About that "weather factor" in the popular astral patcher
Posted at 10-14-18, 03:41 am Link | #1

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I've always wondered, what exactly do the numbers mean? The chances of rain? Of type of weather?
Posted at 10-14-18, 04:35 am Link | #2
Flipend0 GM

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Weather Factor is the system that tells the game what type of weather is it.
if I recall, if it's 0 it's cloudy, 1 it's sunny, and 2 it's raining/thunderstorming. Something like that.
Posted at 10-20-18, 11:31 pm Link | #3

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To add to this, seeing the weather factor may help determine how much production bonus you'll receive.

See: https://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Weather

I'm not exactly sure how the weather factor works in comparison to the rain strength on the wiki page, but I'm assuming there's some correlation if someone wants to investigate that.

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