Need explaintation of "Magic Damage"
Posted at 10-25-18, 11:12 am Link | #1

Posts: 5
Joined: 02-04-18
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Hello, i finally decided to do some magics. There is my question:
What exacly is Magic Damage? Imagine situation where i have only upgraded wand in my hands (Magic Damage +19). This bonus is added as output to done formula? In example +19 dmg per icebolt shoot? Or is it something procentage that affect magic skills more?
BTW, ia bolt magic worth? Which one is strongest in mid-late game?

Thanka for all your help!
Posted at 10-25-18, 07:04 pm Link | #2

Posts: 6
Joined: 04-17-17
Last post: 2219 days
Last view: 361 days
Because our server is based on G13, every 20 points of INT counts as 1% magic damage increase. Any % that comes from Wands/Staves will add the amount of percentages as labeled on the staff onto your Magic Damage stat i.e. Crown Ice Wand at max upgrade will give a full 28% damage increase when casting it's respective element.

When it comes to Bolts, Lightningbolt is the strongest bolt at one charge and Firebolt is the strongest at five charges. Icebolt is mainly used for getting charges on staves for Ice Spear and aside from that, it's kinda sub par comparing to the other two bolts.

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