Giant Consolidation of the better Suggestions (rev. 5 by Eriul the Wanderer on 03-19-17, 06:54 am)
Posted at 03-18-17, 07:08 pm Link | #1
Eriul the Wanderer

Posts: 33
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Max Durability Repair - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)

Premium Item Re-Location - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)

Standard Item Drops/Timers - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)

Archery - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)

Alchemy - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)

Magic - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)

Melee - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)

steelra forum post if anyone is interested in checking the link and discussing the suggestions posted by him/her

Continent Warping - Idea from "Glacii" (Forum nickname)

Glacii forum post if anyone is interested in checking the link and discussing the suggestions posted by him/her

Gold Commas - Idea from "Faefellah" (Forum nickname)

Faefellah forum post if anyone is interested in checking the link and discussing the suggestions posted by him/her

Able to Dye Shields - Idea from "Eriul" (Forum/In-game nickname)

Able to Dye Instruments - Idea from "Eriul" (Forum/In-game nickname)

Upgradable Magical Clothing - Idea from "Eriul" (Forum/In-game nickname)

Ideas that I came up with where directly posted here, given I probably stated somewhere already over the forums, but was in a random thread I wont waste time looking on each Thread where I posted regarding my suggestions.

Demonic/Divine/Celtic/Dragon Armor/Enchantable Robes!

forum post if anyone is interested in checking the link and discussing the suggestions posted by me.

Style Tab - Idea from "Tsukino" (In-game nickname)

Tsukino Suggested this in-game and players had a brief discussion regarding the style tab if it was a good idea or not, opinions seemed divided regarding this one, I do think this suggestions should be expanded, so if anyone wishes to make a discussion post regarding this one would be cool. Thank you Tsukino for this suggestion by the way, after thinking a bit of what I said in-game, the suggestion doesn't seem that bad after all too, and Im sorry if I sounded rude in-game when the discussion was being done, wasn't the intention whatsoever.

Post Suggestions guys, be on individual posts or here, anything I find interesting and not game breaking will be updated to the first thread, I do advise tho, to make this easier for the Dev's/Admin's/GM's and Players the more description and detail you give regarding the suggestion in question the better.
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Posted at 03-18-17, 07:20 pm Link | #2
Still a casual gamer

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Not complaining about the thread, but you may wish to add actual quote boxes so you can click the quote, to jump to the original thread, or provide links in each spoiler as well. Just for ease of use. There's conversation to some of the threads, and this can be important so jumping to the topic will be a big help.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-18-17, 07:38 pm Link | #3
Eriul the Wanderer

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Not complaining about the thread, but you may wish to add actual quote boxes so you can click the quote, to jump to the original thread, or provide links in each spoiler as well. Just for ease of use. There's conversation to some of the threads, and this can be important so jumping to the topic will be a big help.
Could but some people don't like to jump to other topics, but Ill do it once I update it, people throwing more ideas in-game and on the forums, perhaps Ill update this like, tonight when Im at work.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.
Posted at 03-18-17, 07:46 pm Link | #4
Still a casual gamer

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Could but some people don't like to jump to other topics

Sorry, but i don't even see that as an argument... Inserting links doesn't force someone's browser to jump page, least no in a forum post. If they don't wanna jump to know what's been discussed, they simply don't click the link. Again, it's just there for convenience, not to force someone to change page when they don't want to, then have to go back to the previous page... I'm not suggesting to replace all contents of your post/spoilers with links only, just adding a way to jump if the user so chooses, and nothing more.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-19-17, 01:26 am Link | #5
Eriul the Wanderer

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Could but some people don't like to jump to other topics

Sorry, but i don't even see that as an argument... Inserting links doesn't force someone's browser to jump page, least no in a forum post. If they don't wanna jump to know what's been discussed, they simply don't click the link. Again, it's just there for convenience, not to force someone to change page when they don't want to, then have to go back to the previous page... I'm not suggesting to replace all contents of your post/spoilers with links only, just adding a way to jump if the user so chooses, and nothing more.

Wasn't trying to start an argument nor plan too, still is something that didn't cross my mind during the time I was doing the post, in a few hours when I got a bit more free time Ill do it.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
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Posted at 03-19-17, 03:15 am Link | #6

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Awyeah, got heckin more tabs than anyone else. Slackers

Don't you all want Mabi to become The Best (TM) ?
post rev. 1 by Eriul the Wanderer on 03-19-17, 04:58 am
Posted at 03-19-17, 04:44 am Link | #7
Eriul the Wanderer

Posts: 33
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Awyeah, got heckin more tabs than anyone else. Slackers

Don't you all want Mabi to become The Best (TM) ?

hah! Rascal, but keep pumping more suggestions mate, more the better I would say!
This shows how the community is interested in making Mabinogi Better, and Mabi Pro better!

Main post updated with Links directing to the threads where the suggestions where posted, so people can discuss the suggestion in question and provide their opinion(you can do it here too if you like!)
This suggestion to update the post was given by Faefellah, thank you for that, wasn't a thing that crossed my mind at the time.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.

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