Posts: 49
Joined: 06-25-18
Last post: 2307 days
Last view: 2061 days
Looking at the race identity thread, it's come to my attention that paladins seem to have the fairly short end of the stick when it comes to transformation. Elves and giants get their skills, DK's get theirs and are able to stay in trans technically forever as long as they have the pots or means to heal themselves in disarm, what do paladins get? A negligible "buff" to def/prot (at rank 1, this is 15 def/6 prot). Compared to the others, that's basically nothing. 15 defense blocks a whopping 15 damage, 6 prot blocks 6% of most damage (IIRC).
What I would suggest is outright doubling the def and prot that paladins get at each rank. 30 def and 12 prot at rank 1 paladin is not OP, but not something that you wouldn't notice either.