Should Add donation tier packages to encourage donations?
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I'm Poor dude
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Donation Tier Rewards
Posted at 09-15-18, 11:24 pm Link | #1

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Just currently with all the nodes crashing and d/cing happening,
There should be some form of donation system to encourage donation.
Beside being thank for progressing the project.
If you added donation tier packages it would "MAYBE" bring in more donations.
Ex:Donate 5 dollars = 2 Thoroughbreds.
It would some how bring in P2W.
If the packages were balanced in a way it wouldn't destroy the server it would work out.
I do enjoy, it just currently with all the connection issues.
Theres no real point to do anything besides afk and ego feed.

Pls post criticism on this post on why it shouldn't happen or why it should happen
Posted at 09-15-18, 11:41 pm Link | #2

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Ex:Donate 5 dollars = 2 Thoroughbreds.
Would definitely have to make sure it was more balanced than this, but it is only an example. I like this idea; If executed correctly, everyone benefits immensely.
post rev. 1 by Blighty on 09-18-18, 07:02 pm
Posted at 09-18-18, 07:01 pm Link | #3

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I'm just chuckling at the 5 dollars = 2 thoroughbreds idea. It's not the best examples you could have given but a true incentive to donating that would benefit everyone is a great idea. I'm sure anyone could come up with a better reward than what Nexon has to offer. Here's a few:

Cosmetic rewards such as clothes, dyes, other fashion items

Access to places that would take longer without donating. Such as controlling moon gate locations through donation

Access to items that would take longer to obtain without donating. Such as selecting a specific item to be rewarded during the banquet rather than random item
Posted at 09-25-18, 06:54 pm Link | #4

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I'm just chuckling at the 5 dollars = 2 thoroughbreds idea. It's not the best examples you could have given but a true incentive to donating that would benefit everyone is a great idea. I'm sure anyone could come up with a better reward than what Nexon has to offer. Here's a few:

Cosmetic rewards such as clothes, dyes, other fashion items

Access to places that would take longer without donating. Such as controlling moon gate locations through donation

Access to items that would take longer to obtain without donating. Such as selecting a specific item to be rewarded during the banquet rather than random item

People will get angry if THEIR favorite items would be implemented as Donation ONLY items.

Don't think thats really feasable and people use flyers anyway.

This would be 100% p2w.
Posted at 09-26-18, 05:25 am Link | #5

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Just make it so that donations give consumables like fireworks, tiered secondary titles, or custom sprays. Alternatively you could allow for permanent or semi-permanent in-game world cosmetics like a statue of the player with the highest donations, or season selection to make it snow in dunbarton or something. So long as there's no permanent effect or temporary combat/life skill buff I think rewards are fine. That said as a poorfriend I don't have the funds to donate so my opinion might be a bit biased from that perspective.
Posted at 09-26-18, 03:35 pm Link | #6

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Just make it so that donations give consumables like fireworks, tiered secondary titles, or custom sprays. Alternatively you could allow for permanent or semi-permanent in-game world cosmetics like a statue of the player with the highest donations, or season selection to make it snow in dunbarton or something. So long as there's no permanent effect or temporary combat/life skill buff I think rewards are fine. That said as a poorfriend I don't have the funds to donate so my opinion might be a bit biased from that perspective.

I'm sure if at least one of us on where were a millionaire, they'd probably donate a good amount to keep the server going. As for premiums on donation, cosmetic things only. Giving buffs even temporarily is a P2W model, as that person might not be able to do some things without that buff. Either that or if it is possible-make a reskin of a weapon that is that donator only, so no one can impersonate.
Posted at 09-27-18, 06:09 pm Link | #7

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I'm just chuckling at the 5 dollars = 2 thoroughbreds idea. It's not the best examples you could have given but a true incentive to donating that would benefit everyone is a great idea. I'm sure anyone could come up with a better reward than what Nexon has to offer. Here's a few:

Cosmetic rewards such as clothes, dyes, other fashion items

Access to places that would take longer without donating. Such as controlling moon gate locations through donation

Access to items that would take longer to obtain without donating. Such as selecting a specific item to be rewarded during the banquet rather than random item

People will get angry if THEIR favorite items would be implemented as Donation ONLY items.

Don't think thats really feasable and people use flyers anyway.

This would be 100% p2w.

People would get angry if other people have items better than theirs anyway. Cosmetic should be fine since it's tradable and can be sold.

Yeah it's probably not any different from just buying a town wing. Town wings are better than moon gates in my opinion. Though it would be nice if moon gates restored mana.

It's not100% pay to win. My example only demonstrates the ability to select items to generate at the banquet. Not who receives the reward.
post rev. 1 by Wylisc on 10-01-18, 12:49 pm
Posted at 10-01-18, 12:48 pm Link | #8

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I think having a donation system with account rewards set's a dangerous precedent, it opens up exclusive perks to those who are willing to pay. I don't think donation rewards should be anything account wise. Something that was mentioned like maybe vote on a season change in dunby would be a cool idea, or maybe the statue of the player in game or something. Maybe even a highscores or donations etc.

I think setting up a patreon would be a good idea, sans the legal ramifications that may come even though it's donation based. It would allow the people who can afford a monthly payment of say $ 5 dollars to support the creators and their efforts.

But please avoid setting up paying for fashion or cosmetics!

Heck set up a Twitch channel and I'll give you my twitch prime sub! That's a cool $2.50 in your pocket each month
Posted at 04-23-19, 05:55 pm Link | #9

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I'd say your best bet for avoiding P2W rewards is a system in which, when the server reaches certain tiered dollar amounts (probably based on the costs the server accrues monthly or quarterly) - like stretch goals - and when those amounts have been reached, the whole server benefits.

I.E. - "We've reached 100% of our monthly goal! 4X Skill EXP for the first week of next month!
We've reached 120% of our monthly goal! Everyone gets an easy quest that nets them 100k or a small reward!"

...or something like that.

This ensures that no single character/account will gain a pay-to-win edge over any other account.

I'm somewhat against cosmetic items as well, since that's many peoples' raison d'etre when it comes to Mabinogi (and why Mabinogi is called Fashionogi all the friggin' time lol).

...I'm going to go post in the intro thread now. lol

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