satysfying enought.
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MabiPro Next - Dungeons that are worth doing.
Posted at 08-16-18, 04:45 pm Link | #1

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We re all know Mabinogi, know its specific mechanics and beautiful but little sloppy world. I really feel that DevCat had great idea, but something went wrong during developement – Ill tell about it a little later. Now our MabiPro staff with they very talented programmers, have a chance to repair every mistake that have been made.

Before i reach meritum, i would like to explain why i used word “next” in topic. I really believe that my idea might be the “next” step that Mabi should done years ago. Step that will change mabinogi more than anything earlier.

First step - Dumbeons (aka. Dungeons).

Are you a mid-lvl mage? Or just novice adventurer with cheap sword and longbw on your back? No metter. You touched magical statue that moved you to great labirynth that was once shelter during war. Youre totally alone in an dark hallway. After few rooms you’re sure that there is no place for loneliness, monsters are everywhere, especially in place like this. Finally great gate appeared in front of you – youre ready to fight the boss! This one was the hardest one you ever had to fight, but youre alive. There is chest! The reward you deserved – wooden club, enchant powder and 8000 golden coins...

This point was exacly about dumb “end chest rewards”. Why only the hardest dungeons might give you something worth doing them? As long as you’re not pro, forget about satysfiying rewards. We have to repair this point.

Of course, easy to do runs shouldnt give Soluna Blade (this real one), but a little enchanced – ready to wear short sword might be supperior item for low lvl players. Some low rank crafting recipes – Why not? Every dungeon HAVE TO be worth doing it on certain steps of character developement.

I think that implementation of this part isnt really hard, at least we can create whole custom dungeons! A little change in “drop table” of existing ones shouldnt be a challenge.

What do you think? If our beloved MabiPro programmers will decide to make this step im sure, that we – community, could discuss about new “reward tables” and make them balanced and satysfying for everyone.

First step? I hope we, all together can do it, what will be later? Time will show.

PS. Sorry for my english, if anyone could, please repost my words without grammar errors. Peace!
Posted at 08-16-18, 07:53 pm Link | #2

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It would be silly not to have this. It's already silly because it's like this. I fully support this idea from the moment I ran the first dungeon. There's no reason for such a disappointing end chest reward. No wonder people aren't doing the dungeons and are doing the SMs instead
Posted at 08-16-18, 08:35 pm Link | #3
Still a casual gamer

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I'll touch on things that might be appealing, to go with this. Pots are a mainstay for mabi. However, rather than throw a bunch of different pots in the chests, i'd add a full stack of red or yellow herbs, or 5-7 blue herbs, as an included drop in most rewards. Give incentive to not just running the dungeon, but some minor drops for training pot making, and the result you get will be desirable which is going to help encourage that.

Similar could be done for other skills. Make specific dungeons themed somewhat towards other production skills, add some ore or ingots as rewards to barri drops, scaling the tier with the difficulty you run. Now obviously these aren't meant to replace rewards, but to go hand in hand with them, or possibly not drop at all sometimes.

Moving on, weapons and armor. At the start, these are what you need. I'd suggest scattering more sought after gear, as rewards. Don't know how feasible this is, but obviously could have various potential stat changes, with the harder difficulties being more likely for multiple stats to be good. Also, different colors on the gear. Because nothing grabs players' attention better than that rare red and black color, and even better when they realize it can have different stats and they can farm for the best stats to go with the color.

LLB is a common weapon, as a giant it'd be nice to see Claymore and Battlehammers added somewhere, with better than NPC value. I don't remember what humans dual wield, or what giants think need dual wielded, but those could be added.

Part of the issue with dungeons though, is that they're low level content for the most part. Thus, adding too awful much to them will feel unbalanced. But at the same time, if you don't add something worthwhile, they're just a waste of time for most people. Some production mats would help some, and i think some gear would, but the finer points of it would have to be smoothed out. If the GMs can add say mini-bosses to the dungeons as well, giving them unique drops, (unique as in they drop things you may not expect of that mob, not just rare items) it'd go a long way towards dungeon productivity as well. Of course then you're going to hit the issue of what's appropriate for the dungeon/difficulty, that won't be overwhelming to players there, or feel harder than the current boss.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 08-17-18, 01:29 pm Link | #4

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Yes. Themed dungeons! Why was this not considered by the previous devs? It seems impossible for it to have glossed their minds. That takes a whole new level of aptitude not to realise. I'm sure this discussion has happened many times before but I'm really salty that dungeons are so disappointingly dull

To add to that, one could argue that spiders and dungeons are a theme for dungeons but what the hell are the point in killing them to get past a room? Sure the skeletons may have kept it but what did the rats and bats do to it? Eat it? Why are there even wolves in dungeons? They don't live there! AAAAA

Rant over
Posted at 08-17-18, 11:09 pm Link | #5
Still a casual gamer

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Sure the skeletons may have kept it but what did the rats and bats do to it? Eat it? Why are there even wolves in dungeons? They don't live there!

I think, the lore was that any creature we fight, is not in its natural state. The ones we fight and kill, are possessed, which is why they drop things like fomor scrolls. IDK if that holds true for iria too, but that seems to be consistent in uladh. Given the nature of the dungeons, i'm not surprised by the creatures being there, especially if they're under the influence of a more powerful entity such as lich or arachnee even.

But, i'm going off vague memories from around probably a decade ago, so you may ask around for more accurate details.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 08-22-18, 02:50 am Link | #6
Alder The LoreKeeper

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Animals in general are possessed by the Erg emitted from Dungeons, Monsters are also spawned from said Erg. Fomorians use the Erg to control things.

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