An unpopular hypothesis of Mabipro protection \ouo/
Posted at 09-16-18, 07:44 am Link | #1

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Recently, after testing adniel damage. a player while using wind guard r1 giving himself 105% (55%+50) hypothetical priotection and mana shield on, he took more than 1 dmg. (which probably means adniel is magic damage ofc) But! we tested in EVG later and while using the same numbers the player took roughly 300~500 damage from melee and ranged despite what should be 105% protection.

here is some numbers! (testing with 105% prot is hard cause of timers sorry)

so what do you think? did we goof the numbers somehow?
is protection or wind guard broken?
is mabipro using live effective protection numbers?
what a mystery (~˘▾˘)~
Posted at 09-22-18, 11:54 pm Link | #2

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During the title glitch on live many years ago that gave you your titles stats whenever you picked an item up, getting yourself to 100% protection made all damage null to 1. So windguard must be broken in the sense that it doesn't add protection onto your own (possibly replacing it or giving less depending on your original prot?).
Posted at 10-27-18, 10:21 pm Link | #3

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Recently, after testing adniel damage. a player while using wind guard r1 giving himself 105% (55%+50) hypothetical priotection and mana shield on, he took more than 1 dmg. (which probably means adniel is magic damage ofc) But! we tested in EVG later and while using the same numbers the player took roughly 300~500 damage from melee and ranged despite what should be 105% protection.

here is some numbers! (testing with 105% prot is hard cause of timers sorry)

so what do you think? did we goof the numbers somehow?
is protection or wind guard broken?
is mabipro using live effective protection numbers?
what a mystery (~˘▾˘)~

I mentioned this several times when I played, but Wind Guard doesn't actually give 50 protection. It never did. Even on live in 2011, the wiki was misleading.
Posted at 10-28-18, 01:30 am Link | #4

Posts: 170
Joined: 06-17-17
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To my knowledge both defense/windguard don't stack with your def/prot in your statscreen they replace them while the skills are active.

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