Should life skills be added as a destiny if possible?
1 (3.333%)
Yes X2
23 (76.67%)
I'm a horrible person, so no
6 (20%)
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A question about destiny options...
Posted at 10-28-18, 10:38 pm Link | #1

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Ye or nay?
Posted at 10-29-18, 07:11 am Link | #2

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Should have been double rates a long time ago
Posted at 10-29-18, 07:19 pm Link | #3

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it already has double rate's, making it 4x only shortents the experience of you playing the game.
Posted at 11-01-18, 10:50 pm Link | #4

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I don't know if adding the life talent is actually possible for them to do.
Posted at 11-02-18, 02:10 am Link | #5

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it already has double rate's, making it 4x only shortents the experience of you playing the game.

I recognize the issue here, but at the same time I don't think from what I've heard that MabiPro has a problem with people spending so long on the game that they max out their life skills and run out of numbers to increase.

It's a concern to be sure, but if anything I feel like this could encourage more people to try out grindy life skills - and therefore expand their experience and keep them invested with the game for longer.

Mabi is a social mmo to a large extent, and getting more players into these systems seems like a good idea to me. Life skills tend to encourage players to interact with eachother. Although that all said, this is only my take on it.

So, I like the idea but I have no idea how achievable something like this would be.
post rev. 1 by Iforgotmyusername on 11-02-18, 08:17 pm
Posted at 11-02-18, 08:16 pm Link | #6

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it already has double rate's, making it 4x only shortents the experience of you playing the game.

I recognize the issue here, but at the same time I don't think from what I've heard that MabiPro has a problem with people spending so long on the game that they max out their life skills and run out of numbers to increase.

It's a concern to be sure, but if anything I feel like this could encourage more people to try out grindy life skills - and therefore expand their experience and keep them invested with the game for longer.

Mabi is a social mmo to a large extent, and getting more players into these systems seems like a good idea to me. Life skills tend to encourage players to interact with eachother. Although that all said, this is only my take on it.

So, I like the idea but I have no idea how achievable something like this would be.

Also, from what I've seen most people on Pro are long time players from live, and like me have done the hell that is ranking life skills, and would rather it be not as grindy. For the issue of even adding it though, if adding a completely different destiny option isn't possible, perhaps adding it to existing ones is possible. Like Melee would get refining and blacksmith, archery gets weaving, tailoring, handicraft etc, and magic gets... production mastery...?
Posted at 11-03-18, 11:04 am Link | #7

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If adding them to a destiny is possible, how about adding them to the adventurer destiny (the no destiny option).
Posted at 11-03-18, 01:59 pm Link | #8

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If adding them to a destiny is possible, how about adding them to the adventurer destiny (the no destiny option).

This actually makes more sense, an adventurer would need to know how to tailor to fix clothes and make their own things.
Posted at 11-04-18, 10:27 am Link | #9

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Posted at 11-05-18, 04:37 pm Link | #10

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I don't think you did that right...
Posted at 11-05-18, 05:03 pm Link | #11

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The main reason not to do this, to me, is that the game is specifically designed so that you have time to do life skills during your birth.

The exp curve starts to spike hard at about current level 110. It starts becoming kind of time inefficient to level up at this point, even for the strongest players. I have been reaching level 130-140 per birth for the past handful of rbs and that requires some amount of grinding.

What's nice about life skills as is is that when you are tired of grinding for exp, you can go work on life skills. Because these skills get the same training regardless of destiny, you can do them anytime. If higher training multipliers were tied to a destiny, you would feel compelled to wait until you were on whatever destiny it was (merchant/adventurer, w/e) that gave the life skill multiplier to train the associated skills. Personally, I don't think that's fun. Yes, you could still train life skills on 2x multipliers as they are now, but it would be horribly inefficient and a waste of time and money.

On top of this, like Fruttie said, giving a flat multiplier to all life skill training shortens the lifespan of the game. Probably not a super good thing. Most life skills can be accomplished to rank 1 with just a little bit of dedication. The only really resource intensive ones are the high ranks of tailoring and blacksmithing, which most people probably wouldn't bother to do. But besides those, just buckle up and spend some time on it. It's not that bad.
Posted at 11-05-18, 07:01 pm Link | #12

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Jesus. Just want to say that I'm glad we're talking about this but we should have already established a few points. I suppose I might as well input my contributions so we can compile as much as possible.

Life skills are NOT fun. It was never intended to be fun. For people who find it fun: great. Otherwise, the majority would agree that it's not out of fun that you're supposed to do them. It's necessary.

What incentive do we have to participate in life skills?

- It sucks to do later on when you have more levels and less chances to fail
- Everyone says to
- It's the only way to benefit from your class by sustainable resources
- Gives stats
- To make money

If any of these apply to you, then they should get doubled. To not make them double rates would be saying "Just do combat. You will still accomplish more or equal than if you ranked life skills."

Sorry Frutt but I disagree with you. I've held my opinions steady from the start. The opposite could equally happen. It could lengthen the experience. More people are doing life skills. More people are making weapons and armour. More people are looking for herbs. More personal shops. More life skill communities. More economic development. It will give people more incentive to play the game.

My point is, video games should be fun. What reason have we been reducing the fun element for? Think about it long and hard, people. Please.
Posted at 11-13-18, 05:16 pm Link | #13

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That and the thing is, many people simply WON'T do life skills because of the annoyance that it really is to rank. Windmill people have no issue with because it's only one skill. Now add about 6/7 more skills and people will just groan at having to do that. I know I did, and having to do it all over again just puts me off.

Giving a bigger incentive may cause people that wouldn't have given it a single thought to possibly go at it. Also, ranking blacksmithing and many life skills is very costly, so even if someone wanted to rank up but doesn't have the money to buy higher rank mats or the time to get them, they're screwed there as well.

As Blighty said, games are supposed to be fun, I dare you to find me ONE person that willingly would say "Oh man ranking all those life skills was a blast, I'd reset them to F and do it all over again any time!"
Posted at 11-13-18, 06:57 pm Link | #14

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Mabinogi is a game that rewards you for going above and beyond. You do not have to rank life skills to be relevant. You could do all the content in the game without touching a single life skill.

Doesn't it make sense to reward the players that take the time to grind out life skills as they are now? Not everything has to be easy. Some things are time consuming. Let the players that take the time to grind out life skills be rewarded and feel accomplished.
Posted at 11-14-18, 11:29 pm Link | #15

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Mabinogi is a game that rewards you for going above and beyond. You do not have to rank life skills to be relevant. You could do all the content in the game without touching a single life skill.

Doesn't it make sense to reward the players that take the time to grind out life skills as they are now? Not everything has to be easy. Some things are time consuming. Let the players that take the time to grind out life skills be rewarded and feel accomplished.

You're right. You don't have to rank life skills. I'm not one of the people who bothered to do them on MabiPro either besides some potion making so I might not be in the correct position to say this but I want to do life skills it's just... so bad. I wish I felt like I accomplished something when I did them on live but it just left me empty inside.

However, if you have to avoid doing life skills to do all the content in the game, something has to be wrong. It's part of the game. I literally started off as an unplayable class because I had no potions and nobody was always there to make it for me. It's kind of cool though. My point is that people shouldn't be avoiding it, they should be doing it and it should be rewarding. Still looking for the reward of having r1 Metallurgy and Refining just because I'm an archer. I'm still looking for a point to ranking Playing Instrument at all. It's just pressing the same key while standing on the spot. I had to make these other potions that I didn't need just to be able to get a slightly better chance at making mana potions. Dare I mention the sacrifices people make for Blacksmithing and Carpentry.

While I agree it's okay to rank life skills and it's okay for it to be hard, people are avoiding them. Something which can be solved if we think about it properly. Training windmill is hard enough even though it's x4 with a destiny and server multiplier. You could argue that the combat skills have become easier. Really the questions we should be asking is how much easier is it going to be for life skills? How much less are people going to be rewarded? How much less are people going to feel accomplished?

You still have to collect things... Make things that are used to make the thing you want...

Ugh I'll stop now. So tired.

I know my rant is seemingly long and repetitive and I'm definitely not the first SOOO I'll leave it here. I'm just barely scratching the surface though.
Posted at 11-17-18, 09:09 pm Link | #16

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Can i get half the mats i spent on tailoring and smithing back, when its added pls
Posted at 11-19-18, 09:44 pm Link | #17

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Mabinogi is a game that rewards you for going above and beyond. You do not have to rank life skills to be relevant. You could do all the content in the game without touching a single life skill.

Doesn't it make sense to reward the players that take the time to grind out life skills as they are now? Not everything has to be easy. Some things are time consuming. Let the players that take the time to grind out life skills be rewarded and feel accomplished.

You know, the whole "Feel rewarded and accomplished" thing was also said by a certain company (who shall not be named) about the infamous SWBF2... and it had the exact same issue our life skills do. The payoff of ranking life skills at their current requirements is many times, not worth it unless you're going for something specific, have literally nothing else to rank, or you want to be a half decent archer that doesn't take forever to kill anything compared to even alchemists. Sure, maybe instead of straight up halving the requirements to rank up isn't the right answer (though, that was more of a starter and not a final thing), but a rework at the very least is. Hell, I'm sure most anyone would be plenty satisfied if the "Fail X" wasn't part of the requirements (Why TF is that even a req? Why would failing something if you know how to do it correctly help you in ANY way?) as anyone that wants to play the game instead of grinding through life skills at the very start will usually have too much dex to fail at all.

Now, thank god for the fact that we have fail potions, otherwise anyone that's over current 200 would be totally screwed (though what is it, 60 or 70k for 5 minutes? Seems way overpriced for what you get, almost as punishment for not daring to rank life skills first and foremost). But the issue is that we shouldn't need fail potions just to progress in the game, that's literal punishment for not doing something the way the devs wanted you to... in a game that says you can do what you want when you want. Seeing the issue here?

No one is really asking to make life skills EASY to rank, just not make it as blatant time padding as it obviously is.
Posted at 11-26-18, 12:49 am Link | #18

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I'm totally down for life skills to be a destiny. Combat skills get the benefit of 4x training bonuses, life skills need it too, especially because it will cut down on the grind. as much as I hated doing refine this time around, I still did it, but I literally did that and nothing else, with the benefit of being under level 100
Posted at 12-05-18, 07:28 am Link | #19

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I'm totally down for life skills to be a destiny. Combat skills get the benefit of 4x training bonuses, life skills need it too, especially because it will cut down on the grind. as much as I hated doing refine this time around, I still did it, but I literally did that and nothing else, with the benefit of being under level 100

If they got rid of the fail requirments or made it so you weren't forced to do them in order to rank up, I'd be A-OK with everything else. Players shouldn't be punished for enjoying the game first off and THEN doing the boring stuff.

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